Results day

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2 weeks later

It was officially results day and I was trying to find​ an outfit. Mum was going with me to see how I did and then afterwards we were all having a results day party at a classmate's place.
I searched my closet but no luck. I took out my phone and texted Natalie:

Major emergency!! I can't find an outfit!! Xx

Natalie immediately texted back:

Don't worry, I've got the perfect outfit for you! I'll be there in 5 xx

I smiled. Crisis averted after all.

Sure enough, Natalie came in (after having a long chat with my mum downstairs) and handed me a bag. 'Change into these, and no arguments.'

I took out the outfit and laid it out on the bed.
It was a short black chiffon dress (with a really low cleavage) with black pointed heels and a black bow headband.

 It was a short black chiffon dress (with a really low cleavage) with black pointed heels and a black bow headband

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I raised an eyebrow. 'Why all the black, Natalie?'

She waved a hand dismissively. 'Because it suits​ you. Now, are you gonna get changed? I'll be downstairs.' she swept out of the room.

I changed into the outfit and straightened my hair before putting the headband on.
I applied natural eyeshadow, black mascara and red lipstick to add a bit of colour.
I then went downstairs to the kitchen where mum and Natalie were drinking coffee.
They looked up when I entered.
'Wow Katherine, you look beautiful.' Mum smiled.

'I know right Mrs Calvin.' Natalie nodded approvingly. 'You know what K? You can keep the whole outfit; it suits you. Unsurprisingly, it never suited me.'

'Erm, thanks?' This was embarrassing. I was feeling really self conscious as it was since the dress came up to mid-thigh.
I made sure my phone was in my bag before me, mum and Nat headed out. Natalie decided to come in the car with us. 'Sam gave me a lift here.' She explained.

Mum drove us to the college where the car park was nearly full. Mum found a parking spot luckily. I wouldn't want us to park all the way down the road. These heels were already hurting a bit.

We entered the crowded hall and I instantly spotted Nick the same time he saw me.
I saw his eyes glaze over my body not once, not twice, but three times and his mouth dropped open slightly.

He came over. 'Hey K!' He pulled me in for a hug and kissed me as well.
'Hi Nat, hi Mrs Calvin.' He said when we pulled away.
They both said hi, and I noticed mum giving me a smirk. I rolled my eyes and ignored her.

'You look absolutely fucking sexy.' Nick whispered in my ear, so mum wouldn't hear.

'Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself Mister.' I grinned. 'You got your results yet?'

'Not yet, I was waiting for you.' He said. 'So we could open them together.'

'Okay.' I nodded. 'Natalie, you coming​?'

She turned. 'It's fine​, I'm waiting for my parents.'

'Okay.' We left mum and Natalie to it.

'Miss Calvin, Mr Clarke, you're results are over at that table.' Mr Varner told us, who was nearby.

'Thanks sir.' I said and we went over to the table he indicated.

I quickly found my envelope: K. Calvin
I picked it up and saw Nick had his too.
'Shall we open them?' He asked.

'No, I'm opening them with mum too.' I said. We both walked back over to where mum was stood alone. I spotted Natalie at the car park with her parents.
'Right, here we go.' I said and opened the envelope. I pulled my results out and looked:

Science A level: Pass
Business: Pass
Mathematics: Pass
Engineering: Pass

I looked up. Mum was waiting with an expectant look on her face. 'Well?'

'Passed!' I beamed. 'All of them!'

'Well done honey, I knew you'd do it!' Mum hugged me.

I turned to Nick. 'Nick, how did you do?'

'Passed all of them!' He grinned. 'But never mind me, what about you?'

'That's fantastic Nick! Well done! And yes, I passed too!' I laughed.

He hugged me, picking me up and swinging me around. 'I knew you would, my beautiful, nerdy, intelligent girl!'

Daniel and Joe rushed over. 'Go on, you two! How did you do?'

'Well both passed all of them!' Nick said.

'Congrats both of you!' Daniel grinned. 'Joe, you owe me a tenner.'

'A tenner?' I was puzzled.

Joe sighed. 'Me and Danny made a bet. He bet that you two would pass all of them, but I betted that either one of you if not both, would fail at least one subject.'

'Thanks for your faith mate!' I said sarcastically. We all laughed.

The party later that night was awesome.
We had a laugh and a lot to drink and danced all night.
It was lucky I'd put my black lace flat shoes in my bag because my feet were killing in those heels.
I sat on the stairs to change them.
As I put my heels in my bag, I heard a horribly familiar voice.

'Well if it isn't Katherine Victoria Jasmine Calvin.'

I looked up.

He was clearly checking out my outfit and I felt even more self conscious. I pulled my dress down slightly.

'It's just Katherine to you.' I snapped.

He smiled amusedly. 'Still Miss Whorebag I see. How low is that dress? Oh wait, let me answer that. Low enough to get attention I see.'

'Fuck off.' I stood up. 'Jessica still wrapped around your finger?'

'Yes, thanks to you.' He grinned. 'Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone you paid me for sex. It's our secret.'
He was obviously trying to wind me up.

'You're still clearly deluded I see.' I riposted.

'Yeah, I must be deluded.' He agreed. 'I dated you, didn't I?'

My palms tingled. I suddenly so badly wanted to hit him, which surprised me. I was usually a non-violent person.

Jess suddenly appeared. 'Oh, hi Katherine.' She smirked. 'You going to a funeral or something?'
'Yeah, yours.' I said sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes. 'Still as charming as ever. Anyway, me and Hoffman have to get going. We have... Unfinished business.' She smirked.

Ugh. She was disgusting.
I walked away from them and found Nick in the kitchen.
'Hey beautiful.' He smiled and kissed me.
'Hey handsome.' I giggled. What the hell did I ever see in Hoffman? He was nothing like Nick.

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