I am a savior and a god!!

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I hear screaming at the dining area. I poke my head outside, expecting to see a crazy Grell riding a tea cart like a boss, but all I see is the bare hall.

I sigh, and come back in, walking to Finny. Hey, it's going to happen one way or another.

The door bursts open, with Grell riding the tea cart, and it headed straight toward Finny...

I push him out of the way, so it then hit me. Boiling hot tea splattered onto my maid uniform.

"Ahh!! Hot! Hot!" Was all I could say. Grell came over, apologizing frantically.

"Now look what you've done, you oaf!" Josh said, pulling me into a hug. "You've tainted (Y/N)-chan with stupidity."

"..." was all I could reply.

"I'll wipe it off!" He said, grabbing to a spare napkin on the table.

"No!" I yell, grabbing his hand. "I'll-I'll just go and change."

I left without looking back, thinking poor me...

After changing, I traveled back to the dining hall, where a flashback of Madame Red asking for Ciel to take in Grell (hey... that rhymes...).

That was one bad move for you, Ciel, I thought, sweat-dropping at Grell, who was sobbing and clinging onto Josh with his life.

"THAT'S IT! I SHALL ATONE FOR MY SINS BY DEATH!" He yelled, whipping out a knife (like me) and placing it to his throat.

The servants (except for happy-go-luck Tanaka) started to freak out with all the commotion and drama that was happening.

I walk up to Grell, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You will make quite a mess, and then I will have to clean it all up! You're just going to make things worse," I said with a smile. You've already made quite the mess already...

He looked at me with sparkling eyes (biologically speaking, Grell is a man. FYI there...).

"Thank you, (Y/N)..." he said, on his knees like he was praying to me. "You're so kind!"

"That was kind..." Bard muttered. The servants all shook their head vigorously.

I sigh, knowing that today would be a long day. What happened in this episode? Oh right, Elizabeth.



"Now, I was wondering how you could serve the master such weak tea," Sebastian said. The panel flipped to him putting in about 2 spoonfuls of mixed herbs, and then pouring in boiling water.

The servants and I were taking notes with a notepad, and Tanaka was just watching. Grell inched closer to Sebastian, very impressed with him like he was the color red. Actually, red and black to compliment each other...

I shake my head. Only (s/n [ship name]) can live! I shake Segrell out of my head. Or is it Grellbastian..?

Sebastian placed the tea in front of Ciel, who took mini sips that suited him.

"Young master, there is a carriage that awaits you outside," Sebastian said, checking his pocket watch. He nods.

"(Y/N), you'll come with us. You do know how to defend, am I correct?" Ciel asked, making eye contact.

"Hai!" I reply. Everyone, except for Josh, had a question mark appear over their head, including Sebastian. Jeez, and he calls himself a butler of the Phantomhive manor...

"She meant yes," Josh chimed in. I give him a look of gratitude for stepping in.

"I want this place spotless by the time we all get back," Sebastian said, looking down on the rest of the servants.

"Yes, sir!" They said in unison, saluting. Sebastian nods in approval.

"Hey Grell," I said, turning to him. "You should just... sit down and rest."

He nods to me, eyes sparking. But I'm not his Bassy...

Ciel, Sebastian, and I all take our leave, letting the rest go to work. I mean, fate going to work. Fate has its ways of showing 'mercy' around here...

We all walk into a shop, where a balding man with glasses awaited us (that is the weirdest sentence I've ever written...).

"Ah, hello, boy," he said with a kind smile. I knew exactly where we were. "Did your father send you here?"

"Actually, he's here on his own," Sebastian replied. If he was here on his own, we wouldn't be-

Oh. I get it now.

Sebastian hands the man a slip of paper, that not even I know what it says (and nor am I curious. It could be about cats, knowing Sebastian.).

"Ah, so you're here for that walking stick. I was wondering who it was for, since it was so small," he says, grabbing out his 'open sesame' cane (Josh came up with that one. Don't point fingers at me!!).

"Naturally, I wouldn't think a child-" he go cut off by Sebastian aiming straight at his head.

"Straight as an arrow," he said with a devious grin. I place a bag of money on the counter, and Sebastian handed the cane to Ciel. I wonder, does he have walking problems?

"Keep the change," I said, walking out with the Earl and butler behind me. I knew that the man looked like he's just seen me do (worst skill) perfectly and with ease.

"How can you break a walking stick accidentally? Finny, his odd strength may be his downfall..." Ciel said, walking with his new stick.

"You haven't had a growth spurt in a while now, am I correct?" I ask slyly, smirking at Ciel. He glared at me a little, and Sebastian chuckled.

"Look mum! The new Funtom rabbit!" A boy said, peering into a window.

Ah, I thought, staring at the boy with a small smile. The Funtom company has grown rapidly, only opening about 2 years ago. I'm just so proud of wittle Ciel here!

-Time skip to the manor-

My hand was on the handle, and I take a few deep breaths.

In, and out. In, and out, I thought, hand shaking.

"What's taking so bloody long?!" Ciel snaps.

".........................." was all I could reply with. He is going to be terrified.

Please, god, I thought. Let this be over with...

I open the door, and I died.

I collapsed, spirit coming out of my mouth. Don't eat me, Sebastian...

I get up, and the Servants rush in.

"Sebastian! (Y/N)!" They all yell. Josh's eyes were sparkling (Okay...), and the servants looked terrified (Alrighty, then).

"She's crazy... help us!" Bard says, grabbing Sebastian by the cuff. The servants wept on his legs.

"Who's crazy?" Ciel asked. He then notices a crack in the door...

"What are you doing now?" Ciel asked, clearly annoyed at Grell, who was hanging by the neck.

"I am currently in the process of dying, sir," he replied, face blue from lack of oxygen and blood.

"Get him down, Sebastian," he said, pissed. Sebastian went to get Grell down.

"CIEL!" I hear Elizabeth yell, in a blur of colors.

And my nightmares have started.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now