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A/See? I told you I'd be updating soon. But, it's going to be a little short sooooo.Now, on with the show!!!!!!!! This story is dedicated to Emy_Sas  she is runner up contest winner and is the owner of the new character you will meet in a moment!!!!


Magnus opened his eyes with a groan and looked around. Where was he? The last thing he could remember was spelling Jace and running backstage. He felt terrible. Magnus slowly sat up, and saw that he was in an alleyway, a little ways away from the Institute. He felt like punching himself in the face. Why had he lost control?! He should never have gone to the ceremony, not with his magic on the fritz. 

Magnus got to his feet and promptly threw up. He could taste bile in the back of his throat. What was he supposed to do now? 

Magnus made his way out of the alley and into the street. He must have been out for a while, it was already night time.  His memory was starting to come back. After he had exploded, he remembered fainting, and waking up in Jace arms. He spelled Jace and ran out the back door. After that.... he was pretty sure that he had run around the building to the side entrance of the ballroom. And then...... Alec had found him. And... and...

"Dam it!" Magnus mumbled under his breath. He couldn't member anything after that. He hoped Alec was ok. If anything happened to him... Magnus would never forgive himself. Magnus walked aimlessly down the street, not really going anywhere. He just had to get away. Get some where safe. Magnus walked into a small coffee shop, and bought a drink. He sat down in a little booth and slowly sipped the coffee. He didn't know what to do. He was just.... what was he doing? Magnus didn't know.

"Excuse me." said a voice behind Magnus. He turned around, surprised to see a teenage girl, about fourteen standing behind him.

"Hi. Can I help you?" Magnus asked, confused. The girl smiled, showing teeth that looked a little too sharp to be normal.

"Yes you can. I was wondering, have you come from the ceremony for your friend Alec who won the award? I'm looking for my little sister, she ran off in all the chaos."

Magnus stared at the child. He was a little concerned that this little girl was all alone looking for her sister. Where were her parents?

"I'm sorry, I can't say that I have. What does she look like?"

"She looks about seven years old, but she's actually 14. She has a medical condition. I was hoping you might know her, seeing how your a warlock and all."

Magnus stood up very quickly and backed away from the girl.

"I...I, I d..don't know wh...what your t..t..talking about." he stuttered.

"The girl smiled. "Oh Magnus, it's quite obvious that your the one who set off an explosion. Your magic is all over that area. Now, why don't you come with me and I'll explain everything.

Magnus looked eerily at the girl. "Why should I trust you?"

"Because I know who you are. And..." the girl clicked her fingers and a photo appeared in her hands. "I can show you your real parents."

Magnus gasped, and knew that he had to follow this girl at all costs.

"Alright, I'll go with you. But what's your name?"

The girl tucked the picture in her pocket and started to walk away. Magnus hurried to keep up with her. As they left the coffee shop, she mumbled something so faint, that Magnus could barely understand it.


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