My new friend

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I walked into science 5 minutes early the next day, wanting to catch up on my latest sci-fi novel before class started. I'd started reading it last night and I stayed up really late to read it. I was already a quarter of the way through. I pulled my book out of my bag and started reading the next chapter. 

'The Martian? Love that book.' A voice said next to me. I looked up. Nick was getting into a seat next to me.

'Oh, erm, hi.' I said. 

'Hiya.' He smiled. 'Where were we? Oh yes, catalysts.' 

'Erm, ok-ay.' I said awkwardly. 'You weren't serious when you said we should continue this topic were you? Only, class is about to start.'

'Nah, I'm just kidding.' He laughed. 'How was your evening?'

'Same as ever, what about yours?' I asked, not really in the mood for small talk.

'Yeah, it was cool.' He nodded. 

'Right class, I've received intelligence that some of us haven't even got started on our projects which are due in next month.' Mr Varner announced, glaring at someone at the back of the room, which I guessed as Joe or Daniel. 

'He sounds like a robot. "Received intelligence".' Nick snickered. 

I smiled slightly. 'And have you met many robots on your travels?'

'Nope, but I hope to, sometime in the future.' He said. 

'Good luck.' I answered, humouring him. 

'... So I want you all to carry on with your projects this lesson.' Mr Varner ordered. Everyone but me and Nick moved towards the computers. 

'I've finished mine.' Nick shrugged.

'I left my memory stick at home, so there isn't much I can do about that.' I replied. 

'Hey K!' Joe and Daniel suddenly appeared at our table. They stood opposite us, on the other side of the table. 'Or should I call you that?'

'What?' I asked, not bothering with their bullshit today.

'Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?' Daniel asked. 'You should be working, not sat here socialising!' 

'I've left my memory stick at home, so there's not much I can do about that is there?' I glared at him. 

'Hi Nick.' Daniel grinned. 'When did you two meet then?'

'Yesterday.' Nick said.

'Yes, he made me drop my books.' I glared at Nick.

'Hey, I've said I'm sorry!' Nick said, hands up in defence.

'So you should be.' I teased. I noticed Joe giving us a weird look. I frowned in confusion, but he just shook his head.

Mr Varner came over. 'Miss Calvin, Mr Clarke, Mr King and Mr Hu, why aren't we working?' He asked. 

'I've finished my project Mr Varner, I'll hand it in tomorrow morning.' Nick volunteered. 

'Thank you Mr Clarke. Miss Calvin?' He turned to me.

'I'm sorry sir, I've left my memory stick at home, but I'm almost done with my project, so you'll have it before the deadline, I promise.' I apologised. 

'Very well Katherine. You're a good student so I'll let you off this once.' He nodded and turned to Daniel and Joe. 'As for you two, I think you'd better get started on the project, don't you think?'

'Sorry sir, yes sir.' Joe muttered, pulling Daniel over to the computers with him. 

Once they were gone, Nick turned to me. 'Wanna sit with me at lunch?'

Until we meet again (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now