You lookin' fiiiiiiiiiine!!

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As soon as Kira jumped out the window (also known as me throwing her OUT the window). Ciel sat down, and said, "(Y/n), you are dismissed. Go to the other servants and help them them with whatever they are doing."

"Angela, go with her," lord Bitchymore said. Angela gave a curt nod, and said, "please, follow me. I know where the others are."

I nodded, and followed her to the place where the rest were residing.

When Angela opened the door, everyone's face lit up (especially Finny's).

"Oh, hey (Y/n)!"

"We were wondering where you were, oh yes we were!"

"Hi, Angela!"

"Sup, (Y/n)! We were waiting for you!"

"Ho... ho... ho..."

I smiled as Angela set some teacups out filled to the brim with tea.

"Where were you, (Y/n)?" Josh asked. "We were all worried!"

"I was with the young master and Sebby," I replied, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. "Sorry for making you worry..."

"Oh, no it was fine!" Finny said happily. "I was actually worried for both of you!"

"Excuse me, but I have to go back," Angela said politely, bowing. She walked away from our curious eyes.

"What's up with the angel?" Josh whispered in my ear, and I shrugged. Loyal? Loyal to being a pain in the ass.

"Ugh, it is so boring out!" Bard complained, slouching. I nodded.

"Hai, it really is."

"Do not look so down," I heard Sebastian's voice said. We all looked up (including Tanaka), seeing Sebastian with picnic items in his hand. All of our eyes sparkled with joy.

"You've got this, girl!" I cheered as Mey-rin looked down in embarrassment. I smiled at her, and pushed her out, making her trip down and landed with a small"oof!"

I heard catcalls from outside the changing room, and some splashes.

"Come on out, (Y/n)!" Josh yelled to me from outside. It was my turn to blush. My suit was just like Mey-rin's suit, however it was with (f/c) instead for the outline of the swimsuit.

"I-I'm not sure I wanna come on out!" I moaned, face burning. I mustered up my courage, and stepped out into the real world.

Everyone looked at me with wide eyes, mouths agape. I cover myself with my arms, and stepped into the water. Mey-rin came over and litterally DRAGGED me into the water with a goofy grin on her face.

"Wow..." was all Josh could say at me, scanning my body up and down. "You lookin' fine, girl!"

"PERVERT >~<!!!" I yelled as he gave me a thumbs up with a perverted smile, a sparkle appearing on the side of him.

"Doesn't (y/n) look nice?" Sebastian asked, looking at Ciel, who was staring at me from a distance like the little pervert he is. "Care to join them?"

"No, (y/n) is good eye candy," Ciel, the little bastard said and scoffed.

Sebastian glared secretly at his master, and focused his attention back on sexy ol' me.

"Angela! Come and join us!" Finny yelled at her, and she shook her head.

"No thank you!" She said with a smile, raising her hand like the polite non-binary angel she is.

I nodded, as Finny whipped his hair back and forth like a boss.

"Thank you for the meal!" I said, smiling. I patted the empty seat next to me. "Please, help yourself!"

"Oh, thank you," she said with a weary smile. She sat down, and we all started to eat.

"This is really good!" I said, my eyes sparkling with love for the mini sandwich.

"I am very glad you like it," Angela replied with a weary smile. She looked like a woman that has seen a thousand years, in which she probably did since she was a freakin' ANGEL OH MOTHER OF F*CKING-

(A/N: Okay I don't know if that scene is in the anime I looked but it wasn't there! Was it all a dream that I've created one day? I swear I saw it once but I have no idea... please tell me I'm hopelessly lost in this fan fiction)

I crept up to Mey-rin, who was peaking inside... that... room.

"Watcha doin'?" I whispered in her ear. "Looking for some porn?"

She stumbled back, emitting a loud crash, her nose bleeding.

"What is all the ruckus?" Lord Barrymore boomed, coming out. His eyes widened, and he glared. "You did not hear anything, have you?"

"Oh, no sir. We were just passing by," I nervously replied, not wanting to die by the demon hound (the real one).

Angela left, and I gave her a look, and followed her to where she was leading.

Through the corridors I went, walking behind Angela.

She opened the door, and nervously said, "I have a request to make. Please, leave the village at once!"

I sweat-drop as Ciel called out, "(Y/n), why are you here?"

"Um, I wanted to see the ways of the Barrymore household, so I tagged along."

Ciel scoffed, until a howl from below was heard. I ran over and opened the curtains, to see the green dust the dog that played the demon hound left behind. I could hear the screams of frightened villagers down below about the demon hound.

"What have you done now?" I muttered as Sebastian and Ciel came over to see what was going down below.

We all headed downstairs as quickly as we could, while Angela watched us all from a distance. Getting outside, Ciel took a sample of the green dust. Rubbing it, he stared at it like it was trash. He then smirked.

As Angela was talking about the demon hound to the rest of the servants, Josh and I exchanged glances, smirking at each other and knowing who was really behind this.

"Angela!" Lord Barrymore yelled. "Was it the demon hound?"

She nodded serenely, as villagers started walking to us with torches lighting the foggy night.

"Who was the punished one?" He asked, as the villagers parted to show who was ding dong dead.

"I see, so it was James," he replied as I poked the dead body.

"Do not touch!" He barked. "Who is it?"

"It is James, sir," an old man said. "He broke the dog law, and had 6 dogs."

I walked next to Josh, who wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Isn't this tragic?" Josh asked.

"Are you reading off a script?" I replied, and he stiffened.


As Barrymore went on about a speech on how he was god, I started to zone out, thinking about what's to come next.

"Hey," I whispered in Josh's ear, "I'm gonna blend in with the crowd when Finny freaks out about the dog thing."

He nodded, and winked. "Heh, good luck out there pal."

I giggled a little, looking around to make sure no one heard me.

"Rest in peace me, I guess."

Sorry for the typos I'm a busy gal, really. Also, this was a bit rushed so oops.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now