Aaaaaaand I'm out

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I look over Ciel's shoulder, seeing what he was reading.

The headline said, 'Asian man terrorizes Undertaker in Shop,' and shows a picture of Lau hanging above the Undertaker ninjastyle, and Ranmao distracting him in a sexual way.

I sweat-drop at the scene.

"Young master," I asked, "are you behind any of this?"

"Maybe," was all he replied, not bothering to look me in the eye.

I sigh, pouring him some tea. He explained the plan to me last night, and I was kind of scared...


"Come in," Ciel said in a muffled voice behind the door.

I open the door and walk in, seeing Madame Red and Grell sitting next to high and mighty Ciel.

"What brings me here tonight?" I asked, closing the door behind me and walking up to the trio.

"To solve, the Jack the Ripper case," Ciel said, staring me dead in the eye. "We need you to make this plan work."

I gulp a little.

"Have a seat, dear," Madame Red gestured me to the seat. I sit down next to her, and she puts her arm around me in a loving way.

Ciel cleared his throat, and continued speaking.

"Anyways, the Viscount of Druitt, also known as Aleistor Chamber, is holding a party," he said, staring into my (e/c) orbs. "Sebastian narrowed the list down to him, since he has graduated in the medical field, however has never worked in a hospital or has his career linked with anything health related."

I nod, knowing all of this information. Ciel sighed, and broke his gaze from mine.

"We need you to go to the ball and see if he is Jack the Ripper. We have everything planned out," he continued.

"Wait..." i started, a little confused. "Me?!"

He nods, like it was obvious. I blink a few times.

"Anyways, dear," Madame Red started. I turn to her.

"You will be playing as my niece, and Ciel will be my nephew," she said.

"Ciel is your nephew," I pointed out. Ciel sweat-dropped, and Madame Red laughed. Grell was Grell.

"Oh! Silly me. Anyways, you both will be going to the party, and you will try to catch the Viscount's attention."

"Why me?" I ask. "Can you ask someone else?"

"No one else would be perfect for the job," Ciel replied, cheeks dusted pink. "N-no one in the manor, anyways."

I nod, and smile at the three (I bet you forgot Grell was smack dab next to Madame Red).

"I'll try my best! I wouldn't be a very good maid if I can't do this!" I said with a smile. Ciel nodded, and Grell looked at me with fascination.

"Good. Your training starts tomorrow, and the test will be at the party," Ciel said, taking a sip of milk (he owed me BIG TIME, and he has to drink milk for the rest of the week. I'm so evil!)

-Flashback end-

I pour Ciel some milk into his tea cup, and he takes a sip of it.

"Sebastian," Ciel commanded.

Sebastian stepped out of the shadows with his signature 'hand-on-heart' look.

"Yes, my lord?" He asks with a closed-eyed smile.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now