Old friends and new problems-61

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A/n- Funny story. The last chapter was based on a dream I had.......

-Mackenzie's POV-
I woke up slowly next to Niall, his gentle snoring still coming from his mouth. Smiling, I leaned down to kiss his forehead, before sliding my legs out of the bunk and looking around. I saw that Harry, Zayn, and Liam's bunks were all still occupied, Harry's curly hair flipped down over his face as he slept. I smiled and tiptoed past them, glancing at a snoring Liam, his feet hanging out of his bunk. I gently pushed his feet back inside the bunk and pulled the curtain that divided the two rooms shut behind me. Walking into the kitchen area, I saw Louis sitting at the table, eating cereal and looking at something on his computer.
"Gmorning Lou." I mumbled as I poured myself some tea from the coffee pot. He glanced at me and waved. "What're you doing.......?" I asked suspiciously, leaning against the counter and pulling my hair out of the messy bun, letting my curls run wild.
"Guess!!" He exclaimed mischievously. I frowned and shook my head, glancing at the time on the oven.
"Yeah. It's to early for this Lou." I sighed, rubbing a hand over my tired face. He smiled, shaking his head and looking back at his computer. "Wait....you're doing a twit cam...aren't you...." I said, realizing what he was doing and pushing him over so I could see. He laughed and nodded as I sat down next to him, grabbing Niall's beanie off the table and pulling it over my frizzy hair, so I wouldn't look too bad.
"Say hello Mackenzie." Louis said. I smiled.
"Hellooooo." I said, waving at the screen. I looked at Louis and felt my phone buzz in my hand.
"Does anyone have any questions for me and Mackenzie?" Louis asked.
"Technically, it's Mackenzie and I.......but I'll let it slide since it's so early." I corrected as I opened a text message from Niall and smiled.
Snowflake😘- Babyyyyyy....come back to bed.....! I'm so lonely!!!
I chuckled and shook my head, typing back my answer as Louis talked to the fans.
Kenz😉- Oh...poor baby!! Want me to call your mommy?
I typed back, smiling at the screen. Louis gently shoved my shoulder, pointing at the computer screen.
​​​​​​ "I asked you a question Johnny." He stated, sticking out his tongue. I laughed and shook my head.
"Fine. I wasn't paying attention. Ask away." I said. He shook his head disapprovingly. I laughed.
"How rude. Anyways. Jennifer, from Kentucky....she wants to know...what your favorite color is." He said. I sighed.
"Blue. Most definitely." I answered. I let Louis talk to the fans for awhile, while I watched the questions roll by.
One of them asked where Niall is. "Niall's in bed. He's too lazy to get his lazy butt up." I answered, Louis laughed.
"Theyre all asleep actually. We're all pretty tired after the first show on the road." He admitted. I nodded my agreement, looking down at my phone and smiling.
Snowflake😘- Yes. I need her to change my diaper. Unless you want to do it....😉
Kenz😉- Erm.....I don't love you that much.
Snowflake😘- Now I am going to cry.
Kenz😉- Come here then!
Snowflake😘- Meh. Too far.
Kenz😉- fine lazy ass. I'll come get you myself.
I heard the unmistakable sound of Niall's laugh from the other room and looked at Louis, before getting up. "I'll be right back." I stated, looking out the window at the moving scenery before pulling back the curtain and walking over to my bunk, where Niall slept last night. I pulled back the curtain and saw him facing the wall, his blonde hair up in spikes like he ran his hands through it a million times. He turned to me and smiled, his eyes hazed over from sleep and his oxygen tube twisted in front of his face. I smiled and knelt down next to the bunk, as it was the one on the bottom, and fixed his oxygen tube before running my hands gently through his hair. He closed his eyes and sighed, leaning into my touch. I felt some of his hair thinning, and gently pulled back, finding a tuft of it in my hand. I gasped and Niall opened his eyes, taking it between his fingers and smiling.
"Do not be alarmed. It happens....and besides....we could sell it on eBay for a million bucks." He tried joking, but I shook my head gently, indicating that this was in fact, not a joke to me.
"Niall.....are you going to lose all your hair?" I whispered. He sighed, scooting over in the bunk and patting the empty space.
"C'mere." He mumbles, gently pulling me into the bunk with him. I'm engulfed immediately with the overwhelming smell and warmth of him, the whole bunk is laced in it, making my breath practically come up short. He spooned me from behind, kissing my neck lightly and gently taking the tuft of hair out of my hands and throwing it to the floor like it was a piece of lint.
"Niall...I don't.....don't want you to lose your hair..." I whispered. He sighed, nipping at my skin with his teeth and leaving a few love bites, making goosebumps crawl up my arms, making the hair stand up. I felt something wet drip on my shoulder and I looked up to see silent tears streaming down his face. I swiped my thumbs along his cheeks, wiping them away. He smiled through his teary eyes, shaking his head and burying his wet face into my shoulder.
"Sorry. I don't know why I'm crying." He laughed, embarrassed as he swiped at his face. I traced the veins in his arm that was across my stomach and shook my head.
"Don't apologize." I whispered, playing with his fingers. He smiled, nudging my ear with his nose. He buried his face into my hair, kissing it as he did so.
"I love you.....so much....oh gosh...so much Kenz ....I can't even....." he mumbled, kissing down my neck slowly.
​​​​​​ "Shhh...don't speak." I whispered, reaching behind me to trace his chiseled jawline. I heard him swallow, so I traced my fingers down his neck, to his chest and turned so I could traced them down and around his torso. His eyes fluttered closed and goosebumps rose on his skin.
"Will we be okay?" He whispered suddenly, his blue eyes fluttering open. I frowned and looked at him.
"What?" I hesitantly asked.
"Will we be okay?" He asked again, as if I didn't hear him the first time.
​​​​​​ "Yeah. I umm...heard you the first time....but...I'm not really....following..." I admitted. He sighed as if a burden had been dropped in his stomach.
​​​​​​ "You won't.....l..leave me...Will you?" He asked, his raspy morning voice tired and shaky. My stomach flipped at the image of him watching my plane fly away....leaving him behind.
"No.....I......why would you think that...?" I whispered, tracing down his arm. He tilted his head, so that our foreheads were against each other.
"Well..it's just.....you left me b...before...and....well....I'm getting more and more sick...and....I wouldn't blame.......you....if....you...." he stammered out, a tear coming from his face. I felt my cheeks flame up in embarrassment at the mention of me leaving him. I shook my head, leaning forward to press my lips on his. He whined into our kiss, making me kiss him a bit harder, pushing some passion into it. He pulled away and I wiped some tears from his eyes.
"I won't leave you again......" I whispered, kissing his bare chest. He took a shaky breath in, his eyes red and swollen underneath.
"I......I'm sorry....." he mumbled, looking at me with his bloodshot eyes. I wiped some tears that were still sitting on his cheeks and pecked his lips.
​​​​​​ "Don't apologize. I should be the one apologizing." I whispered again, running my hand over his forehead, which was kind of hot.
He pulled me to him and I flipped over so that he could hug me from behind and use me as a pillow. He didn't seem to want to move, or get up, so I didn't make him. "We should probably get up....." Niall trailed, I turned to look at him.
"We won't get there for another four, five hours anyways....we can stay here if you want...." I whispered. He smiled and buried his face down into my neck like he usually does.
"I want to stay here with you forever. Not just a couple hours." He whispered, right before I fell back asleep.

This is not the end~ Fourth book in PLMI seriesWhere stories live. Discover now