'I am so sorry!' The dark haired asshole apologised as my books tumbled to the floor.
'Whatever.' I sighed and picked them up. 'Next time, look where you're going.'
'I am, really sorry.' He looked genuinely concerned. 'Are you alright?'
'Yeah, I'm...
Hey guys, I bet you're probably wondering, what is this then? Well, it's a chapter that I originally wrote and then deleted, out of necessity than anything else. It messed up badly, but luckily for you guys, I've rewrote it, and I thought I'd stick it at the end of the book for some light reading.
This is the chapter that was meant to be between "Forever is Over" and "Boundaries". It's basically the aftermath after Nick breaks up with Katherine. But before they're friends again.
'Fucking hell, Katherine, if you don't get up now, I'm going to kick your arse out of bed.' Came Ramona's irate tone, bringing me fully into consciousness.
I forced my eyes open, squinting in the bright light. 'What the fuck do you want?'
'Don't you "what the fuck do you want" me.' She glared. 'Get up, you've got classes today.'
'I don't want to.' I mumbled.
'No, I won't have that. You've had all of Sunday to mope about in bed, now you're going to pick yourself up, put on some eyeliner and give the world the middle finger. You're a strong, independent woman, and you deserve to be happy.' She declared.
I stared at her. 'Erm, right.'
She rolled her eyes. 'Wow, I give you a huge, motivational speech that even my mother would be proud of, and I get, "Erm, right"?'
'Shut up.' I sat up. 'I'm going, I'm going.'
'That's my girl.' She grinned. 'I'll grab us some breakfast from the shop. And, I'll have no arguments!' She added, as I opened my mouth to protest. 'You didn't eat all day yesterday. You're having breakfast, otherwise you'll pass out in class.'
'Okay, mother.' I rolled my eyes, heading into the bathroom.
I took a quick shower with my music on loud as I was trying very hard not to think. I didn't want to think about Saturday. When I got out, I got dressed into some ripped shorts, a black crop top, red and black flannel shirt tied around my hips and black canvas shoes.
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Weird, I thought as I tied my hair back into a high ponytail. I'm single.
It was such a bizarre feeling, because I'd been with Nick for so long. I'd almost forgot what it was like to be single.