(Insert cool chapter name here)

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Oh, hi. It's (Y/N). Now, before I start, the author that writes this crap- I mean lovely, totally awesome story... told me to read something off of this... piece.... of....


(Author in the background: Sorry! Editing!)

Ugh, anyways, I'll impro- oh, thanks Hazel.

Anyways, *ahem* as I was saying, um... I can't read your handwriting.


Sorry! Anyways, I wanted to say how this fanfiction will be laid out. So here is how it goes...

Cannon arc

MY ARC >3<

Cannon Arc

Cannon Arc (If first is about 1-2 episodes long)

MY ARC YAAAS!! (What's with the 'yas' part?) (Author- Don't question me >.<)


So the next arc is...

THE YANDERE ARC!!! The author has been planning this arc for a while, and finally got everything done and planned out last night at 12:26!

Oh... wait...

WHY YANDERE ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME KILLED HERE?! (Author- Uh no not really... I'll try not to kill the cast, you, or Josh...)

Anyways, Hazel says sorry that this is more of an author's note, but she tried to make it fun!

And I'm slowly dying because of this news. Anyways, Hazel (Author) thought that she could slide this info past me, and get away with it. Sadly, she was so excited that she wanted to share it with me and you, the person that is me. Wait... that isn't possible?!?!

So yeah, that's all she wanted to share with you. Here are a few abandoned ideas and a preview of the next chapter!!

"Time to wake up," I hear. Spots swam in my vision, as I looked around to see Sebastian open the curtains. "Please, do not sit up."
"Oh..." Everything came back to me, and I stayed where I was.

"Where's Josh?" I asked. I swear I saw Sebastian stiffen at his name.

"Surprisingly, I have not seen him all day," he replied with a curious look. "He usually comes to bother you, like the pesky fly he is."

"Sorry, I didn't catch the last part."


I pouted and took the covers off to see me in a nightgown, and a bandage wrapped around my chest area.

"Who changed me?" I asked him, giving a skeptical look.

"I did, of course," he replied, smiling.

That pedo!


He chuckled at my outburst.

"I wore a blindfold, no need to worry," he replied, walking towards me and kneeling down. He ripped off the bandage, me seeing a huge scar. My eyes widened.

"How did it heal so fast?" I asked, amazed. Sebastian leaned his face closer. Too close. He took my chin and gently lifted it up for me to face him.

"That's my little secret~" He purred, eyes glowing a bright pink. He needs an eye doctor.

I sit up, only to feel a huge pain shoot up my entire body. I yelp in pain, and collapse back down.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now