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"Wake up, miss," a sweet voice rang out. My eyes fluttered open to see a maid with a bored look on her face. "You are going to be late."

"Late for what?" I asked, sitting up. I scanned my surroundings, seeing that I was sitting on a cushy, comfortable bed. Candles were strung across the room, its flames dancing to illuminate the room.

It was the room Kalice settled me in when I first came here Oh, the irony!

Looking at my clothes, they haven't changed a bit, which I sighed in relief. When I looked at my wrists, however, that was a different story. A thin chain was clasped on my hand.

"What's this?" I asked, looking at the maid.

"Lord Decuria asked for me to put it on you so you do not run away, miss," she replied. She then held out that wedding dress that Kalice made me wear a while ago. "Please do change. His highness will be coming to retrieve you in about fifteen minutes. I will help you with the corset."

I immediately went into my battle stance, glaring at the death trap in her hand (which she whipped out with grace). If looks could kill, it would be SO dead.

"Oh HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL NO!" I yelled. She took a menacing step forward, a glint of death shone for a second..

"Oh yes, miss."

After the corset was laced up, she helped me put of the wedding dress. She then tied my (h/c) hair back into a bun with braids on either side of my head (if your hair is short, it's down with a small braid on your right). I admired myself in the mirror, a faint smile appearing on my lips.

The maid excused herself as I went over to the vanity, where a white pin with a black jewel was placed. I put it in, and then looked at the chain.

After trying to get it off a bunch of times, I realize that one, I'm really bad a lock picking, and two, there was no lock to begin with on the chain. I sighed, and sat on the bed, looking out the big ass window.

"Ready yet, my bride?" Kalice's smooth voice asked from the other side of the door.

"Nope," I replied, wondering if I should make the jump from the window.

"Okay, I'm coming in then."

"Sh*t please no."

The door opened, revealing the demon prince. I couldn't lie, he was looking fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.

He had a normal tux that most rich dudes would have, however instead of white was replaced with crimson red, and a dark flower was in his breast pocket. His hair looked as fluffy as usual, and his eyes showed that he was relaxed and cool about this whole situation, like he never murdered anyone.

"Why are you so relaxed about this?" I asked, walking up to him. Sebastian, Ciel, someone PLEASE come soon! I'm in Hell right now!

He then took me by the waist, everything going in slow motion in my (e/c) orbs. He stared into my soul as I just looked at him.

"Let us head down now, shall we?" He asked, taking the other end of my chain and locking it on himself. "Not only will this be our wedding, however it will also be your demon ceremony!"

"What's a demon ceremony?"

"Where a weak mortal becomes one of the strongest races there are, a demon."

I nodded, and stared dead ahead. Being a demon would be kinda cool, being immortal and stuff, but I didn't really want to be one, because that sounds too cliche for this fanfiction.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now