(Insert bad dirt pun here)

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"She went out to gather some herbs," Bard replied calmly. I calmed down a little, in fear of Angela dying this early in the series. I smirked like I was saying, yeah, I totally saw that coming! Haha, no worries! Hakuna Matata!!!!

"BUT THERE IS A DEMON-HOUND ON THE LOOSE! She could get hurt..." Mey-rin said with a worried expression. Ciel raised an eyebrow to me, and I looked away.

"Did you know about this, (Y/n)?" Ciel asked. All eyes landed on me. Cold sweat dripped down my head as I started to say, "oh yes! I know what you're talking about Angela was going for a nice, brisk walk to get veggies and all that shit! I totally remember that tiny, little, important detail why yes I golly gee did!"

I gave a little laugh as everyone's eyes were filled with confusion. My smile faded into a frown.


Ciel sighed and gave me the stink-eye. I smirked and winked at him, in which he looked away from me with a huff. Giggling, I turned my attention back to Mey-rin and Finny. Finny had that look of... longing in his eyes, probably thinking about his wifu.

"She said that she was worried, you being sick and all," Bard chirped. Josh and I exchanged glances, and nodded.

"For me? Really?! For me?!" Finny asked, his eyes sparkling with delight. He looked my way, and I nodded with a smile.

"Yep! All for you, dude!"


"Man-boy thing whatever."

Bard grabbed my wrist, and started to drag me, and Finny ran along with Mey-rin.

"Are you coming, Sebastian?" Bard yelled, stopping. "You a red-blooded man or not?"

I think he has pitch-black blood, but from the first arc, I guess he has red blood. Rich, royal red blood... I thought, looking at him. I felt a tug on my arm, and I started running alongside Bard, Mey-rin, and Josh.

"Where's Tanaka?" He asked, letting go of me. I rubbed my sore wrist, and glared.

"Ow, my wrist. My feelings. My life."

We looked over to see Tanaka in an Amazon tourist outfit with a rifle by his side, doing some weird jog with his signature "ho."

"Are you sure he's not Santa?" I asked. Everyone looked in my direction after that random comment. I shrug, and say, "that's the spirit, Tanaka!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure Tanaka is Santa, and he's watching us, even when we sleep," Josh whispers creepily in my ear as we filed out. I smiled, agreeing.

"Angela?? Where the fuck are you??" I yelled. Josh elbowed me quite harshly.

"Language, small child!" He whispered. I blushed, and kept yelling with the rest.

We stop, and I face all of them, saying, "I don't think we're gonna find her out here. How far are we from the manor castle whatever it's called?"

That's when Mey-rin high-pitched scream echoed into the cold misty air. We all ran over to her.

"What's this about?" Josh asked a shaking Mey-rin, as she pointed straight with a shaking hand. We all peaked over one shoulder, and looked out, seeing... branches that looked like dead people parts.

"What the hell are those?" I asked, Josh smacking my head for crude language. Rolling my eyes, I kept watching the horrific scene unfold. My eyes scanned the dead bodies, until my eyes met one special hand that was in a mound of dirt three feet under.

"Hey look! Does that ring look familiar?" I asked, pointing to the buried hand. All of their eyes widened (including Tanaka's).

"That... that is Lord Barrymore's ring!" Mey-rin piped up, gasping. I nodded, calm about the situation that I was in. I looked back at the ring, which glistened in the foggy light.

A howl pierced through the stiff air. We all stiffened, and I took a step forward.

"Who goes there?" I asked bravely.

Just kidding.

"COME OUT OF THE MOTHER FUCKING BUSHES!!" I yelled with a smile. I felt my face collide with dirt and a foot rest gently on my head.

"Shut up," Josh's voice said, and shoved my face deeper into the dirt.

"Please take your foot off, Josh!" I said, but it really came out as, "mmph..."

Expectation versus reality these days...

I got up after forcing Josh's foot off me, and peered over a conveniently placed mound of dirt.

"Well, look who it is," Josh said, staring intently. "The demon hound in its full, naked glory."

"Quiet! Spoilers!" I whispered, sending a harsh jab to his ribs. He whimpered in pain as this, "mysterious demon hound" sniffed Barrymore's hand, and put it on the opposite side of the dirt mound.

"Does this man have anything to do with Lord Barrymore in any way?" Bard asked. I was whisked back to that sexual scene with Pluto and Angela making out(?)

"Um, I don't think so," I replied, watching Mey-rin get a small nosebleed and muttering something perverted. Oh, Mey-rin.

"Maybe he had a grudge against Lord Barrymore, or Angela asked for him to do it!" Mey-rin said, surprised. Josh and I didn't say anything, not wanting to give anything away.

"Yes! That might be it," Bard replied, looking down at Mey-rin, who's nose was still bleeding.

He licked his lips, and it threw me into a weird flashback of the door scene that I totally didn't forget or anything...

A rumble erupted from behind us, and I saw a huge cloud of brown dust that the animators were too lazy to shade and make it look realistic. A bunch of villagers came to us, and looked at our clothing with disgust.

"Why you wearin' that? We're going for a dip in the lake, easing the wrath of the demon-hound," one of the villagers said. I smiled.

"Yeah, sorry, we're not in the mood. Have fun!" I said with a fake grin.

"Wait, how do you know that the demon-hound's still alive and out there?" Josh asked with a question mark popping out of his head. I face-palmed slowly.

"We heard him last night, would not shut up, that thing," one of the villagers replied with a glare. I gasped.

"Careful, with that language, you might trigger the demon-hound!" I whispered-yelled.

"Trigger?" The entire village asked in unison. I saw Finny freeze out of the corner of my eye.

"Pretty much makes someone, or in this case, something, angry."

"Oh, makes sense."

I felt a tug on my arm, and saw Josh looking at me with alarming blue eyes. "Come on! Let's follow Finny."

I smiled and ripped my arm out of his grasp. I gestured him to follow, and we both ran after the Mystery Gang.

"What... is... that?" Mey-rin said with a shaking finger. We all looked to see a huge... dog?

"Hey, it's a doggie!" I whispered, pointing at Pluto with sparkling eyes as everyone took a step back.

I guess senpai decided to notice us now, since he turned his big head around to us. It growled, and let out a huge bark.

"IT IS THE DEMON-HOUND!!" They all yelled.

"Cool!" Josh and I said in unison with a huge grin.

Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry for not updating in forever! I'm back, I guess. Again, so sorry!

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