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"WAKE UP, (Y/N)!!" Elisa yelled in my face. "YOU ARE SWEATING ON THE SHEETS!!"

"WKEJHT LWSTEWGILUSERG HEA" I yelled, waking up, feeling cold sweat dripping off my forehead. Sighing, I sat up, facing Elisa who was sitting on my bed with an irritated expression. "Ugh, sorry."

"It is fine," she replied, gracefully getting off the bed. "I know you must have nightmares about... him."

I nodded, and got out of bed. I then grabbed a random (f/c) dress out of the small closet, and headed into the bathroom to wash up.

"Breakfast will be ready when you come back down," Elisa said as I closed the door, blocking out demonanity. Stripping, I set my other clothes (which I plan on burning) off to the side in a folded manner, being a maid and all, and stepped into the warm bath. Yep, I drew it before.

I sighed, relaxing and sunk more into the bath.


I stepped out of the bathroom, and headed downstairs, where I smelled boiling eggs.

"Smells yummy," I said, taking a seat, smiling. She nodded without looking at me. She then turned around, two plates full of freshly boiled eggs on each plate. My stomach made a loud moan.

"Tell me," Elisa said, curiosity in her voice, "did you have another job? Before you came down here, at least."

"Oh, yeah! I was a maid at the Phantomhive manor," I replied, shoving a forkful of egg into my mouth, where it melted in my mouth. "Damn, this is good! You must be like a mom!"

Elisa avoided my gaze, eyeing the clean and sexy floor (Author: Mmmm daddy~). I looked at her, confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked.


"Hey, I'm here if you need to talk to me, okay?"

She smiled, and I took our dishes to the sink. "I guess I can tell you."

"When I was younger, I met a man. He was a demon, of course, and we both fell in love. He always came and tried to woe me, which he succeeded in about a month."

"Later, we had a child. We named him Damien. He had blue eyes like me and black hair, and he was the light of our life. That was until the king needed a sacrifice for classified information. We've only had Damien for about 12 years, and I knew how to care for a child. He was chosen as a sacrifice, and I never saw him again."

"Wow, that's sad," I replied, going over and giving her a sad hug. "Have you gotten over it?"

She nodded, and stood up. "I need some time alone." She then gracefully walked out of the room.

Sighing, hoping that I didn't offend my new friend, I then decided to explore the rest of the house. It wasn't a mansion, however it wasn't a small little cabin in the woods (Kalice built a freakin' ginormous MANSION! I wish I burned it down...). I walked the corridors, doors passing. I opened a random door, because I like random doors, and walked inside.

It seemed to be a library of some sort. I walked up to a bookshelf and picked the oldest, most worn book on the shelf. I blew the dust off of it and opened it. It was... a picture book. There was a , Elisa, and that must've been Damien. Tears pricked my eyes, but went away instantly as I hastily put the book back. I grabbed a copy of Tales of the Watcher and started to read it. I heard the door open, and saw Elisa come in. I smiled innocently.

"You better now?" I asked her. She nodded, smiling.

"Yes, I am, thank you," she replied, sitting down in a chair. I closed the book and walked over to her. Sitting down on the floor, I handed her the book.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now