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"I hope we never go back home," Josh said, dreamily. I roll my eyes.
"Sure... but careful what you say!" I reply tauntingly. He looks out the window of the kitchen as Sebastian walked in.
"Well, ready to learn how to make tea?" He asked with a closed-eyed smile. We both nod.
"I wasn't talking to you," Sebastian said out of his teeth to Josh, who sweat-dropped. "Now, go help Finny in the gardens, and make sure he doesn't kill all the weeds."
He faced me with a fake smile. I stood at attention as he traveled to the stove where a teapot was sitting conveniently. "Now, ready to learn how to make tea?" He asked, gesturing me over. I nod, and skip happily over. "Now..."
~Time Skip because Hazel doesn't know how to make tea~
"Alright, what now?" I ask, watching the tea's rings form small, then become bigger. Sebastian places the sugar bowl out with a sugar spoon (NOOOOOO... IT WAS A HUGE SPOON -_-).
"Why, you serve it to the master, of course," Sebastian stated, like it was obvious. I internally sigh. Who else would I be giving it to?
"Okey!" I say with a kawaii smile. Little did I know that Sebastian's face was a little bit red from my smile. He stared at me the entire way out of the kitchen door.
"Man, I wonder why I feel like someone was watching me when I was walking out..." I muse to myself as I walk to Ciel-Bell's office.
When I got there, I knocked 4 times. "Come in," a muffled voice replied. I opened the door to see Ciel making a card castle. I troll-face, and walk over to him. He's too busy concentrating on his very tall and elaborate card castle.
"We have Earl Grey (or is it gray?) today, Mi'little lord," I say, with a Sebastian approved closed-eyed smile. He ignored me. I sigh, and glare.
"We have Earl Grey tea today, MY LORD," I repeated. He paid no attention. By now I was ready to snap. I sighed heavily, and begun to pour the tea. He still didn't look at me.
I looked up in deep thought. A light-bulb appeared over my head. I pull the spell-book out of nowhere, and flipped to a random page. Then I remembered. All the pages were blank. I sighed, and put the book back into nowhere. I then took a deep breath, and yelled, "MY LORD, YOU'RE MOTHERFU-KING TEA IS READY!"
He flinched a little, but kept concentrating on his card castle. I handed the tea over to him and put 2 sugar cubes into the tea, and let them simmer into the tea cup. Them disappearing was like my patience on Ciel. My eyes traveled to his card castle, then realized, that's the reason why he's not looking at me!
A grin spread across my lips as I kept the card castle in my sight, making sure my eyes don't wander somewhere else.
Fail, fail, fail little Ciel, I thought with an evil laugh in my head. As soon as he put the next 2 cards on, the castle trembled, then fell. He sighed, and slumped back into his seat.
I mentally fist-pumped as I smile to myself. Sebastian then walks in.
"Go check on Mey-rin and make sure she doesn't fall," He said. I nod, and exit the room to go find Mey-rin.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" Josh yelled, running down the hall. I turn, just as he tripped on a lose shoelace, falling straight on top of me.
"Well this is akward," I say, looking into his eyes. He looks away and gets right off of me.
"S-sorry, (Y/N)-chan!" He squeaked. I laugh, amused.
"It's alright. Now what were you going to tell me before you fell on me?" I asked, not knowing that my cheeks are a tad pink.
"I was g-going to say that we are having a guest coming from Italy!" He said excitedly. "Maybe its that dude from the first episode!"
"What 'first episode' are you talking about?" A honey voice asked behind me. We both froze, know that a scary demon butler was right behind me.
"U-uh, nothing you need to worry about!" Josh and I say in unison as I rush over to his side, both sweat-dropping.
"Alright then, Mey-rin is polishing the stairs, correctly, I hope. And yes, there is a guest tonight," Sebastian said with a sigh. I nod, and turn to Josh.
"I'll see you later, kay?" I asked. He nodded. I smile, and walk down the hall as Sebastian going the opposite way, sending a little glare to Josh. But how was I suppose to know that?
-Time Skip-
"Hi, Mey-rin!" I say cheerfully.
"Oh, hello Ms. (Y/N)! I hear that a guest is coming, yes I did!" She replies, putting my cheerfulness to shame. Man, Yana Toboso, you made pretty cheery characters.
"Ah, yeah. I heard from Josh," I reply, still on top of the stair.
"Oh, Josh, you're lucky to have him as a friend~" she said, dreamily gazing off, a slight blush on her cheeks.
"Yeah, I guess I am."
"He's kind of cute, to be honest. Don't tell anyone!"

"I won't, I promise."
As soon as I take a step to descent down the stairs, I slip and fall on my back with a small crack!
"Oww..." I whine, face etched with pain as I get back up. I hold a tight grip on the railing, making my way down the stairs more carefully. As soon as I got down, I pick up to see what Mey-rin was using. I carefully examined it.
"Uh, Mey-rin?" I ask, sweat-dropping.
"Hmm?" She asked, looking up from her mopping.
"What is Lucy's Slippery Soulution?" I asked, staring at her. Her eyes widen (I amused she did, seeing that her eyes went up.), realizing her mistake.
"OH NO! I DIDN'T SEE WHAT I GRABBED!! Oh, I'm such a terrible maid... Sebastian's going to yell at me now!!" She cried, her mop falling to the floor.
I rush over to her, and pat her back.
"Uh, it's okay, Mey-rin, no need to cry or anything..." I mutter, really unsure of what to say as she bawled her eyes out.
"Wha-" I hear, then a huge crack of bone hitting wood.
"Uh, I forgot to mention that the stairs are slippery. Oops," I say with a worried smile as I rub the back of my neck.
Sebastian got up, looking pissed.
"You two," he said, rubbing his back like he was in pain. "Go get changed. I'll take care of this."
We both nod.
"Yes, sir," Mey-rin says, and rushes off.
"Aye, sir," I say as I follow her, not wanting to be alone with the perv of the house.
"Aye, sir?" Sebastian asks as I rush off. "How strange."

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now