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CHECK CHECK, one two, is this thing on?

Ok, I don't have much time. That last chapter was NOT WRITTEN BY ME!!!! Elizabeth found me, and she was NOT happy when she read my journal. Turns out it wasn't a good idea to keep tabs on an evil, magical crazy lady.

Anyway, she made me write that false ending, in hopes that no one would read any more, and she could continue with her plans, but clever little me escaped!

I'm currently in hiding, but I promise, I will upload what REALLY happened as soon as possible. If your reading this right now, please be careful. She may be watching you too. If a young women comes up near you, and tries to talk to you, BE VIGALANT. I don't know how often I will be able to update, every time I post something, Elizabeth will know where I am. So it may be a while till the next update.

Crap, someone's at the door. I gotta go!

Remember, the true story will be posted soon, hopefully tonight. Till them,

Bookworm in hiding, out!

PS, has anyone heard anything about Adianez? Brianna is starting to get worried...

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