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-Niall's POV-
I awoke to Mackenzie mumbling in my ear. I smiled as I pulled her closer. I always have loved how she talked in her sleep. Her hair fell over my face and I sneezed, which hurt. She moaned and stirred, gently moving on my chest, as not to hurt me. It didn't hurt though. That's the thing. She's so....light..... I'm deadly sure she went totally anorexic while I was gone.
I definitely won't ask her about it, as she'll get mad at me if I do. She sure did get mad the last time.....
"Ni......?" Mackenzie murmured, her words slurred together from the sleep.
"Hmmm?" I hummed in answer and she sighed.
"You smell.......good..." she mumbled and I smiled and kissed the top of her head gently.
"You smell good too." I answered back. She sighed into my neck quietly. I felt her press a small, lingering kiss to my neck, right where my sweet spot was. I shivered and smiled as she slowly woke up by kissing my neck. I moaned, but immediately bit my lip straight afterwards, not wanting to give in.
"You're sexy....." she whispered in my ear, her teeth grazing it. I laughed.
"Damn." I mumbled jokingly, getting incredibly turned on.
"I want to rip every shred of clothing off of you. Right. Now." She whispered in my ear and I felt blood rush to my cheeks. I was blushing furiously. She pulled away from my neck and her hair swung behind her as she smiled down at me.
"Stop....." I whined, knowing I had to control myself. Liam was literally in the next room and physical activity. I have to control myself. Even though I want to....really bad.
"Stop what baby?!" She asked, smiling as she reached out to twirl my hair with her fingers innocently.
"Stop....." I whined, almost unable to say anything else. She smiled and kissed my nose gently.
"It's fun to mess with you little Nialler." She whispered as she slowly got up and stood up. There was a yelp, which came from Jesse and Mackenzie jumped to her left.
"Shit Jesse!! I'm sorry baby! I didn't see you!" Mackenzie said as Jesse ran to the other side of the room. "Noooo. Come back! Let me love you!!" Mackenzie shouted after Jesse as he ran into the kitchen. I began to laugh at her as she looked back at me as she balanced on one foot.
"Stay here Mr. Laugh. I'll make you some breakfast." She sassed and I watched as she hobbled across the room.
"Use your crutches!!" I shouted.
"Meh." She waved me off and I slowly sat up as she came back to get her crutches. I watched her ass as she walked into the kitchen. She poked her head back around the corner and smiled at me.
"Like what cha see?" She smirked and I nodded quickly.
"Most definitely." I replied instantly as she shook her head.
"What do you want?!?!" She shouted from the kitchen.
"ANYTHING." I shouted back and I heard her laugh and clunk around some in the kitchen. Jesse looked up at me slowly and quickly ran into the other room. I heard a crash and a scream a couple minutes later and I jumped. Mackenzie had screamed, but it was cut off abruptly.
"Kenz? You alright?" I asked. There was no answer and I got scared. I slowly got up, my head spun and my chest hurt, so I stopped to catch my breath before moving again. I slowly walked into the kitchen and saw Mackenzie sitting on the floor, holding her knees up to her chest. She was crying silently, Jesse next to her, licking her face.
"What happened?" I asked urgently and she looked up at me, tears streaming down her face.
"I....f...fell. It hurts....." she whispered and I sighed. I would help her up, but I'm not strong enough to. I wouldn't be able to lift her. I'm too weak.
I crouched down next to her and lowered myself to the floor. Slowly, I sat down and scooted behind her, so her back rested against my chest. I slowly brushed her hair back from her neck and massaged her neck. She looked back and me and smiled through her tears.
"Thanks Nialler." She whispered and I smiled and kissed one of her tears away. It was warm and salty on my lips, but I didn't mind.
"Well. Here we sit." I said and she laughed and kissed me slowly. Her lips lingered on mine as she slowly brought her hand up to my cheek. I kissed her back with as much passion as I could find in my body. She sighed into our kisses as it got more passionate. We both knew that this probably wasn't going anywhere, as I was still to weak to walk on my own.
My hands slid off of her shoulders and moved up to her hair to play with it. Sadly, she pulled away suddenly and slid her hand off my face.
"How on earth are we going to get up?" She asked me and I rose my eyebrows. We both glanced at each other, knowing what the other was thinking.
"LIAM." We both shouted at the same time. We heard a door open and a very tired looking Liam staggered through the kitchen. He didn't even seem to notice that we were on the floor.
"What the h-" Liam started before he saw us on the floor.
"We.....need your help." Mackenzie said and I stifled my laugh on her shoulder, hugging her frail body to my broken one.
"That's obvious. What were. two even doing?" He asked as he slowly held his arm out to Mackenzie. Mackenzie grabbed it. He slowly pulled her up to stand next to him. She lost her balance and fell against his chest again. He smiled and stood her back up again.
"We were........" I trailed, looking at Mackenzie. She blushed a bright shade of red and looked away from my eyes quickly.
"Nothing." She covered and I nodded. She seemed embarrassed that she had fallen, and I'll respect her wishes and not tell Liam.
"Right....." he said suspiciously as he grabbed my arm. He pulled me up and I groaned as I stood up. The pain was tiring me out and I staggered as soon as I stood, feeling extremely dizzy.
"Why don't you two go lay down...? I'll make breakfast...." Liam said and Mackenzie sighed.
"You don't have to Liam. You've already done so much....." Mackenzie trailed and he rolled his eyes.
"Nah. It's cool. Go sleep, you both look pretty beat.... I'll call you when it's done." He said and we both smiled. Mackenzie grabbed his face and gave him a long kiss on the cheek. I pouted.
"What about me?!" I exclaimed and she rolled her eyes and leaned over to peck my lips. Liam handed Mackenzie her crutches, she put them underneath her arms again obediently, knowing not to cross Liam.
"Go sleep." Liam said, practically pushing us out of the kitchen. I followed Mackenzie into her room. I shut the door behind me quietly as Mackenzie laid her crutches on the ground next to her bed. She slowly climbed into her bed as I walked over to the other side.
Her eyes were wide and cute as I got into the bed. I smiled. "You're so cute." I stated as I got into bed next to her. She sighed and turned to face me. She didn't say anything. Her hand found its way into my hair and twisted it in different ways. I always knew how she loved my hair, she always would play with it.
Her face was soft as she played with my hair. Her eyes drifted to meet mine and we held eye contact for quite a long time. Her beautiful green eyes were mesmerizing to me. I felt her hand grasp mine underneath the sheets. She squeezed my hand gently. I squeezed back.
I slowly reached my other hand up to catch her hand, which was still feeling my hair. I grabbed her arm and traced my finger over the deep scars, which she had done last week. I found my way back into her eyes. Her expression was blank. Her face, void.
"I missed you." Mackenzie whispered suddenly, her face full of raw emotion as I continued to trace over the scars. I slowly brought her arm up to my lips and kissed each scar firmly, trying to make them disappear as if they never had happened. He eyes fluttered shut tightly as she laid her forehead against mine.
"Thank you." Mackenzie whimpered as she pulled me closer.
"For what?" I whispered as I continued to kiss her arm. The cuts were ungodly deep. I'm surprised she didn't bleed out from these. The adrenaline was probably the only thing that prevented this.
"Making it all better........." she whispered and I smiled against her skin.
"Yeah....." I whispered back, my speech beginning to get more slurred as I began to get tired. I let her arm drop. She hugged me around my waist tightly and pulled herself against my chest. I chuckled, which hurt.
"Can I ask you a question?" I asked quietly. She nodded against my chest in answer. "What did you use?" I asked slowly and she looked up at me.
"For these?" She asked, tracing one of the deep scars on her arm. I winced and nodded. "Pocket knife." She whispered, sounding ashamed. I winced at the image that popped into my head.
"Talk to me." I pleaded. She looked up at me slowly.
"Later." She reasoned and I nodded, knowing she was tired. I didn't want to push her. I just got my princess back. I'm never letting her go again.
I tightened my arms around her waist. "Sleep princess. I'll wake you up later." I assured. She nodded against my shoulder and snuggled up to me. I sighed and buried my nose in her sweet smelling hair. It smelled faintly of the shampoo she used, mixed with honey and flowers.
"You're my treasure." She mumbled against my chest, her words slurring together in her tiredness. I couldn't contain my smile any longer. I kissed her head gently and sighed.
"Every princess has treasure." I whispered and she giggled cutely, hiding her face in my chest. "You're cute when you blush." I stated and she laughed this time. Music.
"Shh......" she shushed me and I smiled, hugging her tightly. Our hands were still linked together. I heard her sigh as I traced circles into the back of her small hand.
" you.....snowflake....." Mackenzie slurred, half asleep already. I blushed at her odd nickname for me.
I was tired too. There was a small knock at the door, which I knew was Liam. Mackenzie didn't seem to hear it and Liam opened the door a crack, sticking his head through.
"Want breakfast?" He whispered and I sighed, biting my lip. I slowly shook my head as I looked at Mackenzie, so content in my arms. I was hungry, but I didn't want to disturb her.
"No mate. I' it later." I whispered. He nodded, smiled at us, shook his head and closed the door slowly and quietly.
"Sweet dreams princess." I whispered as I snuggled closer to her. She mumbled something, but I couldn't understand it. I slowly felt myself drift into a warm, pain free sleep. It was....wonderful.

This is not the end~ Fourth book in PLMI seriesWhere stories live. Discover now