Dying kinda sucks

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I had nothing to say. I knew this would happen, and I knew how others reacted, but I was speechless.

"Cat got your tounge, (Y/N)?" I hear. Out steps Grell in all his red glory.

"Hello, Grell Sutcliff," I said, smirking. "You stupid reaper."

"Hey! I wanted to reveal myself!" Grell pouted. "No fair, (N/N)!"

"P,easy refrain yourself from calling me that," I replied, eye twitching.

"Sebastian!" I hear. I see Ciel pointing to the two red-obsessed killers. "I order you to eliminate them!"

"Yes, my lord," Sebastian replied, before flying into battle.

"Oh, Bassy!" Grell yelled. "I'm so happy you and (N/N) are falling for me! I don't know who to choose!"

"Shut up!" I yell, about to run after them until something came falling down from the sky. It was-

"WHAT THE- SPELL-BOOK WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!" I yell picking it up. I opened the book to see a spell.

"Huh, wasn't this empty before..?" I questioned myself. I shrug. "Yolo."

I changed the phrase, and the spell-book glowed a bright orange, and in my hand was a necklace with a sword, bow, staff, two knives crossed, and a battle axe.

I looked at it like it was Josh going bonkers over a piece of fruit. I touched the knives, and in my hand appeared double knives made out of gold.

"Yeah, this'll do," I mumble, before jumping into battle with Sebastian. Surprisingly, my jumping ability was over 9,000, because I jumped the height of the building. I think the knives give me a boost.

"Looks like (N/N) has joined the battle!" Grell yelled, lunging at me with his chainsaw. I sidestepped and deflected his chainsaw, and took a stab at him, however missed.

"You do know the consequences of killing a divine being, (Y/N)?" Sebastian asked, coming up next to me.

I nod, knowing at I would probably get dragged to hell.

I then grabbed Grell, pinning him to the chimney of whatever house building thing.

"Oh, (Y/N)! So you do have feelings for me!" Grell yelled, ecstatic because of my "feelings" for him. "You could bear my children if I had your permission to!"

I shivered, and punched his face.

"I would love if you shut your big mouth," I replied, trying to punch him again.

Sadly, he kicked me off the roof, my knives falling to the ground, turning back into their pendant for on the necklace. I held my hand out, and the necklace came. I then put it back on.

I looked behind me to see Ciel being cornered by Madame Red. My feet started moving to the two, and moved faster when I saw Madame Red take out her knife.

"I should have done this ages ago!" She yelled, bringing the knife down just as I stepped in front of Ciel. The last glimpse I saw of Madame Red was her dull, lifeless red eyes.

I screamed in agonizing pain as the knife plunged deep into my chest, traveling down my chest.

I could barely see, and everything became a blur. The screaming was muffled, and I was on the verge of death.

I collapsed to the ground.

2nd Person

As you fell to the ground, Madame Red's eyes were wide with horror, realizing what she's done.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now