Author breaks the 4th wall, and Sebastian becomes the world's #1 pervert

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Your POV
I was in the middle of making a scarf, both needles and hands at work.
A knock at the door snapped me out of my dream state, and I looked at my scarf that I was knitting. I never knew scarves could be about 14 meters long...
"Come right on in!" I yell, looking at the door with anticipation, wondering who the visitor is.
The door opens to reveal Sebastian with a closed-eyed smile. In his hand was a maid dress that looked really short.
"Here is your-" he stops mid-sentence when he saw the fabulous scarf that I knitted. I look down to see what he was looking at.
"Um, was I suppose to touch the knitting supplies?" I ask sheepishly. Sebastian sighed, and tick mark showing. Wow, I pissed off a demon in less than 24 hours. Check that off my bucket list!
"If that was on your bucket list, then you have a pretty crappy bucket list," a voice from Hell heaven yelled down to me.
"Shut up, Author-Chan!" I yell. Guess this is a fanfic after all.
"Please, Miss Hazel, get back to work. This story has to please my dear kitten here," Sebastian said in a seductive voice to Hazel-Chan.
"Puh-lease. Your charm ain't working on me today, Bass fish!" Hazel replied back sassily. I giggle a little. The author is pretty immune to flirts, lucky her.
"Okay, sorry. Onwards with le story!" Hazel yelled with excitement. She pulled out a sword on the other side, and swung it valiantly.
Sebastian and I sweat-drop. Man, the author can be weird.
Another knock interrupted all of us. I walk over to the door and opened it, to face a smiling Josh.
"Hi! I heard that Hazel was here!" He says cheerfully. I nod with happiness.
"I think she just left, though. Better luck next time..." I reply, and he looks at the ground, sad. "It's okay, though! You'll meet her one day!" I say with gusto. He nods, a determination look on his face.
Sebastian cleared his throat. So much for a moment...
"I thought I told you," Sebastian said while growing taller while Josh was growing shorter, "to stay in your room!"
"SorrysirIjustwantedtomeetauthor-senpai!" Josh blurted out, and with that, he slammed my door and left. Sebastian looked at the door with disgust.
"You have an, untamed friend," he said, glaring. I brush the comment aside and grabbed the maid uniform.
I smooth it out, to see it was black with white ruffles on the bottom. There was a white ribbon that tied around the waist, and a white apron that was attached to the ribbon. It looked nice, but the problem was that it was shorter than my KNEES.
"Sebastian," I say in a strained nice voice, " you have a nice taste in dresses, however this dress is WAY TOO SMALL!" You yell the last part. Sebastian sweat-dropped. I sigh, and look at the uniform.
"Is there any like Mey-rin's?" I ask, still looking at the maid uniform. He shakes his head. I sigh, and place a hand delicately on his shoulder. "Tell me the truth.
I see that his face was a little dusted with blush, and I decided to use that against him. I scootched a little closer, and bring my lips close to his ear.
"I know that you're lying..." I whisper, smirking at him, eying him into his soul. He is sweating, and I could feel it (eww...).
"Fine, I'll go grab you a uniform," he replies, cheeks now red. I smirk, knowing that he would do that. Seduction on point!
*Time Skip!!*
I hear a knock on the door, and I look up from my knitting (what? I got bored.).
"Come in," I say coolly, and Sebastian walked in with a Mey-rin uniform. I grab it from him and shake it out. It was the perfect size.
"Is this to your liking, miss (Y/N)?" Sebastian asked, worried that I wouldn't like it. I nod my head.
"It's perfect! And I'm sure that I'll find some shoes in the closet that are great!" I reply with a huge grin. Sebastian smiles, probably thinking that he doesn't have to fetch me another one.
I grab the bottom of my top to strip, and look at Sebastian. He had a lustful look across his face, and was eying my body. I took my hands off my shirt.
"Get. Out," was all I said before I shoved him. "Take a hint!"

Sebastian nods, and backs up out of the room, closing the door. I didn't notice that there was still a crack open.

I strip down and get into the maid uniform, surprised that it fit like a glove. I then go to the closet, and chose black lace-up boots. I put my hair up into a ponytail (if you have short hair then forget about that sentence.), and head to the door.

That's when I noticed it was open a crack.
"Oops," I mumble, thinking that no one watched me. Sadly, I realized that Sebastian did, for he was sprawled on the floor, blood trickling down his nose. My eyes grew large.
"PERVERT!" I yelled, and Lucy-kicked him into the wall (that's a very strong kick when someone is pissed.).
"I-I," Sebastian studdered. I silenced him with my hand.
"Shut up and let's go get Josh," I say. Sebastian looked at me with eyes that could melt a girl on the spot.
"Let's just forget about it, okay?" He asked, sympathy laced into his soft voice.
"It's going to be hard," I reply, dragging him along. "Lead the way to Josh's room."

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now