Best. War Cry. Ever.

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Setup chapter! It's short...

"Time to wake up," I hear. Spots swam in my vision, as I looked around to see Sebastian open the curtains. "Please, do not sit up."
"Oh..." Everything came back to me, and I stayed where I was.

"Where's Josh?" I asked. I swear I saw Sebastian stiffen at his name.

"Surprisingly, I have not seen him all day," he replied with a curious look. "He usually comes to bother you, like the pesky fly he is."

"Sorry, I didn't catch the last part."


I pouted and took the covers off to see me in a nightgown, and a bandage wrapped around my chest area.

"Who changed me?" I asked him, giving a skeptical look.

"I did, of course," he replied, smiling.

That pedo!


He chuckled at my outburst.

"I wore a blindfold, no need to worry," he replied, walking towards me and kneeling down. He ripped off the bandage, me seeing a huge scar. My eyes widened.

"How did it heal so fast?" I asked, amazed. Sebastian leaned his face closer. Too close. He took my chin and gently lifted it up for me to face him.

"That's my little secret~" He purred, eyes glowing a bright pink. He needs an eye doctor.

I sit up, only to feel a huge pain shoot up my entire body. I yelp in pain, and collapse back down.

"Miss (Y/N)!" Sebastian ran over to me and hugged me. Surprisingly, he was pretty warm, like Josh's hugs.

"Josh..." I mumble.



"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I yelled, ripping off the covers and spinning into my maid uniform.

"(Y/N)! Stop!" Sebastian yelled, grabbing my arm in a relaxed yet firm grip. "Where are you going?"

"I need to get Josh!" I replied, flailing in his arms. "Let me go!!"

"No~" He replied, pulling me to his chest. "I want to spend time with you~"

"Get off before I harpoon you to death."

Sebastian let me go before I pulled out a random harpoon gun.

I then ran out of the room and then stormed down the stairs.

"WHAT IS ALL THE RACKET!" I hear. I see Ciel standing on the top step.

"OH! Hi, Master!" I said with a smile. "Just going out to save my friend from a possible evil space unicorn that is about to kill me, everyone, and the entire solar system!"

Ciel stood there, dumbfounded, and I ran out of the of the door.

How did he think that was true?

Running into town, I asked everyone I came across if they saw an idiot wearing a white thingy and had brown hair with blue... stuff on his face.

Everyone looked at me with confusing looks. Was I not speaking English? Do they need me to speak in a British accent?

I then stopped by an alleyway, which was darker than other ones.

"YOLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" I yell, running into the alleyway, to see a door. I kicked it open, to see.

My hand automatically flung to my mouth, about to throw up.

"JOSH?!" I yell.

Josh was chained to a cross, battered and bloody. His light brown locks were faded and were across his dull, blue eyes. He was not moving, and in the middle of his chest was a huge, bloody gash that showed part of his bone. His bloody cuffs that held his wrist cut into him like knives,, and his clothes were ripped and bloody.

"My love, you came~"

I whipped my head around to see a boy with glowing green eyes, twirling a knife in his hand.

"Now," he said, and walked to Josh, which he then ripped his skin open with the knife.

Josh screamed in pain, as I watched him get beaten to death.

"STOP! STOP, PLEASE!!" I yell, running up to him and grabbed his two arms to hold him back. "Kalice! You're hurting my friend!"

"Me? He ruined our relationship!!" He yelled back, struggling, but I kept my ground.

"WE NEVER HAD ONE!" I replied. That made him stop struggling.

Kalice turned to me, and grabbed my shoulders.

"Then how about we start one?" He asked, getting close...

"(Y/N)!!" I hear. I look to see Sebastian and Ciel. My eyes widened.

"What are you doing here?" Ciel demanded. Kalice pulled me closer.

"I will make a deal with you," Kalice said with a grin, eyes filled with hate and pride.

"I will release the abomination, however (Y/N) is mine."


I cut off Ciel, and walked to Josh, who I then grabbed the keys and unlocked him (okay, I would've done that BEFORE but I was too busy reconsidering my battle cry.)

"I'll go with you," I said, Kalice's eyes lit up with happiness, and hugged me. Josh collapsed to the ground.

"Well, we shall be going," Kalice said, grabbing my waist. "However, before that..."

He yanked my necklace off, making it clatter to the ground. Then he jumped, leaving Ciel, Sebastian, and the almost dead Josh having one last glimpse of me with my eyes asking for them to help me.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now