Career aspirations

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A few weeks later, me and Ramona had a careers and finance lecture.
'C'mon K, we're gonna be late!' Ramona said as I put my phone in my bag and put my shoes on.
We walked over to the careers block and entered the room.

Students were just sat around on tables, chairs and sofa's around the room. The professor hadn't arrived yet.

Me and Ramona went to a table in the corner of the room and sat on it.
'Hey Katherine.' Jake, a guy in my engineering class said. He'd made it no secret that he had a crush on me and never gave up asking me out.
I always turned him down though, as I was with Nick and I wasn't interested in Jake at all. Nick was the guy I'd always love.

'Hey Jake.' I nodded casually.

'That outfit is stunning girl.' He smiled charmingly.

'I know.' I grinned and turned away from him. He got the hint and left me alone.

The professor, Mr Jameson entered the room finally, accompanied by a man in a suit.

'Alright everyone, shut up.' Mr Jameson said. 'Today, this careers lecture will be a bit different.' He gestured to the man in the suit. 'This is Mr Baldwin, an entrepreneur and he owns his own company.'

Mr Baldwin smiled in a friendly way. 'Hello kids, and thanks for the introduction Mr Jameson. Yes, as he said, I'm a businessman and when I'm not working, I'm living the good life.' He joked. 'You see, if you work hard enough to achieve your dreams, then your dreams will come true. When I was in secondary school, I was part of the rebellious crowd, who just didn't care.'

Daniel and Joe sprang to my mind when he said that, and I smiled wryly.

'But as I moved up through school, I realised what I wanted to do with my life and I also realised that I wouldn't be able to get there if I just kept messing around. It was a huge wake up call and I knew I needed to change my attitude. So I concentrated on my studies, worked harder and applied for college. After that, I went to university and then I started investing in my own business. Now look where I am. A holiday home in Dubai, my own private jet, 5 cars, a huge house and doors open for me wherever I go....'

I was no longer listening. My head was suddenly filled with fantasies of me being rich and successful.
Suddenly, I wanted it more than anything.

I remembered dad saying that he'd recommend to the board of Calimov that I could have a job on the board. I realised how big a deal that really was. If dad did this, who knew where I'd be in the future?

Maybe just like Mr Baldwin.

Speaking of which, I hadn't realised that the lecture had ended and everyone was packing up to go. I'd been so caught up daydreaming that I missed the rest of what was said.

I picked up my bag and followed Ramona out the building.
'Well that was fucking boring.' She complained. 'Shall we go to our room and watch movies, or hang out on the crowded part of campus?'

'Erm, watch movies.' I said automatically. My head was still filled with fantasies of the future.

'Nah, let's go to the crowded part of campus.' She said. 'Nick might be there...'

'Fine.' I smiled.

So we walked over to the campus cafe where everyone hung out in their free periods and the area around it where there were loads of benches.

'That lecture was... Interesting.' I said as we walked.

She snorted. 'Seriously? It sounded like a load of waffle.'

'Yeah, but think about it. Wouldn't you like to be insanely rich in the future?' I reasoned.

'There are other ways of getting rich you know.' She said. 'Without working your arse off.'

'... Such as?'

She paused. 'Becoming a stripper?'

I deadpanned but then we both burst out laughing.

'I suppose that's one way.' I giggled. We reached the area around the cafe.

'I'll get some food, and could you find a bench.' She said.

I agreed and picked a random bench. I put my bag on the seat next to me and took my phone out, then I texted Nick:

I'm at a bench near the cafe with Ramona. Join us? Xxxx

Ramona came back with a bag and put it on the table as she sat opposite me. 'Help yourself, I bought a load of stuff.' She said.
This was our routine.

I opened the bag and took a wrapped up cheese and ham bagel. I unwrapped it and started eating.

'There's something I don't get about you.' I said eventually.

'Go on.' She answered.

'Why are you here?'

She looked insulted. 'Bitch, I've got every right to sit here as you do! And it was your idea.'

I laughed. 'No, I mean at this university. I've seen your can't-be-arsed attitude, it's obvious you don't want to be here.'

She rolled her eyes. 'I've already told you, my mum made me go here. She doesn't want me to be a failure like her. But I can at least try, even if I hate the shitty lessons.' 

'Of course.' I rolled my eyes too. 'Have you heard of the word "no"? It's used quite often when you object to something.'

She glared at me. 'Mate, you have not met my mother. She's fucking scary.' She made a disgusted face. 'God, this milkshake tastes like shit.'

'Is that milkshake dairy-free?' I asked. 'Ramona, you're lactose intolerant, remember?'

'Oh, I'm sorry mother.' She said sarcastically. 'I don't​ want it anyway.' She threw the bottle to a bin nearby but it hit the edge and went onto the floor.

'You'd better pick that up.' I warned. 'Before you get into trouble for dropping litter.'
She just shrugged.

A guy suddenly swiped up the bottle and put it in the bin. 'It's fine, I wouldn't want anyone to get in trouble for littering. I'm Sebastian, by the way angel-face.'
Did he just call me angel-face?

He was very good looking, with dirty blonde hair in a quiff, bright green eyes and a muscular body.

'Thanks. I'm Katherine.' I said. I turned to Ramona, who was just staring at him. I knew that look in her eye. 'And this is my friend, Ramona.'

'Nice to meet you both.' He nodded. 'See you around.' Then he left us in peace.

I looked at Ramona. She'd gone all starry eyed and had a daydreamy look on her face.
'Are you alright?' I asked amused.

'Shit K, I think I've found the guy who's gonna pop my cherry.' She said.

I laughed. 'Memo for you Ramona. Your cherry has already been popped.'

'Pop my second cherry?'

'I don't think you have a second cherry, unless you've sprouted another vagina or something.'

She loved to talk about shocking things that might be taboo in some circles, but I knew she was all bark and no bite.

Nick suddenly appeared, moving my​ bag to the side of the table and sitting next to me.
'Hey gorgeous.' He smiled, slipping an arm around my waist. Just from doing that, he made my heart beat erratically.

'Hey Nick.' Ramona said.

'Hey.' He smiled. 'So, how was your finance and careers lecture?'

I frowned. 'How did you know we were there?'

'Fucking Jake.' He said angrily. 'I was walking here, when I walked past him and he was talking about you from during the lecture. He needs to control his mouth or I'll punch it.'

I rubbed his shoulder. 'Ignore him. And yes, the lecture was very interesting.' I nodded.

Ramona yawned. 'Here we go again. Katherine wants to be rich and successful.' She explained when Nick looked confused.

'Well I don't think she'll have any trouble with that.' He smiled. 'You're a bright girl K.'

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