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                                                                            *Yeet!!!!!!! 😰😰😰😰😰*

Alec was starting to wish he'd listened to Izzy. Only three blocks of running, and he already felt like he was going to die.

Maybe I should take it a little easier on the training with Magnus. he thought, as he panted around the next corner. Only  seventy something more, and he'd be at the cove.

Well I can't help it if  I don't know my own limits. I'm new to all of this, and making shields and teleporting isn't... that..... easy.......

"I'm an idiot!" he shouted, skidding to a stop.

Alec closed his eyes, and imagined himself surrounded by shadows. They covered every inch of his vision, until all he could see was black. Alec then lifted his hand and made a cutting motion, slicing through the curtain of darkness, to reveal water, sparkling in the moonlight, and rocks, shimmering with mist.

Alec opened his eyes, and looked down. His feet rested on soft white sand, dotted with shells. Small wildflowers could be found a few feet away, in a dazzling array of colors.But Alec didn't see the thing he came for.

"Hello Alexander."

Alec yelped, jumping about a foot into the air, and turned around. Sitting on the ledge of a rock, sticking out above the water, was Magnus. His hair was blowing slightly, and his clothes were just outlines. His face was towards the moon in the sky.

Alec, who's common sense had apparently been scared out of him, couldn't help but think of this as a reverse Little Mermaid situation, with Magnus as Ariel, singing about a different world that he didn't belong to, but wanted to be a part of, on his rock. Although, Alec though, I guess we're both Ariel now... But Magnus was much more of a Prince Eric type.

"Why have you come here." It wasn't a question. It was an accusation.

"I just... wanted to make sure you were all right, I guess... the others are worried about you. They didn't know where you'd run off to...

He made his way up the rock, and sat down next to Magnus, swinging his legs. Alec reached out to put his hand on Magnus's shoulder, but instead, let it awkwardly fall behind his neck. The two sat there for a while.

Alec looked out at the ocean, dark with infinite possibilities. He looked over and Magnus, who had a scowl on his face, staring at the moon. Alec just looked back down at his lap.

After another few minutes, Alec couldn't take the silence any more. He took a deep breath, and turned to face Magnus.

"Sooo, are you okay?"

"OF COURSE I'M NOT OKAY!!!" Magnus turned his face, eyes glowing yellow, fists clenched, and starting to glow blue. "I JUST FOUND OUT THAT I'M PART OF AN ANCIENT PROPHECY THAT SAYS EITHER YOU OR I HAVE TO DIE FOR THE STUPID WORLD TO NOT END!!! HOW COULD I BE OKAY?! HOW CAN ANY OF YOU BE OKAY?! HOW Can you..."

He squeezed his eyes shut, and slammed his fist into the rock. A shudder ran through the whole rock outcrop, and an enormous crack appeared, dividing the two.

Magnus buried his face in his hands. Alec looked at him, shocked. He'd never seen Magnus like this, so angry, so helpless, so...weak.

"Magnus, of course I'm not alright. You saw me, as soon as she said the words, I froze, I panicked. I couldn't comprehend losing you, or you have to lose me again. I freaking fainted for crying out loud! When have I ever fainted from hearing bad news? Never, that's when. This is all really hard for me to, but you have to control your emotions. This is how you explode, this is how you lose control! By letting your emotions get the best of you! And don't think I'm going to just stand by and let you do this to yourself. Let me help you, let the others help you! You aren't alone anymore, you don't have anything to fear! Just as long as you trust  me! "

Magnus lifted his face, tears streaked on his cheeks.

"But I don't know how to control them!" he sobbed.

Alec put his hands on Magnus's shoulders, and closed his eyes, concentrating. They started to glow white, as if the moonlight around them was collecting in his hands. Calmest swept through Magnus, and he gasped, feeling all of his emotions dissipate, until all he could feel was tranquility. His entire body started to glow softly, but not blue. It starred to shine a soft white, matching Alec.

Alec opened his eyes, and the two stared at each other. Both got an immense feeling of déjà vu.

"You don't have to know how." murmured Alec. "You just have to trust me."

Both his hands and Magnus's body stopped glowing. It was hard to believe, that just that morning, the two had woken, happy as can be, care free, and able to just be with one another. Now, this immense weight had been added, and neither was sure they could hold that weight up forever.

Alec leaned in, and touched his lips to Magnus's. With a sudden ferocity, Magnus grabbed Alec by the neck, and flipped him on his back. Alec could feel little pennies and grains of sand pressing into his back.

"Magnus" Alec said, as  began to unbutton Alec's shirt. "Is this really the time? We're going to have to deal with it eventually"

"Right now" Magnus growled into Alec's ear. "I don't need to deal with anything. I just need to be distracted"

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