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Magnus looked out over the city, and sighed.

The task that Elizabeth had assigned him was fairly easy, but he wasn't sure about his abilities. She wanted him to transport him and her and Adianez to Paris, where he would then go back to the U.S and proceed to call a number that Elizabeth had given him, and a girl would pick up the phone. He would then say a string of numbers: 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,15,17,19,21,48,95,30,86. Magnus had no idea what these numbers meant, and he had absolutely no idea what he was going to do after that, as Elizabeth had never told him what he needed to do next.

They were to leave the next morning, when the sun came up. Apparently, sunup and sundown were the best time to perform traveling spells, according to Elizabeth, it had something to do with the positioning of the sun and the axle of the earth corresponding to the angle of some planet....Magnus wasn't really paying attention to her. He was more worried about Alec and how he was doing.

Kissing Alec had been rash, and foolish. But it had felt so, so, right! As soon as his lips had met Alec's he had never wanted to let go. And when Alec had admitted that he loved Magnus, well that had to have been one of the best things to ever happen in Magnus's life.

But Magnus had hurt Alec, he had made him feel pain. Looking at Alec like that, with blood on his face, it was too much. And what had happened after A lec exploded the second time? Had he gotten even more hurt? Magnus couldn't bare to imagine what Alec might look like after being that close to the explosion.

But scars would heal, and as long as Alec was alive, everything was ok. But Magnus would never again be able to see Alec without some sort of awful scar. That was why he could never go back. If he hurt Alec, or one of his friend, friends that felt like family, Magnus would never forgive himself. And if the others ever found out what he was, he was sure that they'd hate him too, hate him for what he was, for what he had done.

Thinking like this wasn't good. Magnus could already feel the memories coming at him, could already feel the pain, the loss, the fear...But he couldn't think about that now, not with Alec somewhere potentially hurt, not with Magnus stranded with strangers, not with....

Magnus looked out the window at the kids across the street. They were playing some weird game involving kicking a ball into two cones, and they shouted and cheered whenever it happened.

Magnus turned around and looked into the kitchen, where his mother was preparing dinner.

"Why can't I go outside Mama?"

'Because." She said sharply. "You might show one of them your eyes. And if they see your eyes, you know what will happen. They'll scream, and hit you, and then we all have to move again. And you don't want to move again, right?"

Ew Chapter

"No Mama."

"Now. Go wash up. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. And remember, no touching the good towels, use your rag!"

Magnus walked up the stairs and walked into the bathroom. On the rack sat three fluffy white towels, and hidden on the floor behind them was an old brown rag. Magnus wasn't allowed to touch the pretty towels, he might ruin them with his magic, or "unnatural evil powers" as his parents called them. But one touch couldn't hurt, right? Magnus looked back in the hall and quickly reached out and rubbed the fluffy white cotton.

It was so soft! It felt like he was rubbing his hands on a cloud of silk! Magnus pushed his face into the stack, enjoying the softness that was missing from his old worn out rag.


Magnus whirled around in surprise. Taking up the door frame was his father, with a murderous look on his face.

'You evil, sneaky, little B*TCH!! You KNOW you are not supposed to touch the good towels! Now that your filthy little paws have touched them, we have to throw them out! And they were perfectly good towels! YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!!!!!" He stalked off into his room, presumably to get his studded belt.

Magnus crouched into a little ball. He had only touched them for a couple seconds, and they were perfectly clean! He hadn't done anything wrong, had he? He hated being beaten, and father would surely go full out on him this time. Mother came up the stairs.


Magnus's father came back out of his room, studded belt in hand.

'This little brat was touching the good towels. Now we have to throw them out! Those cost good money! Money we need!" he snarled.

Magnus's mother gave him an evil glare. Magnus looked at her, the far plain in his eyes. He wanted her to protect him, to have him fromt the pain he was about to endure. She looked at him for a moment, and her eyes softened. Magnus looked up hopefully.

"No mercy." She said and turned sharply on her heel, to go back to the kitchen.

She paused for a moment when Magnus let out a small cry. Over her shoulder she barked.

"And no dinner for a week."

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