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The funeral was short and sweet. Magnus didn't speak the entire time. Izzy didn't cry, she'd already cried herself dry by sobbing in the past week. Jace couldn't look anyone in the eye. Simon comforted Clary, who could have filled an ocean with her tears. Maryse had to stay out side, she kept going into fits, screaming and punching at whoever got close to her. Brianna stayed in the car with Eleanor, the pair didn't want to intrude on the families grief.

The service lasted less than an hour, as no one was willing to get up and speak about Alec. The drive was miserable.The weather joined the group in their grieving. It poured, turning the cemetery into a mud pit.

When Alec's coffin was about to be lowered into the ground, Magnus stepped forward, and kneeled beside the coffin. In his hands, he held a small silver chain, with a little symbol dangling from it. Alec had given this to Magnus when they had first become friends. It was meant to be a symbol of friendship, to show that they were united, that they weren't leaving each other any time soon. But now, it was a sign of all that was lost. Magnus imagined a future, where he and Alec were married, had children, lived together in peace. Any chance of that happening was gone. Because of him.

The coffin was lowered, and a great rumble shook the ground. Magnus closed his eyes, making sure that it didn't get out of control. Tears dripped down his cheeks, as he said two words, words that he was sure were going to be the last ones he ever spoke, so he had to make them count.

"Goodbye Alexander."

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