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The flat line sounded through the room, a call to death.

"No." whispered Magnus.

He sat on his knees, and squeezed his eyes shut. This was all his fault. If he had just controlled himself, if he had gotten away in time, Alec would never had gotten the stupid disease in the first place. A bang sounded behind Magnus, startling him. It seemed that Brianna had locked the door with magic, and he could here muffled yelling, and people calling for the nurse.

They couldn't have done anything. Alec was gone.

It was weird. Magnus could almost picture what the future would have been like for the two of them. Alec would have come out to his parents, and friends, and everyone would be understanding. They would date for a few years, until Alec graduated college. Magnus would propose to him at sunset on the beach, where he had first given Magnus the silver rune keychain, where they had realized that they were going to be best friends. They would have had a wedding in gold, since it was their favorite color. Magnus would beg Magnus to adopt kids, and they would get a little boy, name him Max, and a little girl, named Lilly. They would have grown old together, and when it came time for one of them to pass on, it would be at home, in bed, surrounded by friends and family with one holding the others hand, kissing them for one last time.

It shouldn't have been like this, in a cold hospital room, with only Magnus there. He was too young. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve Magnus.

He... he never even got to say goodbye...

Magnus looked down at Alec's face. With his eyes closed, it was almost as if he was sleeping.

Except he was never waking up. Magnus took his good hand, and linked their fingers together. They had only shared one kiss, Magnus realized. One kiss, one quick little piece to the puzzle of emotions they felt for each other.

"Alec... Alexander..... Why did you have to leave me so soon."

The least he could do, Magnus thought, was say goodbye one last time.

Magnus stood up, and leaned over Alec's body. He brushed back Alec's dark black locks, and slowly leaned down.

It was barely a kiss, just of a brush of the lips.


When his lips touched Alec's, Magnus felt something. A little spark. Magnus jumped back, thinking he was about to start the body on fire. But that was not the case. It was not the case at all.

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