Kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss!!

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  *Josh up above*

Your POV

"So one of you rides with Sebastian, and one of you rides in the carriage," Ciel says. Me and Josh look at each other.
"I'll go with Sebastian, and you can go with the Earl," Josh said. I nod with a smile.
"Sounds like a plan!" I replied, and pump my fist into the air with Josh. Ciel sweat-dropped.
"What are you two doing?" He asked. I giggle, while Josh looks at him with a surprised expression.
"You've never heard of a handshake before?!" He asked, very surprised. I slap him on the temple, looked pissed.
"No, because we're in the Fudging 19th century. That means people have no idea what secret handshakes are, or handshakes in general!" I said, hands crossed over my chest. Josh looked down at the ground, and rubbed his neck sheepishly.
"Sorry, Y/N-Senpai," He said. I roll my eyes.
"We're, like the same age! When did I become your senpai?" I ask, jabbing him in the chest, an impatient face crossed over my body, but my (e/c) orbs showed amusement.
"Well, I look up to you. You're so awesome and cool and amazing and-" I cut him off with my hand to his mouth. "Mmph..."
"Let's go," I say. Ciel nods, and helps me into the carriage. I nod my head as a thanks, and step in.
All I have to say is that the carriage is huge. The walls were lined with gold-colored paint, and the seats were red-velvet.
"Close your mouth, it's disgusting," Ciel said. I roll my eyes, while closing my mouth.
"Stop being Mr. Serious Pants, it's annoying," I snap back with a small glare as I take a seat across from him. He huffs, which I think is adorable, and rolls his eye(s?).
"Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about where you came from, why you're here, and-" he gets cut off by be.
"I'm (Y/N) (L/N), and my friend that's riding with Sebastian is Joshua Gemazon, also known as Joshua Amazing at school," I reply before he asked what our names were.
"(Y/N)... (L/N)..." Ciel said slowly, testing my name out to see if it rolled off his tongue nicely.
"And we're both from the 21st century, 2016!" I say proudly, hand on my heart. Ciel looked at me like I was a lion eating its food very messily. I brushed it off, and kept going.
"And we're here because of a stupid spell-book and both Josh and I's curiosity, along with the two idiots that put the book on my table," I finish with a proud grin. Ciel was now as far away as he could from me.
"Okay, well, I believe you," he replies. My eyes grew big.
"You do?" I whisper quietly. He nods, and his blue orbs stared straight into my (e/c) orbs.
"Well, the-" he was cut off by crashing into me, and falling right on top of me. Funny thing is that our lips were a millimeter away.
The carriage door opened with a smiling Sebastian and a sheepish-looking Josh. When they both saw the position we were in, Sebastian ripped Ciel away from me, and helped me out of the carriage.
"Please, miss," Sebastian said in his honey voice, "if you fall on anyone, it should be me."
I blush a little, and Josh came up to me. I look over at Ciel, who was out of the carriage, and noticed he was red in the cheeks.
"OmigoshIamSOsorryIdidn'tmeantohurtyouIwasonlyexcitedand," I cut him off with a finger to his lips.
"It's fine, are you okay, Ciel?" I asked, looking over at him. He was blushing all over, and I giggle. "I'll take that as a yes."
"I-I'm fine," he studders like the grumpy Tsundere he is.
"Good to here. Can we go in now?" Josh asked, impatiently, tapping his foot.
Sebastian nods. "Yes. Welcome, to the Phantomhive manor."

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now