I'm gonna kill you to DEATH!

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"We have got James's dog!" A villager yelled, who was being followed by other some other dipshit villagers right behind him.

"What was that?" Ciel asked, standing up from his chair while everyone else was alert.

"Well, we could check it out. Maybe they're having a fashion contest," I replied sarcastically. He sent me a disapproving stare as I shot him a goofy grin.

We all ran to where the event was happening (or where everyone was but whatever!), and watched from a distance.

There were about four dogs surrounding the single dog in the middle, which was already battered and bruised.

A man went over to the dog, trying to rip out his pants.

I mean, the scrap of Mr. Barrymore's pants out of his mouth. He the took out a stick and started beating the dog.

As soon as the men let the rabid dogs out into the middle, they immediately went to the poor dog that was chained, who was whining in pain like, why u do dis to meh ;-;.

I looked at Finny with a bored look as he watched the dogs eat up poor James's dog (Mr. No-name, since I'm great with names!).

His eyes were sparkling with tears of joy as he watched the poor dog beaten to death.

"STOP THIS!!! JUST LET THE POOR THING GO!!!" He yelled, loud and clear. Only a few heads turned, however when he ripped up a stake from the ground, all the heads turned when he barreled towards the villagers.

"FINNY! STOP! WE'RE ALL GONNA GET SCREWED IF YOU KEEP THIS UP!" I yelled at him, grabbing my necklace and summoning my noob book and magical stick thing.

Him paying no heed and me trying to find a spell to stop him, he swung the gigantic stick at the dogs, who whined and yelped in surprise. I close the book and put the back onto my necklace.

"Now what? Finny f*cked up," I grumbled as Ciel shot me another one of his glares.

"Language, (Y/n)."

"Attitude, Phantomhive."

We all ran over to Finny, who was cradling the dead dog. As we were checking on him, the mob of angry villagers crowded around his with hate in their eyes. I looked over to see them, eyes wide.

"Hey, guys..." I said, pointing to the murderous townspeople (it's hard to come up with so many synonyms for villager... and nobady care okay then.) that had their weapons at the ready. "I think we're the new targets now."

"This really sucks," I said with a bored expression as I was tied along with the other servants. Josh looked up at the sky, waiting for a demon in black to swoop down and rescue us.

"Before we die," he said with a calm grin, "you still owe me for those waffles you stole from me."

"Hey!! It's been a month! How important were those waffles, anyways?" I asked, a bit pissed as a villager gagged me and the rest of the servants. I looked at the crowd, and saw Angela begging with her master to let us out. Damn Angel...

"Get him!" Barrymore barked as the dogs ran to Ciel, who's expression was like, my homosexual butler will save me no biggie...

I was right, because Sebastian swooped down like Batman and knocked the dog out. He then took another perfect swipe that knocked the rest of the dogs off their feet.

"You cut that one close," Ciel said as Sebastian glared at the poor mutts. He stood up and fixed his glove.

"It will not happen again."

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now