My speech has been limited to "Gaahh" and "Mmm". .

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"There's a rat infestation," Josh said, coming up to me.

"I figured," I replied, eye twitching. A rat crawled out of my book, and climbed on top of my shoulder.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell, jumping about 3 feet in the air, scaring the rat off me. It squeaked in fear, and left.

I sigh, falling to my knees. "This is too much."

"Yeah. The rat infestation has gone way out of hand," Bard replies, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I think we all hope for it to simmer down."

All of us servants nod.

"Squeak!" A rat scurried past my feet. Finny picked up a column. I knew where this was going.

"I GOT IT!!" He yelled, me getting out of the way before I became column kill.

"Were you TRYIN' TO KILL US?!" Bard and Josh yelled at the same time.

"Uhh..." Mey-rin and I said in unison.

"Ho, ho, ho..."

I burst into the room that Ciel, Lau, Ran-mao, and the two Reds were in.

"Sebby-chan! We need more rat traps!!" I yell, running up to him. He looked mildly pissed at me. I gave him a cute smile, making the flowers bloom.

"Do you know where you store them?" I asked, keeping my cute smile on. I feel a lot like Honey (Ouran High School Host Club. Watch it.), using cuteness.

I see Grell in the corner, watching me with fascination. I wink at her, and she turns a little red.

I feel someone pull me into a Lizzy hug.

"That was so cute! Why don't you come work for me? It's much nicer!" Madame red said, hugging me a little too tight.

"Can you let go please?" I asked. However, it came out more like this, "Gahhhhh~"

"Please let go of my maid. She doesn't seem to be enjoying your 'friendly' embrace," Ciel said, looking at me and Madame Red.

She let go of me, eyes sparkling. I smile at her, and turn my attention back to Sebastian.

"Soooooo~~ about the rat traps..." I said, thinking about Finny in his cat suit, Mey-rin freaking out and clinging to my best friend, Bard yelling, and Tanaka... being Tanaka.

"Can you stay here?" He asked out of the blue.

"Why?" I ask, looking at him. Um... I was looking at him, but he was gone.

I sigh, and looked at Lau putting his hand on Ciel's head.

"CAREFUL! DON'T YOU LAY YOUR DIRTY PAWS ON MY DARLING NEPHEW!!" Red yelled. I sweat-drop when she dropped Ciel like a rag-doll.

"Miss, are you okay?" I hear. I look to my left to see Grell with a worried expression.

I give him (her?) a tired look. Too much drama. But this is anime life for you...

"No, I'm okay. Just... a little tired," I replied, now seeing Ciel leave.

Wait... Ciel leaving?!

"Eh... excuse me," I said, pushing Grell out of the way. I then stop for a second, and turn to her. "Red suits you, by the way."

I smile, and then take off. I had a knife up my sleeve, ready to kick butt.

"Young master!" I yell, bursting into the room. I see a man with an unconscious Earl in his hand.

My inner-demon awoke. I calmly approached the man with a murderous look in my eyes.

"LET GO OF HIM, YOU INCOMPETENT LAGMORTH!" I yell, running up to him, whipping out my knife from my sleeve. He tried to run out the window, but I grabbed his shoulder and brought him back in.

I then stab him in the chest, making a huge mess. I look down with disgust.

"Looks like I have a small mess to clean up," I said, grabbing a handkerchief out of my other sleeve and wiping my knife clean.

I look over to the knocked out Earl.

He looks so... peaceful... I thought, bending down. That's when a cloth covered my mouth.

"Mmmmm!!!" I yell. Needing to breath, I inhale for another round of screaming.

Oh wait... I thought. Shouldn't have done that...

I wake up, to see Ciel, beaten and scarred.

"Ciel!" I yell. Came out as an "Mmmph!"

"Looks like the maid is up," Mr. Fanell said, a triumphant grin on his face.

No need to panic, I thought. Sebastian will be coming soon.

Sadly, I was freaking out. I hope everyone else is alright.

"I knew it would be you," Ciel said, finally waking up. I look to see him tightly bonded by... belts? Are those the new fashion these days?

I look down to see myself cuffed by iron chains, and legs by a belt.

I go into a small daze, until I feel myself getting lifted up. A gun was pointed to my head.

"Stop, or your maid is gonna get it," he said. He turned to my smiling, cigar in his mouth.

"Sir," I said in a calm voice. "Smoking is bad."

I give a to him while talking. He sweat-drops.

"Plus, it's a waste of money, and..." I started to ramble on why smoking was bad.

I know. It's random, but I was just buying some time, and this speech was my credit card of minutes.

Silently thanking (Gym teacher) for self defense, I managed to take off the handcuffs. It took me about 7 minutes to get the entire thing off, but when I did, I was so happy.

"And you know what's also bad for your health?" I asked with a grin. I whipped out my knife that I keep on me. Good ol' trusty knife!

"A knife!" I say with a grin. I run up to up and launched myself at him, pinning him down.

"What the crap?!" He yelled. I give him the last smile he'll ever see.

"Mi'lord, close your eyes. I'd hate for you to see a mess," I say.

Fanell didn't move, shocked by my badassness.

Never mind. I think he thinks I'm a sadist. That's not true though.

I stab him in the neck, his screams piercing my ears like the knife implanted in his stomach. It was like a metaphor or something!

I stand up, and step on the body.

"Well," I said. "That was the second person I killed today!"

I then smile. "A new record!"

I look over to Ciel, who opened his eyes. I grab his eye patch, and put it back on for him.

I then hear Sebastian kick down the door, only for him to see Mr. Mafia man splat dead on the ground, and me undoing the bonds to Ciel.. He sighed, and picked us both up to bring us home.

"What took you so long?!" I ask. "I had to do a speech on why smoking is bad!! Ciel, never take that path."

"I won't. I am very convinced on why not to, now," he said, looking down at me from Sebastian's shoulder. I grin.

"At least I got some sense into you."

When we arrived home, Sebastian dropped me like a trash bag, and placed Ciel down like he was a snowflake.

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so worried!!" Josh said, hugging me.

"Mmmmph..." I reply, as we all walked back in. Today was a long day.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now