Meanwhile, in a parallel universe...

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Ciel looked at the grandfather clock in his study. 12:34 p.m.

"My lord," he heard from the other side of the door. He didn't answer, lost in thought. The door was opened by the raven-haired butler. He poured Ciel's tea.

"Any news about miss (Y/n)?" Ciel asked, sipping his tea, silently comparing it to (Y/n)'s tea. Not as sweet and strong...

"No, young master," he replied. Ciel glared, and stood up from his desk. He walked out, his butler trailing behind him like a wandering kitten.

"Mi'lord, where are we heading?" Sebastian asked.

"Josh's chamber," Ciel replied, knocking on the door and entering. They came to see a barely-alive Josh lying on the bed, breathing heavily.

"Can you hear me?' Ciel asked, approaching the bed. Josh nodded weakly.

"You are going to help us grab (Y/n) back, although I have to say, you are good bait..." Ciel said.

"What was that last part?" Josh asked.

"Never mind that."

Josh sighed, and looked down. He wished he could see (Y/n), smiles and sunshine. Now those days were rain clouds and frownie brownies.

"When can I go back to work?" He asked, looking at Sebastian. Sebastian lifted up his shirt, and saw the stitched-up wound. It looked better, however it was still almost a gaping hole.

"Not for a little while, so we will have to wait for you to take back (Y/n)," Sebastian replied. "It may take weeks."

Josh's heart sank, thinking that he might not be able to see (Y/n) for a while. She was the only thing that came from 'real world,' and he was just about to loose her to some guy who said that he loved her.

As Sebastian and Ciel left the room, Josh started to question his feelings toward (Y/n). Did he like her? Did he not? He was so caught up in his emotions and feelings toward the (h/c) girl, that he forgot about his pain when he sat up on the bed.

He didn't know that other people in and out of the manor had feelings for (Y/n), and were not going to give her up. Everyone was almost as confused as he was, and wanted to figure out how they felt.

(Y/n) didn't like anyone in a romantic way, she just wanted everyone to get along. She didn't know that she was stuck in a reverse harem. Heck, this anime was suppose to be yaoi!

Ah- hey!! Ciel!!! When did you- how did you-

Ciel: Shut up. I know I'm breaking this 'fourth wall' thing, but I do not care.

Um... how do you know what the 'fourth wall' is?
Ciel: (Y/n) told me about it, idiot. Do you not write this f*cking story?
Hey! Even though I write this, I do not know what happens during time skips or POV switches, okay?!

Ciel: Anyways, I came to say that I do NOT have feelings for (Y/n)! I have a fiance, for goodness sake!

Then what is she to you?

Ciel: My maid.

You just used 'my.' I'm not that dense, Ciel!

Ciel: Phantomhive for you.

Shut up! *Shoves Ciel back into the computer screen.*

Ciel sighed, and walked over to the window and out to the garden. He knows that (Y/n) is the only human that can do the right thing in this manor. Now he was stuck with a clumsy idiot, a strong gardener that looks like he is 12, a cook that has a metal disorder with explosions, and a butler who has a bad fetish for cats.

So many faults. (Y/n) has some, however she has less than others. Especially Josh, he thought. He didn't understand why he had a certain disliking towards the new cook, but he can't lie that his cooking is awesome.

Ciel was confused, sad, and angry at the same time. He had no idea that (Y/n) would have an impact on him. He sat down and clutched his head, confused.

Sebastian was making some sort of cake for his master, something that Josh taught him. It was called a pancake, if he remembered correctly.

He sighed, looking at the pan with the fluffy pancake laying on it, and flipped it again.

If Miss (Y/n) was here, he thought, flipping it again. She would probably yell something along the lines of, "FOOD FIGHT!" Then proceed to fling food at me, and her smile...

He stopped for a moment, lost in thought. The kitten's smile is enough to thaw the heart of a demon.

Smiling, he put the pancake on the plate, and headed to his master.

Josh picked up the golden necklace, rubbing the knife. He knew that (Y/n) was good at defending herself, but how would she if she didn't have a weapon?

He put the necklace on, and smiled, clutching it.

Love is a wonderful feeling.

Ugh, sorry this was one of the shorter ones, I wanted to get the others' prospective up here on how they feel about you being gone!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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