Talent show? HELL YAH!! (Part 1)

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A/N- Okay I'll admit it. I'm bored, and I was listening to a song, so I'm like "yeah, I'm gonna do a talent show next to write how (Y/N) did a major screw up does a great job, along with Josh. Yes, I'm planning to bring phones into the story. That's all!

"Josh-kuuuun!" I yell, running up to him, Ciel, and Sebastian. They all turn their heads to my direction.

I hold up a flyer. It said Talent show! Anyone who has skill come right up!

"A... talent show. What are you trying to say here, (Y/N)-chan?" Josh asked. I grinned, and pointed to the bottom of the page.

Josh's eyes widened, seeing the prize money if we won.

"100,000 pounds..?" He asked dreamily. Sparkles shown in his eyes.

"Tch," Ciel said, and turned away from us two. "That's ridiculous. You would never win," he said in a flat tone.

I glared at him with intensity. The temperature dropped 10 degrees. Sebastian sweat-dropped.

"Young. Master," I say, tapping him on the shoulder. "Do you underestimate me?" I ask with a sweet, closed-eyed smile.

"No. I know you're weak," he replied. Wrong move, bubby. My eyes open, to make him see my murderous look.

Ciel sweat-dropped.

"Ciel! I didn't know you and your butler would be roaming around!" A girly voice called out. We all turn to see the master and lord of booty shorts and his pedobear.

Alois then spots me, and barrels toward me like a child rushing to a candy shop. He jumps and tackles me into a hug.

Claude eyes both of us warily.

"(Y/N)!! Oh how much I missed you!! You're always so pretty!!" Alois exclaimed. I give him an 'awkward' smile.

"Uh... nice to see you too... I guess..." I say, not sure what to say to the bipolar baby in front of me. He then noticed the flyer in my hand.

"Give it to me," he said, sticking out his hand.

"No. It's mine!" I argue back. He sighs, and pouts.

"Claude, get it from her," he said, pointing at me. Claude nods, and walks up to me, and grabs the flyer, trying to pry it out of my hands.

"DON'T RIP IT EITHER, CLAUDE!" Alois continued. Claude sighs, and reaches out, grabbing my right breast.

Everyone's jaws dropped, and their eyes turned to circles of white. The color drained out of the atmosphere.

I dropped the poster, in shock, and Claude released my breast. Reluctantly.

"We can continue later," he said with a straight face, poster in hand. I turned to my emo corner, crying, while Josh patted my back, whispering "it's cool, it's cool..."

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY MAID LIKE THAT!" Ciel yelled. However, his cheeks were lightly dusted pink.

Claude shrugged. "I was just following my master's orders, and I have succeeded."

I stand up, brushing Josh to the side. I walk up to Claude, and slap him. Hard.

"IF YOU DARE DO THAT AGAIN, YOU. WILL. PAY." I yell in his face, red in the face. Why would he do that.

"Oh, it's a talent show~" Alois said with a smile, like nothing happened. He turned to Ciel with possessive eyes.

"If I win, you have to give my (Y/N) to me so she will be my maid," he said with a smirk. Ciel glared, and Sebastian pulled out his butter knives. Claude also smirked a little. That perverted creep.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now