Double weddings and emotions on high-66

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A/n- For the next couple days, I'm gonna be a write a howlic. (See what I did there? Owls? No? Okay...) ima see if I can do an update once a day. Then I'll get this story MOOOVVINNN. Yay!!!Lol, and yes. There will be a short kind of add on story about Kendall. It won't he all that long, maybe only a few chapters, but it will give more info on her and her life so yeah!! :)

-Mackenzie's POV-
I stood in the back by the band as the guys sang their songs, while I played guitar. Niall still wanted to go on, so....he was sitting on the front of the stage, playing his guitar quietly and singing his solos. His voice was much more raspy tonight, which made the fans practically die. But..I knew something was wrong from the start, his coughing, his fever, his raspy, lower voice.....he's sick. And he knows it too.
Louis looked a little shaken, and Harry was practically holding back tears the whole time we were onstage. I'm not sure why...I'll have to ask them later....

-Niall's POV-
As I was sitting on the side of the stage, strumming chords as I listened to the boys try to get the crowd pumped, I saw a sign. It read, "We love you Niall. You'll beat the cancer. #StaystrongNialler"
I felt tears prick my eyes and I let one fall, knowing very well this would end up all over Twitter tomorrow. I cleared my throat into the microphone and the boys all looked at me, the happiness leaking from Louis's eyes.
"How about we sing another song!! As this is a concert!!" Louis yelled into his mic, his voice cracked, but he played it off like a cough like a pro. The crowd screamed and I sighed into my mic, closing my eyes and trying so hard to will my body to work with me. I'm so tired. My eyes have such deep bags underneath I look like a raccoon. My throat hurts, as well as my chest and I felt like my head was going to explode. Even my heart hurt. Like I was tired of living or something. Oh, I know...all of you think I'm just so full of life, so full of happiness. But I'm not. My body is slowly giving up, so why shouldn't I too? My body is tired of living........maybe I be should too.....
"Nialler...?" I heard Mackenzie say from behind me. I jumped and she sat down next to me, dangling her feet off the edge of the stage like I was. "You need to go to the hospital...." she whispered, leaning in to rest her forehead against my hot one. I shook my head lightly, letting the crowd fall away and letting it just be us. I slowly moved the mic away from my mouth so they wouldn't be able to hear us. Liam and Louis were chasing each other around the stage, having a water fight, while Zayn and Harry were shaking their heads.
I turned back to Mackenzie, who looked at me with love. "Tell me I'm worth it. Tell me I need to survive." I whispered. Her mouth turned down in a frown and she leaned forward further, so her lips brushed past mine.
"I love you." Was all she could say before she leaned forward further, crashing her lips against mine. I kissed her back passionately, grabbing her chin and tilting her head so I could get a better angle. I heard someone clear their throat, but I kissed Mackenzie a bit harder, trying to find something. Anything. That would make me want to live. I know she loves me. I love her too. So much.
Mackenzie slowly pulled away and put a finger on my lips. "Later." She whispered, kissing my cheek and pulling away to put her guitar back in her lap. I looked up to see Liam pouting.
"KENZIE. NIALLS MINE!!" He yelled. I laughed, my laughter loud as I moved my mic back over my mouth.
"Oh shut up. You know I'll always love you. " I said sweetly, reaching out to pull Liam to me by his legs and hug his waist. Liam stroked my hair and I looked over at Mackenzie, who was rolling her eyes, shaking her head.
"Care to comment Mackenzie?" Liam asked, shoving his mic in her face.She smiled sweetly, and licked her lips. Oh great. Here comes the sarcasm.
"Oh Payno...did you tell your wife about this new fangled romance you and Nialler have going on?" I asked sarcastically. Liam grinned.
"Why yes. Actually. She's totally cool with it. Any tips for me when I date Niall?" He asked. She smiled again. Oh no.....
"Yeah!! Get me a pen and a paper and I'll shove it up your-" she started, but I cut her off by shoving my hand over her mouth mouth as Harry yelled into his mic.
"OKAY!! Enough of that!!" He yelled, shaking his head and throwing his curls to the side. Mackenzie gave him a thumbs up with a crazy smile and I laughed.
"Hey Harry!!" Mackenzie yelled in the mic that the stage manager had just given her. She attached it like mine as Harry turned to look at her. "Your hair is almost as long as mine!!" she yelled. His mouth twitched up into a smile as he shook his head.
"Not quite love..." he said sadly, the smile before falling away. Louis frowned and they all sat down on the edge of the stage.
"What song's next?" I inquired, messing with my guitar and reaching over to mess with Mackenzie's. She slapped my hand away, hugging her guitar.
"My precious." She hissed, making me laugh.
"How about little things?" Liam suggested. I looked to Mackenzie and she touched my hand gently, rubbing her thumb over my knuckles in a soothing gesture.
"Sounds good." Louis said as he sat down next to me. Mackenzie and I were sitting pretty close, but Louis sat further away, giving me space for my guitar. I played the first few chords and Mackenzie followed me in suit, watching her fingers as she played and focusing on that instead of the crowd. As Zayn sung his solo, I listened to the sound of me and Mackenzie playing guitar on sync. She looked up at me and smiled encouragingly. Liam and Louis were still throwing water at each other, which caused Liam to gasp through his solo, as Louis had thrown water at his back. As we got to Louis's solo, they stopped throwing water and let Louis sing, his high voice perfect as usual. Then Harry sang his solo, and his low voice was shaky. I saw a tear fall from his face and Louis leaned over, whispering something into his ear. A smile tugged at Harry's lips and he smiled, hugging Louis. I smiled as they sang the chorus together in harmony. But...when it got to my solo, my voice cracked loudly and I couldn't help but to let the forbidden tears fall. Mackenzie stopped, and looked up at me before singing with me in harmony, her strong voice encouraging me as I cried. Louis scooted closer to me and put a hand on my back, gently rubbing it as I sang with Mackenzie with passion. Once I finally finished my solo, she took over the guitar part while Louis hugged me.
"You okay?" He whispered.
"Yeah. Are you?" I asked, moving the mic away from my mouth again. He nodded over my shoulder, still hugging me tightly.
"Well.....just wait for Twitter tonight. I'll probably be married to Harry with three kids and a dog named rover." He said. I laughed, a smile coming to my face instantly.
"Me and Liam will probably be married as well." I said. He laughed.
"We could have a double wedding!!" He yelled as he pulled away. I laughed loudly and released him.

-Louis's POV-
We finished concert without falling flat on our faces or....dying. That's a plus? I don't even know. Everyone is so on edge tonight. I'm scared for Alexa. Harry's worried about Kendall. Mackenzie and Niall have their weird thing. Zayn's really tired and Liam....? Well Liam's just trying to get everyone to cooperate. Which isn't working that well. We have a meet and greet right now, plus a signing. I just want to see if my girlfriend is alright......
​​​​​​ I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jumped and turned around quickly, slamming straight into Harry. We bumped heads and both cursed at the same time, same word.
"What the heck??!" We both said at the same time. I rolled my eyes.
"What's wrong?" I asked. He shook his head, his curls falling over his face before he pushed them back up.
"Oh.....Erm....nothing.......I just wanted to see when...we were gonna go....?" He asked. I sighed.
"Tonight. Right after this is done. I promise." I said as I hugged another fan. He sighed, but nodded, his eyes full of worry.
««One hour later»»
"C'mon Lou. Let's go. " Harry urged. I rolled my eyes as he pulled me out the door to the bus, the other boys and Mackenzie following behind.
"Just wait Harold!! Let me tell these blokes where we're going!" I yelled as I pulled my arm from his iron grip and walked back to Liam.
"Something happened to Kendall. It was...her step father. She's in the hospital and that's all I know. Alexa was there too, but she's not hurt. Harry and I are going to go see them." I explained. Liam sighed.
"We're in Canada in two days...." Liam reminded me. I nodded.
"Yeah. I know. We'll be back by then. We just need to check everything to make sure they're okay...." I trailed. Liam nodded, but Mackenzie grabbed my arm.
"Something happened to Kendall?" She asked, her voice was hushed and scared. I nodded slowly.
"I'm sure she'll be okay...." Niall reassured her, putting his arm around her and whispering something in her ear. She nodded slowly, glancing at me one more time.
"Tell Lex I love her.......and Kendall too..." she whispered quietly, grabbing both my hands in front of me and giving me an urgent look. I frowned and nodded.
"Oh yes....of course....." I trailed, gently pulling her from Niall and hugging her tightly. She nodded against my chest and pulled away, touching my hair gently.
"Thank you...." she whispered.
"For what?" I asked, glancing at Niall. He rose his eyebrows in question and pulled his beanie further down on his head.
She didn't answer and walked towards the bus alone, shoving her hands into her pockets and pulling out a hat. She pulled it over her head and walked around to the other side of the bus, pushing past Harry, and leaving me and the boys in silence. I sighed loudly, shaking my head.
"Harold!! Are we going to go or not?!!" I yelled. Harry spun and jumped, his green eyes glinting in the darkness of the night.
"Oh. Umm. Yeah yeah." He called, coming back up to me and pulling me away from the boys. I yelled a feeble bye as Harry pulled me into a cab, rubbing his hands together and holding them together so tightly his knuckles were the color of snow.
I reached out to touch his hand and squeeze it. "She'll be fine Hazza......" I whispered. He looked up at me, looking like he was going to cry. I sighed and pulled him into a tight hug. So many hugs.....
"You don't know that........" he replied, pulling away and laying his head against the window and staying silent for the rest of the ride to the airport. I sighed.
"No...I don't...." I whispered, pulling my hand away from Harry's.

A/n- This chapter makes me want to jump off a cliff. Lol. It's so hard to come off such a huge huge chapter. Emotions are running high. ESPECIALLY FOR ME. AND YOU PROBABLY. What happened to Kendall? And lol, guys I seriously love the hash tag going on. #hendall. I love it. Absolutely love it. What DO YOU think should happen? Should I be a dingle britches and stomp their relationship out? Or should I SAVE IT. LIKE THE GOOD GIRL I AM. (Lol. Not) Tell me what ya think and leave me your comments. Ps, WHERES ZAYN. WHERED HE GO. HES NOT EVEN IN THIS CHAPTER HARDLY. BLEHHHH. Oh, and another thing, I might get confused when jumping to different stories, so please....please tell me if I made a mistake with names or ANYTHING!! Because I would like to know. Just don't nit pick. I hate that. Lol. I hope you lovelies have fun. I love you all. 😘😘 Peace out peeps.

This is not the end~ Fourth book in PLMI seriesWhere stories live. Discover now