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They were all sitting around the giant plasma screen T.V when Magnus and Alec walked in, holding hands, and smiling. Is jumped up screaming, dropping her cup of coffee in Simon, who also screamed, due to the burning hot liquid that now covered his lap. Clary was just sighing in relief, while Jace stood up and crushed Alec in a hug. Adi and Brianna were nowhere to be seen. The last time they'd been with the group, was at the pool, looking very worried about that scroll in their hand, but after that, they'd disappeared. Izzy was now screaming at Alec, about how they gone to his room, and he was missing, they'd thought Elizabeth had gotten him, and how dare they just got out and have a midnight picnic without telling anyone, Alec was still recovering, blah, blah, blah...It was quite boring to watch.

Elizabeth turned away from her looking glass mirror, and layed on her bad, staring up at the enchanted ceiling, so she could observe the stars.

They thought she didn't know about that little prophecy, that two lovers of magical power, would one day be the downfall of the great evil. Of course there was the chance that Alec and Magnus were that pair, Alec certainly was powerful enough, and along with Magnus, the two were virtually undefeatable. But they'd overlooked one small detail. A detail that she knew Brianna and Adi were aware of. She saw them during that little pool get together, and she'd seen the scroll they had. A scroll that used to belong to Brianna and Elizabeth's mother, One that she hid from Elizabeth, lest she try to make herself and Will the two lovers. But it seemed that dear Mother has hidden it with the only other thing that could stop the great dark magic. See, the prophecy states that a pair of lovers of magical power, could be the ones, it never said anything about two young girls being in love with each other, and both with magic, couldn't be the ones in the prophecy...Magnus and Alec, or Adi and Brianna. Two magical couples, both pairs insanely powerful. The only way to decide between the two, is to see who is willing to risk it all...

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