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We allow all walk inside, traveling downstairs to put on our grass headbands. We then creep outside, Tanaka Bard, Finny, me, and Josh. We then hide behind a plant, waiting for the events to unfold.

-Time skip to dinner!!-

We watch the dinner, and it all goes well until Mey-rin comes out with the bottle of wine.

"And here is our maid, Mey-rin," Sebastian said. Italian man was too busy stuffing his face with raw beef, and as not paying any attention to Mey-rin.

Sebastian whispers something in her ear, She blushes a little, and staggers over to the table.

Mey-rin's POV

I can't mess up! I know that Josh is watching!! I think of his face. Oh no... my eyesight!! Everything... is so... dizzy. Why is the glass moving?

Back to your POV!!

The servants gasp, and Josh's eyes are sparkling. So were mine. How do I know this? I see yellow, blinding specks dotting my eyes. How does Josh endure this?!

Ciel's eyes widen, and so do Sebastian's. He grabbed the tablecloth, and pulled it right off in one motion.

Ciel looked unfazed, and Finny, Bard, and Tanaka's eyes were wide. Josh and I high-fived, and ran over to carry the woozy Mey-rin out of the picture.

I hear while we're leaving, "just a speck of dirt, so I had it removed."

Sure, Ciel, sure.

When we helped Mey-rin, Josh and I walked into Sebastian.

"That was awesome, Sebastian!" I said.

He raised an eyebrow.

"That was great, I mean," I said with a small smile. He smiled back. I wasn't very sure if it was fake or not.

"Why thank you. That is flattering," he said. "By the way, I would like you to take the tea to the young master and his guest."

"Hai!" I said, heading to the kitchen, opposite direction of where Sebastian was heading.

Josh went somewhere else, and I traveled down to the kitchen.

When I get there, sure enough there was a tea tray set up.

I walked to the door, only seeing that bastard dude from the dinner come out.

"Excuse me," he said, pushing me out of the way. I glare at him as he leaves. I swear I'm going to kill him.

"Here is the tea. It was shipped in from Italy, and it was really hard to get it here," I say, making and pouring the tea into the teacup, filling it to the brim.

Ciel takes a sip of it. He then stares at it with his usual kill me now expression.

"I do not like it. Take it away," he said. I bow.

"Hai1, sorry," I say, walking out with the cart.

"Hai..?" I hear him mutter. I sigh. Learn Japanese, bruh!

In the kitchen, I grab a knife and shove it up my sleeve, because who doesn't keep a nice, sharp knife on them? I then sneak out of the room to spy on Mr. sell-le-company-behind-Phanotmhive's-back-and-totoally-get-away-with-it in another room.

I wander around, finally getting to spy on him. I glare at him, knowing what he's up to.

I feel a presence behind me. I look to see Sebastian, near the entrance.

"Go to the master. I can handle him," I said, shooing him away. He nods, and leaves. That was easier than I expected.

I walked into the room, playing the I just walked in here, what are you doing? or the innocent act. They're both the same thing.

"What are you doing, sir?" I asked. He turned around, eyes filled with fear. I give him a small, innocent smile.

"Go away, girlie. You shouldn't be here," he said, trying to shoo me away.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, tilting my head. Lolita isn't my sort of thing, but I can play innocent. "You don't need a phone! Why don't you join us for dessert!"

He glared, about to open his mouth to say something, but I backed off before he could start.

"You incompetent lagmorth," I mutter, walking away.

When he walked out, I jump out. Looks like I was there the entire time.

"Would you like me to walk you back to the room?" I asked, giving a cute little smile. He looked disgusted.

"No, I can find the room myself, thank you," he said, brushing past me. "Damn maid."

I shrug, seeing him go the wrong way. I sigh, wondering how stupid people can get.

"Again, incompetent lagmorth," I sigh, walking to the sitting room.

When I get to the room, I hear the saddest scene. Good timing, me. Good timing.

"Did he think to retain my trust...I'm afraid once something is truly lost, one can never get it back again," Ciel said, looking down. I walk up to him, and place my hand on his shoulder. He looks up at me, and I smile down at him.

"Y'know, you have us. We might not be your real family, but we all do care about you, so remember that, okay. We all love you, like a family. We are here to make bonds and connect with each other, so if you keep building your wall around yourself, you won't be able to experience any bonds with people," I say. I then walk up to him, and embrace him, like a mother to a child. "You can start now, with me."

He didn't pull back, but to my surprise, he hugged back.

"Thank you," he whispered. "You've reminded me why I am here."

The door opened to reveal Sebastian.

"Time for bed, young master," he said. Ciel didn't move.

I hear steady, slow breathing. I smile, and pick him up. He is surprisingly light, so I carry him to his room, Sebastian following.

It was like mother, father, son. Couldn't Ciel see? He has everything right here, yet he's so blind to see what's really important.

I look over to Sebastian, and smile at him. He gives a small smile back. When we get to Ciel's room, I lay him down, and leave the room. Another successful day at the Phantomhive manor.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now