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Alec flopped down on the big comfy bed, and sighed. After everyone's questions had been answered, and everyone had eaten dinner, rooms were assigned so that no one was left alone. Magnus and Alec were in one room obviously, Jace and Clary shared the room next to them, Simon surprisingly asked if he could stay with Izzy, Brianna had Adi stay in her room so she could keep an eye on her, and Eleanor got her own room, and a special button to summon anyone if anything happened, since she didn't really feel comfortable sleeping with strangers.

Magnus walked in and sat down next to him.

"Crazy day, huh?" he muttered.

Alec turned his head to the side so he could see Magnus's face.  "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

Magnus looked at him, confused. "Tell you what?" he asked.

Alec sat up and faced Magnus. "Why didn't you tell me about your powers?"

"I already said, I didn't know how you would react."

Alec looked down at his hands. "No, you didn't know how the others would react. I've known you almost my entire life Mags. You should have known I'd be okay with anything about you. I'm your best friend. I deserve to know what's going on in your life, I could've helped you, let you live with us. If you'd just TOLD me I-"

"I didn't want to lose you, alright?!" Magnus shouted, grabbing, Alec's shoulders.

Alec looked at him, shocked.

"I couldn't afford, to lose you. You were the only thing that got me through those cold and lonely nights. And I thoughts you might be repulsed by who I am, by what I am."

"But Magnus, you know I would never-"

"No I don't know!" Magnus's hands squeezed Alec and then dropped to his sides. Tears shimmered in his yellow eyes. "I couldn't risk it. And I couldn't control my magic properly. If I went too long without using my magic, I exploded. If I got too emotional, I exploded. And you saw what happened when I explode around things. People get hurt, buildings get destroyed. If I was near someone I cared about when I exploded, well, you know what happened what happened to my parents, what happened... to you. I can't let that happen again, witch is why after this whole Elizabeth thing is sorted out, I'm leaving the country, so I can't hurt any of you ever again."

"No!" Alec grabbed Magnus's hands and linked them with his. "Your not leaving! Not again!"

"Alec, you saw what happened last time I went off. I can't do that to you, not again. I hurt you, and that's the worst thing I could ever do in my life. I should kill myself for staying alive and for hurting you. But I need to stop Elizabeth, because now she knows how much I care about you, and she'll hurt you if I leave. "

Alec was crushing Magnus's hands, he was so upset.

"It's true, you hurt me." he muttered. "You gave me an incurable disease, and then left me to rot in the hospital. I nearly died, and you only came to save me when you thought it was too late. You've hurt me beyond the breaking point."

Magnus sat there starring at Alec, tears streaming down his face. He tried to pull his hands away, but Alec wouldn't let him.

"But none of that matters to me." Alec lifted his head, and Magnus let out a yelp, because Alec's eyes were glowing blue. His hands were getting uncomfortably hot, and when Magnus looked down, he saw a blur flame swirling in a circle around their clasped hands.

"I love you Magnus. I've loved you for years and have never been able to admit it. Now, when you finally return the feelings, you kiss me, and tell me you love me, your just going to leave? Yes, you've hurt me, but nothing will ever hurt as much as you leaving me. I want to be by your side forever, dam the consequences. I don't care if you explode while your right in front of me sitting on a cliff, if it means I won't ever lose you again!"

The flame around their hands had grown and spread, now a huge fire the engulfed both Magnus and Alec.

"Alec, your-"

"I don't care" said Alec. "I only want you!"

With that Alec leaned in and kissed Magnus as hard as he could. Magnus blinked, then closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around Alec. The fire around the two turned gold, and then slowly went down, until it was just a tiny golden flame, hovering over the two boys heads.

Magnus leaned back from Alec and stared at the golden flame.

"Alec" he said quietly. "Look up"

Alec did.

And when he did, he nearly screamed, clapping his hands over his mouth. The flame flickered, and turned blue. It floated down in front of Alec. With his body shaking, Alec reached out his hand to the flame. It rested softly on his open palm, and Alec slowly closed his fist around it. The flame shined bright for a moment, and then was absorbed into Alec.

"What just happened?" whispered Alec.

Magnus sat there gaping at Alec.

"I think." he said slowly. "You just used magic. Which means... you have powers now."


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