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"He's badly wounded. Whatever hit him gashed open his arm and cut up some vital blood veins. That would normally not be an issue, but what appears to be a wild fungus known as Intelly  Linguna, which is a foreign fungus from India that rots the tissue is currently resting in his arm. We don't know how this fungus got to America, and we have no idea how to deal with it. What's alarming us is that the fungus has rotted through almost half of his arm. Even if we can deal with the fungus, Alec's arm may not recover."

The Gang was at the hospital, getting their wounds treated. Izzy and Simon were the only one's not hurt. Clary, after being dragged to the hospital, much to her dismay, had already gotten bandaged up and was waiting with Simon in the waiting room. Brianna had been band aided like crazy and refused to leave Clary's side. Izzy was with her parents and Jace's head was getting treated. Alec on the other hand, was in critical condition. Whatever had happened to him, had left him in horrible condition. The doctor finished wrapping Jace's head, gave him some pain killers, and allowed him to go see Alec's parents. Another doctor was with Alec and Izzy's parents, telling them how Alec was. Izzy was close to tears.

"Can we speak to him yet?" asked Izzy.

"No, I'm afraid that Alec is not awake yet."

"When can he go home?" asked Mares, Alec's mom. The doctor scratched the back of his head, an awkward look on his face.

"Well, with his condition, and the fact that he has a foreign disease that hasn't been seen in the U.S ever, he won't be able to go home for a few months at least."

At this, Izzy burst into sobs. Clary and Simon walked into the room, with Brianna trailing behind them.

"What's going on?" Clary asked, concerned when she saw Izzy sobbing.

"Alec..... He... he..." Izzy tried to speak but kept hiccupping.

"Alec's in a bad way." Jace said gently, wrapping an arm around Clary. "The doctor said that he may not be coming home for a while."

Tears leaked out of the corner of her eye has Clary processed this information. She turned her face into Jace's chest, and he wrapped the other arm around her. Brianna walked over to the wall and sat down, her lip quivering.

Everyone fell silent, wondering what was going to happen next. In fact, everyone was so nervous that the whole room seemed to jump when Marese's phone rang. She hurriedly picked it up and answered.

"Hello?...... Yes, that's me...... Oh..... oh.... ok.... thank you officer..... thank you for calling.... Yes, that would be very helpful........ of course, I will tell then..... Yes, I hope to hear from you soon."

She ended the call with a grave look on her face. "That was the police... They still have no sign of Magnus. No one's seen him, but they have reason to expect that he might have gone down town. The search team is going to try their luck questioning people over there. But other then that, there's no news."

Jace looked over at Simon, too tired to give him a smug look as Clary snuggled closer to Jace's chest. Simon looked back, a lonely look on his face. He looked over at Izzy, now on the floor, and walked over, crouching down to hug her. Izzy leaned into the touch, staring emptily at the floor.

Brianna stayed in her corner, trying not to cry, her hands over her ears, as if she was trying to block out the world. 

"Don't tell Alec." Izzy whispered. "It will only make him feel worse that his best friend is missing."


A/N Eyo, it's Bookworm, I hope you enjoyed this quick (and short) update, I promise that there will be more soon, and something big some is going to happen, but for now, my tablet is about to die sooooo BBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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