This fanfiction is messed up!!

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Everyone focused their attention on me, and I smile a little. It's like going to prom, but with more suitors and stuff (oh wait... never mind)!!

"Is something the matter?" I asked, jumping onto the railing and sliding all the way down.

An irk mark showed over Sebastian's head.

"You look great!!" Josh said, eyes sparking. I smile.

"Well, not to brag, but I do wear dresses well!"

I spun around, and stood up as straight as I could. There's ups and downs in living in the 19th century, I guess.

Ciel cleared his throat. He was wearing a (I think that's what it's called...), and looked a little impatient.

"You look lovely," Sebastian said as I walked down the stairs.

I smile at him, and thanked him. He cheeks became dusted with pink.

We walked out and went to the carriage. Ciel helped me in like the proper gentleman he is, and I wave goodbye to Josh when I was leaving.

"See you soon!" He yells out the window. "Don't die!"

"I'll try not to!" I yell back as the carriage takes off to the party.

"What was that about?" Ciel asked.

"Oh, nothing..." I replied. "I'm just going to try not to die."

Ciel sweat-drops at me as I laugh a little.

"You look pretty handsome,"I notice, smiling a little at him. He avoids eye contact.

"You... uh... look quite nice yourself," he replied, face beat red, though I didn't see it, since it was pretty dark.

"Thanks. I honestly would never expect those words to me from your mouth," I say, face heating up a little.

"Well, those words were for you."

I smile a little as the carriage came to a halt.

The door open to see a smiling Sebastian.

"It's time, my dear kitten," he purred in my ear as he helped my out. "Do your best."

The compliment sent weird shivers down my spine.

Behind me, Ciel glared at Pervy, his butler.

Ciel stuck his arm out, and I gradually took it.

"Well, cue the 'Mission Impossible' music," I mumble. Sebastian gave me a question-mark.

Walking in, the sound of light chatter and soothing music hits my ears. The room was very bright, nd the atmosphere was light and airy.

I absorb my surroundings, however looking for a certain someone.

I then spotted the man. He was surrounded by women (that were probably praising him), and his purple hues were lit with a hellish delight.

I pondered for a moment, thinking on how to approach him. Reading some Black Butler fanfictions, I've noticed that they capture the attention of him.

Nah, that won't work for me...

I decide the 'bumping into him accidentally' will be the better bet for me.

"When's the next dance?" I asked. Ciel pondered.

"About an hour from now," he replied. I nod, and kept a focused gaze on the target.

I brush up, and walk over to Lord playboy.

I decide to bump against him, not too hard, not to soft.

"Oh, sorry about that, sir!" I said in a pleading voice, eyes sparkling. "I didn't mean to!"

He stared at me for a few second. I saw out of the corner of my eye Ciel and Sebastian watching.

He then gives me that... smile... that would make any girl drop to their knees and beg him to take them away.

I knew what was behind that smile. It was nothing good.

"Please, let's dance," he said, whisking me into the dance floor.

Did I tell you that Sebastian helped me with my dancing? No? Well, he did, and soon I became better than I ever was before.

"My pure angel, you are so light on your feet, like a butterfly landing on a flower," he said in that dreamy voice. I give him a cute smile.

"You are not so bad, either!" I replied. Wait... was I suppose to compliment him! What was that?!

When the song ended, he dipped me, staring into my soul with his purple eyes. What was in them?

"Come with me, my dear," Lord Druitt said with a charming smile. He held his hand out. I took it, and smiled a little.

"(Y/n)?" I hear. I catch...


Crap, stay calm, I thought. Ciel and Sebastian can handle this, right?

"Hello, Elizabeth," I hear Ciel say. I smiled a little in relief as I headed through a purple curtain.

"Right this way, my sweet little robin," Lord Druitt said, opening the door. I took a gulp of fresh air, and walked in. He stepped in front of me with a prideful smirk.

I (fake) collapse, knowing what will happen next.

"What should I do with you, my sweet?" He asked.

He's going to sell me, that's what, I thought, not daring to breath.

"I think I'll keep you. You do seem like good company," he mumbled. Wait... this isn't suppose to happen!

I felt him pick me up bridal style, and carry me somewhere else.

I sniffed a little, quietly though, to make sure it was okay to breath. When I knew, I pretended I was just waking up.

"W-what is going on?" I ask in a soft voice. I see the Viscount's eyes a little glazed over.

"You will be okay, my robin," he replied. I pushed on his chest.

"Put me down, you creep!" I yell, escaping his grasp. He looked upset, and his eyes darkened.

"How are you resisting me, my little robin?" He asked. I glare, and walk up to him.

I then kneed him in the... er... sensitive spot... and left him.

I paused, and looked back.

"I will never fall for you," I say with a cold, hard stare. "I know what you do for a living."

I turn around again, and yell, "SEBASTIAN, YOU JERK! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!"

I felt someone sweep me off my feet (again).

"You called, kitten?" He asked. He turned to see the Viscount clutching his many area.

"He's been doing illegal trafficking. He isn't Jack the Ripper, but he has been doing something illegal," I reply, giving him a cold, hard stare.

"Wait! Do you have any proof?" The Viscount argued back.

"I know everything," I replied, eyes darkening. "I think I'll keep to myself."

"Well done, (Y/n)," I hear. I turn around to see Ciel, a small smile on his lips. Aleistor looked like he got an 'F' on his test.

I was still in Sebastian's arms, and I felt my eyes getting heavier.

"Thank you, young master," was all I could say before falling asleep, because holding your breath for about 3 minutes is quite a workout.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now