Go the fuck to sleep

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I seriously had to look up friend zone because I had no idea what it means. If you're wondering, it's pretty much when you reject someone and you only think of them as a friend (hey, author, this is also a reminder for what it means.) This is here for future reference.

Life is good. Well, if you count living in hell with a demon yandere prince after your fine ass, that is.

I woke up to see Damien still sleeping peacefully besides me. I noticed his arms wrapped around me. Struggling, I tried to get out, however Damien squeezed me tighter, not wanting to let go.

When I looked behind, he wore a face of concern and uncertainty, so I decided to stay to keep him comfort.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," I said, smiling as Damien rubbed his eyes. I couldn't take it. He was too adorable! I squeezed him, and I felt his head getting warmer by the second.

"Eh?! Do you have a fever?!" I asked, letting him go. He sat up, face tomato red and staring at my chest.

"U-um, no," Damien replied, looking away. His feet touched the ground as he slowly slid out of bed, and walked to the window, which then he opened the curtains. I looked outside, trying to remember when I've gone outside. Oh god, I think it's been about 3 weeks!

"Hey," I asked, "uh, you wanna go for a walk?"

"Is that safe?" He replied, looking at me with his worried deep eyes. An exclamation point popped out of no where. I didn't think of that! Well, I kinda did but I could just wear a fake mustache! Kalice would never know!

"Hey, (Y/n), are you okay?"

"Eh?! Oh, I'm fine. I'll go get changed now."

I head to the bathroom and close the door. Smiling, I put on a simple (f/c) dress that Elisa bought me a few days ago. I tied my combat boots and slipped a knife in, because knifus can end lifus.

I opened the door to see Damien there, waiting for me with a patient cute smile. I couldn't take it anymore! He was too cute!

I launched at him, and tackled him into a huge hug.

"(Y-y/n)!" He yelped in surprise as I collided with him, a warm smile on my face. "W-what are y-you doing?!"

"So adorable~" I purred rubbing my cheek against his chest. I felt his body get about 10 degrees warmer than it was before.


After letting go of Damien (note that he threw me off. What a gentleman!), we both walked downstairs to see Elisa with a plate of sandwiches (I showed her how to make them). I took one, muttering a thanks, and slipped on some shoes.

"Where are you going?" Elisa asked in her usual sweet voice.

"Outside with Damien. Just gonna take a stroll," I replied, opening the door. Damien ran after me, and I saw Elisa's face fall a little.

"Is this move safe?" Elisa asked. I nodded, and grinned.

"I'll be careful. I've even got a knife!" I replied, whipping out a knife from my boot.

"Where did you get that from?!" Damien asked, popping up. A glint appeared in my right eye.

"Anyways, gotta run!" I yelled out the door, grabbing Damien's hand. His hands are so soft...

"Where do you wanna go?" I asked, releasing his hand.

"U-um, how about the candy store! I r-remember it from my childhood..." Damien mumbled, turning a bright red. I nodded. Some sweets sound nice! Elisa didn't really let us have too many sweets. ("It ruins your teeth!").

"Sounds yummy! Let's go, cutie- I mean Damien," I replied, smiling and running towards the door like a 2-year old. Wait... can 2-year olds run? Walk? Dance? Do the macarena?

We walked into the candy shop of hell... um...

We walked into the lovely candy shop, and surprisingly, there were a ton of candies from the UPPER WORLD. I walked to a stand of giant lollipops, and took one. I checked my dress pocket (took me about 13 hours to make straight. I can sew... I think...) and found some money. I grabbed the lollipop, and knocked on it.

Sure enough, it was as hard as a rock. Perfect. Wait... That sounded really wrong on so many levels.

I sighed, and looked up at the ceiling, wondering how Ciel and the gang were doing. Are they going to come down and get me soon? I don't mind Elisa and Damien, but knowing I have a psychotic yandere after me who is the prince of the underworld that can go literally anywhere he pleases is pretty unsettling.

I sighed, and ran up to Damien. I then tapped him on the shoulder.

"Found stuff?" I ask him, smiling. He nodded with a smile, and showed me five pieces of candy, which was all strawberry.

"Okay, my treat."

When we got to the counter, an old lady was there with a smiling faces. I handed her the money as she put the sweets in a bag.

"So how long have you two been together, dearies?" She asked in her old lady voice. Damien got 10 shades more red and I felt my face heat up.

"U-um we a-are not a couple..." Damien stuttered as he grabbed the bag. The lady's face turned to a confused one.

"Oh, so sorry darling, you looked about the marrying age!" She warbled, laughing at the end. Damien and I exchanged glances, and then headed out.


"Wow, I can't believe she thought we were a couple!" I laughed, smiling. Damien scratched his head.

"Y-yeah, it was interesting..." he replied. We rounded the corner, and soon came back to the lovely house.

I opened the door, smiling.

"Elisa-chan~ we're home~" I said walking in. My smile quickly dropped as Damien screamed on the top of his lungs. I took a step back.

Lying on the floor right in front of me was Elisa without her head, splayed out in a crimson sea. I hugged Damien, eyes not cooperating with me.

"Miss me?" I hear a smooth voice ask, and I look to see Kalice standing there, Elisa's decapitated head in his hand. His eyes were dull and his outfit was painted crimson. I gripped Damien with my life as he stared in shock, now knowing what the demon prince really looked like. He then started to hug me, in fear.

"No not really," I managed to squeak out. How did he find me? Why did he do this to Elisa?

"Hmm, you must be wondering why I did this to your little caretaker of yours," he spat, walking over to me. He yanked me out of Damien's grasp and tilted my chin up. "She would not tell me a thing about you, and now I find that you are living with another boy?!" He yelled, green eyes flashing to a dangerous red.

"(Y/n)!" Damien yelled, snapping out of his shock. I pushed Kalice off and grabbed Damien's hand. Kalice frowned, and snapped his fingers.

Damien's small yelps of pain turned into agonizing scream, as blood poured out of his mouth onto the floor, in which then collapsed (most likely because of blood loss), dead. I screamed, fed up with all this bullshit.

"What the fUCK?!" I yelled, stepping away from the crazy man in front of me. He lunged and grabbed my wrist, pulling me close to him.

"Sleep," he said, caressing my face as I looked at a dead Damien, tears in my eyes. They started falling as I closed my eyes, fainting from what just happened. That move was like in an anime, where they guy is all like 'go the fuck to sleep' and the girl collapses.

Now what?

Oh god, that took way too long. I'm STILL not out of school yet but I will soon! Also, next chapter will end the yandere arc. Then back to the real story (other arcs will be slower. I might have to watch Black Butler over again, not that I mind but I'm watching other animes right now) we go!

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