Kalice, Ciel, and the butler in the corner

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*Kalice Up above*

"...Josh?" You ask in a soft voice, eyes still closed while laying on the soft grass.

Let's recap. You were sucked into you TV, landing God knows where, and the drop was pretty harsh to you. However, no bone were broken. Lucky you.
"Who the hell is Josh?" A voice asked. You open you e/c orbs, to meet yourself with a pair of green. You bolt straight up, but you still sit.
"And who the hell are you?" You asked. The boy rolls his eyes.
"I asked you first, so you answer me first," he says in a demanding voice. Your cue to roll your eyes.
"I asked you second. First is the worst, second is the best," you say with a sly smile. He looked confused.
"What?" He asked. You sighed.
"What year is it?" You asked. "And who are you?" He sighs in defeat.
"I'm Kalice, and welcome to the 19th century. Now who is this 'Josh' you speak of?" Kalice replies.
"Josh is my best friend. I'm wondering if he has the book," You say, looking around, to see a pond and lush green grass, with a few trees scattered about. You must've landed in a park, lucky you.
"Oh. Okay then. What are you wear?" He asks, scanning your body (No no no, reader. Get your head OUT of the gutter!!). You give him a skeptical look.
"Clothes," you respond coolly, with a 'U-mad-bro?' look. Then you hear a voice yell your name in the distance.
"Y/N!! Y/N!!" Josh yells, running up to you. Your face split into a grin that would've put the Cheshire cat's to shame.
You jump up run to him and glop him into a bear hug, making him topple over. You didn't see Kalice's glare sent at Josh.
"I missed you for about five minutes! Do you have the book?" You ask. He nods, and pulls the book out. You snatch it from him and opened the book.
When you looked inside it, the pages were blank. You flip through the pages at an alarming rate, shocked and scared about what happened.
"Josh," you say in a calm/alarming voice, "THE PAGES ARE MISSING!!" You then scream in his ear. He clutches it, and Kalice comes running over.
"Ow, Y/N! No need to scream in my ear!" He said, snatching the book back. You look down.
"Sorry..." you say with a look that would make anyone's legs turn to putty and pity you.
"I-it's alright. No need to cry!!" Josh said alarmingly, putting his arm around you while you fake cry.
"Eh, it's alright," you respond, watching him flip through the book the same pace as you. You turn to face Kalice, who was studying you. "Uh, you okay bro?" You ask.
"Bro?" He asks stupidly. You mentally face-palm. This is the fudging 19th century!!! What did you learn in History?
"Um, are you okay?" You ask again, and he nods, and goes back to staring. You guessed he was staring at your 'strange'
"We should get going, maybe find a place to eat," Josh says. You nod, taking his hand and standing up.
"Hope to see you soon, Kalice!" You yell as you walked away, who was still standing where you and Josh were a minute ago.
"Oh, I'll definitely see you soon, Y/N," He said to himself, eyes flashing pink. He turned around and walked in the opposite direction.
~Time Skip!~
You and Josh were standing outside the Funtom Sweets company, not paying attention to even know that it was the Funtom Sweets company. You both were arguing about what to do.
"I'd say that we should get some new clothes. We just don't fit in!!" You argue to Josh, who rolls his eyes.
"Nice try, Y/N. I say we should grab something to eat. I'm starving!" He argues back, jabbing you in the stomach. You roll your eyes.
"Well, we shouldn't blow our cover! We should blend in with the crowd. This isn't some fanfic, okay?" You yell, now jabbing him the stomach. Josh glared.
"We should maybe find a place to stay or something," he replies, avoiding eye contact.
"Yeah, but with these clothes, no one will take us in!" You reply, now avoiding eye contact with him.
You and Josh didn't know that a certain Earl and Butler was listening to your entire conversation. The little lord looked at you, then switched his gaze to Josh, while his butler's eyes lingered on Josh for only a second, then leading his attention back to your figure.
"Sebastian, what should we do?" The Earl asked his butler, Sebastian. "Should we help them?"
"I'm surprised," Sebastian stated, "that you actually want to take them both in. I'm not sure about the boy, but the so-called girl Y/N seems fine."
The Earl rolled his eye. "You perverted butler," he says, while staring at you from the shadows of the alleyway. He wanted to see what you two were up to, because of your clothing. He thought it look suspicious, and so did his butler.
They both came out of the alleyway, the Earl first, then his Butler, and walked up to you two. You both were too busy arguing with each other. The Earl cleared his throat. You both turned to face him.
"Um... I couldn't help but overhear your, er, conversation, but I would like to help you two," the Earl said. Or should I say, one.
"That would be great, Little Lord Phantomhive!" You say with great enthusiasm. "Right, Josh?"
You looked down to see Josh in a pool of blood. You sigh, and kneel down to his unconscious body. You reach into your pocket and pull out a conveniently placed tissue. You bring it up to his nose, which immediately covered itself up in his blood. The Earl was looking at you two with confused eyes, while Sebastian was just staring at you. You made eye contact with Sebastian who immediately turned his head to face the window of the Funtom Sweet's shop.

You looked away to face Josh again, and removed the tissue. You looked at it with faint disgust, then held you index finger to signal that you'd be right back. You then crossed the street, managing to get out alive, and then threw out the tissue in a convenient trash can. You crossed the street again to get back to the Earl.

"Sorry, my friend sometimes gets very very excited when it comes to meeting important people," you say with a 'sorry-my-friend-is-a-bloody-moron' look. The Earl nodded. "You're Ciel Phantomhive."
Ciel looked surprised. "How do you know my name?" He demanded. You giggle. He can be really stupid.
"I know you because who wouldn't recognize you?" You ask, laughing nervously.
"You'd be surprise," he said with a frown. You roll your eyes, and take 7 steps forward.
"You gotta lighten up. One day, the world will fall, and we'll all die. Live every moment like it's your last," you say, poking him. He takes a step back.
"Why?" He asked, glaring. You replied a glare, but yours is much colder and harsher.
"Or you'll regret it," was all you said before you turned back into your normal cheery self. "Got it?"
Ciel gulped. You could be pretty scary sometimes, or to Josh, all the time.
"Well... Alright, I guess. But I'm still offering you hospitality at the Phantomhive Manor. Would you like to come?" Ciel asked. You eyed Sebastian playing with a kitten. Ciel was tapping his foot, waiting for your answer. Josh was still unconscious.
"Yes, and I'm pretty sure that Josh says yes, too," you reply with a small smile. You see Sebastian look at you and give you a smile while petting the kitten. The kitten noticed you, too, and wriggled out of Sebastian's arms and padded toward you.
You bend over and pick up the kitten and started to pet it. It's black fur was so soft, and you fell in love with it instantly. Then you heard a sneeze. You look over to see Ciel hunched over, ready for another sneeze. You smirk, and inch closer to him.
"Bless you," you say just as another sneeze came out of his mouth.
"PUT THE BLOODY THING DOWN!" He yelled, as you giggle and let the kitten free, where it padded over to a waking-up Josh.
"Uh, what happened, Y/N?" He asked in a sleepy, innocent voice. You giggle and rush over to him, the kitten now circling your legs.
"I said yes to Ciel's offer for hospitality!" You yell. Josh looked shocked, then his face split into a smile.
"All right!" He yelled as he hugged you. You hear a cough behind both of you, and Ciel looked mildly pissed, along with Sebastian.
"Let's get going now, shall we?" Sebastian asked the two of you. You both nodded, and headed off all together, Sebastian sticking very close to your side.
"I shall see you soon, my dear Y/N," Kalice said, watching your leaving form. "If it's the last thing I do."

Looks like you have a Yandere on your hands! Good luck, Y/N!!

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now