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A/N Hey guys, I'm SSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY that I haven't updated in FOREVER, but I've been really busy studying for my first year of exams, and I've had a little trouble with writers block. I PROMISE that I won't go that long without updating ever again. That said, it may be a few days until my next update, due to me having five different exams in the upcoming week. But here is the latest development in the Shadowhunters universe. Enjoy!



Adi stood, holding the bars of her cage, screaming into a tunnel. After the encounter with Brianna, Elizabeth had blasted her with a transportation spell. Adi was now sitting in a rusty old cage, in a moldy cave. There was a water dish, and a plate with some stale bread in the corner. There was a pitch black tunnel in front of her.

Adi didn't know how long she'd been down here. It felt like, days, but it was probably only hours. With tears dripping down her cheeks, Adi curled into a ball, wishing this was all a dream, that she was still in the big fancy apartment, with delicious feasts, and comfy beds, and plumbing. Why did this have to happen to her? Hadn't she gone through enough in her life?

When she'd first arrived in her prison, Adi quickly learned that she was unable to access her magic in this cave. Then, after screaming herself hoarse, she'd sat down, and tried to organize her thoughts.

Here is a list of what she knew:

1. Her magic didn't work, no one could here her, and she had no idea where she was.

2. Elizabeth was a liar. She said that Brianna had tried to kill her, but it was her that tried to kill Brianna. 

3. Brianna had tried to save her. Why?

4. Elizabeth may or may not have killed Brianna and Magnus, witch means Alec may or may not be alive. She didn't know.

It wasn't a very good list.

With a sigh, Adi crawled over to the water dish. The bread was disgusting, and the water was dirty. In order not to spill it, she had to get on her knees and slurp it like a dog. As if her pride wasn't damaged enough, now she had to act like an animal?

Suddenly, footsteps came down the hall. The weren't very loud, but they were very fast. Adi scrambled up, thinking Elizabeth had come to finish her off.

So she was amazed when Brianna came running out of the tunnel, panting.

"It's you!" she exclaimed. "I've been looking for you for hours! This tunnel system is really complex."

Adi stared at her, trying to process what she'd said. Brianna had been looking for her? After she'd tried to kill her?

"You, wanted to find me?" Brianna said, scrunching up her nose in confusion.

"Well duh!" Brianna said, with a smile. "Why eel would I be trying around in dirty old caves? You saved my life during that battle with Elizabeth, since she was so distracted with your revelation. Thanks for not killing me by the way."

Adi looked at Brianna, and saw that she was sincere. A small twinge went through her chest, making her heart beat faster, and her hands to get sweaty. 

"N,n,no problem." she stuttered, blushing.

The two girls stared at each other, smiling awkwardly.

"Sooo..... do you... want to, get out of here?" asked Brianna, trying not to freak Adi out.

"Where would we go?" questioned Adi. "Elizabeth still wants to kill you, and after what happened, I don't think she'll be wanting me back anytime soon."

Brianna smiled deviously, and grabbed Adi's hand through the bars. They both gasped as a small spark lit up between their twined fingers. It jumped onto the cage, sizzling. To the girls astonishment, the bars began to melt away, creating an opening for Adi. She stepped through hesitantly, and looked at Brianna.

"What now?"

"Don't worry." said Briana, a little breathless. "I've got a place we can go."

Brianna turned back into the tunnel, with Adi in tow, and the two ran towards their freedom.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

About 5,000 miles away, Elizabeth sat in front of a bowl of water, and watched the image of the two girls run out of the cave.

"Well, well, well." murmured Lizzy. "Looms like Adi's joined the other side. And Brianna seems to have gained another friend. More then friends by the looks of things. This will be..... an interesting development."

With a wave of her hand, the image faded until the water was clear, and Elizabeth walked out of the room.

The bowl gave a small shudder, and the water turned black. A small image rose to the surface of the murky water. A rune.


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