Dammit Josh, they're making out again!

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"What the fuck where did the bitch go?!" I asked as everyone stared into the gaping hole in the wall.

"Where did he go?" Angela asked, running up to the rest of us.

We decided to head back when a knock on the door held us back. Opening the door, a messenger came stumbling in with a worried look on his face.

"The demon hound," he panted, all wet. "He is here!"

"Well shit, we're screwed," I mumbled as Sebastian picked me up princess style.

"Dude, why?" I asked. He didn't reply.

We started running to where the occultists were, chanting their ritual. He put me down with a smile, but was quickly wiped off when I bitch-slapped him with full force.

"Don't do that again, exercise is important," I said in a serious tone, and stared at what was happening.

Both Josh and I's grins surpassed the Cheshire Cat's grin as the rest of the Phantomhive's eyes widened.

"Hehe, nudge nudge, wink wink," I whispered in Josh's ear as he snickered. Finny and Mey-rin's scream echoed into the dreary night sky.

Why are they out in a fucking THUNDERSTORM?! I thought, looking at the dead body that laid in front of me. I glared at it suspiciously as Ciel and Sebastian exchanged glances.

I started to head to the dead body, but Sebastian stuck his hand out in front of me, stopping me in my tracks.

"This does not need to be seen by a girl," he said. I shoved him, and spat, "I'm not ordinary girl, you fucking idiot."

He smirked as I headed to the body, saying, "language, (Y/n) dear."

"Language my ass," I mumbled as I held up the lord's arm, which was missing a hand. "Anime makes blood look so fake these days. Pity."

The villagers were yelling out pleads to the demon hound like he was a god. I looked back over to see Angela fall to the floor. Finny rushed over to her and caught her in his gentle arms. My eyes narrowed as my chest tightened. What is this feeling?

"It is a pity, young master," Sebastian said to Ciel, who was sitting down in the chair like a champ. "To think all this happened when the case has just ended!"

"Yes, a pity," I replied with a smirk. "More fun, though."

"Shut up, you two," Ciel snapped. We both fell silence.

"Angela is resting up right now," Mey-rin said, looking at him. "She seemed really tired!"

"Well, maybe because she was asleep," Josh suggested as Mey-rin's face turned pink.

"U-um, yes! I am so sorry!"

He laughed a little, and gave her that heart melting smile.

"Josh, stop making the flowers bloom," I whispered in his ear as his face fell.

"Oh, sorry."

"This village isolated itself from the rest of the country. At first, I thought it was Barrymore who set this up," Ciel started, going into thinking mode, "but now I have to rethink this, after seeing his corpse."

"Hey, maybe you can join him, that way it'll be a corpse party!" I said with a smile, hoping that someone would get the anime reference.

"SHUT UP!! I'M TRYING TO SET THE MOOD!" Ciel yelled, slamming his small hands onto the table. He sighed, a tick mark appearing on his head.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now