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A/N I know, I know, another update. But like I said, I'm really bored and I have a lot of time o my hands. Sooooooo, here's another update. Get ready for a whole bunch of dialogue, yay!!!

*This is a time skip to right after Magnus ran off and Alec is trying to find him.

Alec looked around frantically. The only people he could see were a few stragglers making their way over into the banquet hall. Where was Magnus??!!!!! He decided to look around just one more time. He had to find Magnus. When he saw Magnus run out the back door earlier, Alec was shocked that he had abandoned Jace, but also worried about why he had run. Alec ran around the back of the building. Nothing. He turned around and crashed into someone.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't see where I was going, I'm just looking for my friend and-MAGNUS!!!"

In his rush of words, Alec hadn't even realized that the person he had run in to was the person he was looking for.

"Magnus thank god, I was so worried when I saw you running away, why did you run? Why did you abandon Jace, do you know where the others are?"

Alec wrapped Magnus in a big hug, relived to see his friend safe, so he was very confused when Magnus roughly pushed him away.

"St..stay away from me." Magnus stuttered.

"Mags, what's wrong?"

"You have to stay away from me! You can't get hurt!"

Alec looked at Magnus confused. "Magnus, what are you talking about, I'm fine. Look, you obviously really tired, you look like your about to pass out. Let's get you inside so you can get checked out and we can find Clary and Simon and the others."

"No!" Magnus shouted. "I can't go inside. I can't hurt anyone else. I can't....I can't hurt you."

Alec looked at him, scared now. "Magnus, this isn't your fault, and no one had been seriously injured. Everyone's fine, you haven't hurt anyone."

"Yes, I have..... You don't understand."

"Then make me understand!!!"

When Alec said that, Magnus grabbed his waist pulled Alec against him, and kissed him.

Alec was shocked, and didn't know what to do, so he just stood there for a moment. Then, realizing what was happening, he wrapped his hands around Magnus's neck and kissed him back fiercely.

They remained there locked in that position, for a solid five minutes. Then, pulling back to breath, Magnus rested his forehead against Alec's and closed his eyes.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." whispered Alec.

"I didn't know how much I wanted to do that until now" he replied.

"What... what do we do know?"

Magnus was starting to shake, and sucked in a deep breathe.

"Now, I have to get the hell away from here."

"What?!?!" Alec pulled away from Magnus quickly. "What do you mean get away from here. You just kissed me, a boy who's had a crush on you his entire life, and you just want to get away?!"

Magnus took a deep breath. He could feel his magic welling up inside him again. If he didn't get away soon, he was going to explode, right in front of Alec. But he couldn't just leave Alec with no explanation.

"Look Alec. There are a lot of things you don't understand right now, but I am going to tell you something and I need you to not question it, to except it. Can you do that?"

Of course I can." Alec would do anything for Magnus. Even if it meant dyeing.

"Ok, here goes nothing. I am a warlock, so I have magic powers. My biological mother was a demon, which makes me half demon. The people you know aren't my real parents, they just took me in when I was a baby. I don't know who my real parents are. I'm coming into my powers, which means I can't control them. That explosion from earlier? That was my powers, exploding out of my body. It's going to happen again soon and if I don't get out of here, I'm going to hurt many more people."

Alec stared at Magnus. He blinked, and slowly let out a breath.

"Ok. I believe you."

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, I mean, your my best friend, and my lifelong crush. You've never lied to me before and I see no reason why you would start now."

"Wow, ok then. So you understand that I have to go right now?"

"Weellll, that's were we have a small problem." Alec said, as he grabbed Magnus's wrists. "I'm not letting you go anywhere until we get your head checked out."

Magnus was severely shaking now, and he felt like he was going to puke.

"Alec, we don't have time for this. I have to go before I explode!"

"You aren't going to explode." Alec said firmly. "You hit your head, and we are going to get you fixed up."

Magnus squeezed his eyes shut. He was close, so close..... to exploding... he couldn't hold it in... he couldn't..."

Magnus sagged down into Alec's arms. "Magnus? Magnus?!" Alec asked concerned.

Magnus looked up into Alec's face and whispered, "Run..."

And then he exploded.

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