You're a hizzard, wary

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The villagers picked up the dead body, chanting their death ritual like the good occult people they are. They started trudging away into the fog, their torch light fading with each step.

"You were lucky this time," Lord Barrymore said, looking at us with a stern expression. "I thought the demon hound would come after you."

"Well, looks like it didn't," I replied with a shrug, an animated puff rising out of my mouth.

"Do not act like the demon hound is harmless!" He yelled at me. I gave him a deadly smirk.

"I'm not saying that the demon hound isn't harmless. However, humans can match its standards."

I waved at him. "That's a stretch, though."

I laughed a little, and smirked. "Of course, unless you cheat."

The lord glared at my devilish face, and left, muttering something probably stupid. I think he just spit...

That patch of soil is going to be dead by morning.

"Well, tut tut cheerio," I said with a light smile on my lips. "Going to bed now, lads!"

"I think she was trying to speak British, but whatever," Josh said with a shrug, and ran after me.

"Can I sleep with you?" He asked sheepishly, me not seeing his cheeks turn red.

"Um..." was all I could say. "What kind of sleep are you talking about?"

"Uh, nighty-night sleep," Josh replied, rubbing the nape of his neck.

I smirk, getting perverted.

"Scared about the 'demon hound?'" I asked, putting quotes around the demon hound part. We both know that there is no such thing as a demon hound, unless he forgot...

Then Josh is a bigger idiot than I thought.

"I don't know! I just wanna make sure you're safe!" He whinned.

Man, author writes too much fluff, I thought, glaring a little at the sky.

"Hey, I'm a big girl, I can protect myself! Unless you're the one in need of protection..." I replied. He nervously laughed, and the dug into his pocket for something.

"Here," he said, giving me my beloved golden weapon necklace. However, a golden stick was added to the group of weapons, resting on a book.

"I see that I've got a new charm," I said as we walked to my room. "Also, yeah, I guess you can sleep with me tonight. No funny business, though!"

He nodded with a smile as I opened the door to my small servant room. I sat on the bed, and rubbed the stick quickly. In my dominate hand, there was now the pure golden stick and a book in my other hand. I opened the book to see spells that were in Latin, but had "word pronunciations for noobs" on the bottom of the page.

"So, wand and spell-book now, huh?" I asked as Josh looked at it in awe. I flipped through pages of the book, and found the spell for levitation.

"Wingardium Leviousa?" Josh asked, as you sweat-drop.

"No, it's not LeviousA, it's LeviOusa!!" I corrected. "No, sadly that's not the spell."

I waved my wand in the movements the book told me, and chanted, "ornaverunt fanum alas!"

"What the crap?!" Josh yelled at me, and I giggled. Josh was levitating in the air, my wand guiding it. I started throwing him around, him hitting the wall a few times.

"Ow! Stop!" He yelled, and I released him. Falling to the floor with an animated crash, he stood up almost immediately, giving you that anime glare.

"I almost died!" He yelled as you made your way to the wooden desk, lighting the candle. I flipped through the pages of the book. It was just like the other spell book at home, but portable and more reliable when it came to real spells. The other one only came when in times of need.

I remember when I got this necklace, since the spell book was like, "oh here kid you're gonna die? Well, here's a little something to show that I'm not useless."

"Well, goodnight," Josh said, tucking himself into the small bed. I sighed, and closed the book. Dragging the candle with me, I placed it on the dresser and climbed in next to Josh. I blew out the candle, and closed my eyes.

That night, I had an interesting dream. In the morning, I hopped out of bed and yelled, "GET UP YOU INCOMPETENT LAGMORTH ADVENTURE AWAITS!"

Josh instantly woke up to my screaming, and saw that we should be down in two minutes.

"F*ck," he said, and ran out of the room to go and get changed for the morning. I laughed a little, and speedily changed for breakfast. Bard might eat all of it!

I ran downstairs with Josh, and then sat down. Everyone greeted us with a smile, as I told them about my crazy dream.

"Ugh, I'm so bored," Josh complained.

"I think we're going to the pond again, that was fun. I mean, author messed the other time up by putting it in the wrong area, so it's her fault," I replied as the others nodded, agreeing.

(Author: Oh sorry guys. Why do you hate me so much?!?!)

"Why the long faces?" Sebastian asked. We all looked up, and smiled at MORE PICNIC STUFF I HATE YOU AUTHOR. "We should be enjoying ourselves!"


We were all up to another day at the pond-thing, and this time, we were playing tag, because I'm really good at it (especially in the water).

"You're it!" I yelled, tagging Finny, who smiled as I ran/swam away from him. He tagged Bard, who then tagged Josh shortly afterwards. It took him awhile to tag Mey-rin, though.

While the others were playing, I made it back onto land and walked over to Sebastian.

"Hey, I got a new charm!" I said, showing it off. His perfect eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"When did that come up (Y/n)?" He asked, putting a polished plate down onto the picnic blanket. I shrugged, and started to wonder why everything was so magical in this world.

"I don't know, but now I can cast spells!" I said with excitement. I brushed my fingers against the wand and book, which appeared in my hands. I made a battle stance. "Time to tip the scales!"

Sebastian gave me a strained smile, and I opened the book to find a spell on obedience. Huh, this looks like this could come in handy...

Everyone came back on land and ate the picnic in front of us, like nothing happened last night. Heck, even Angela joined us by sitting next to Finny (who looked like he was going to faint of happiness when she asked him to pass the pepper.).

That's when I decided to try a spell. No one knew what was coming. I flipped to a random page that said, "small explosion."

I smiled. I can just blow up the salt, no one would really care, right? Lifting up the wand and looking down at the book, I chanted, "parva creptius!"

A small ball of fire shot out of the wand, going at the salt. However, when salt and fireball met, it kind of had a bigger reaction than I thought...

We all abandoned picnic blanket as it exploded, catching fire. Even Ciel looked up, his eyes widening at the sight of the picnic blanket.

"(Y/N)!! REALLY?!" They all yelled at me as I sweat drop, reverting the spell book and wand back into a charm.

"Oops. Sh*t."

I messed up everything, sorry!! Why does everyone hate me in the story?! Also, this was a little rushed (again) because I want to make readers happy and content. So sorry, again!!

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now