Life in One Direction (Harry Styles Love story!)

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“Ok, I’m done!” I yelled to an empty apartmen, the sound echoing around the rooms, ringing right back into my earst. I sighed and looked down at the twelve page college acceptance form, scribbles along the edges and on the random papers that littered the glass top desk.

                Coffee break, was all I could think at the moment, my mind on the verge of shutting down.  I always relied on coffee to keep mme up and running, ever since my mum used to give me some. I grabbed the black leather jacket off the back of my swivel chair, pulling it on over the white tank top and fixing my yoga pants. There was no bother to changing, it was late and too cold to get fancy. Yogas and a leather jacket were fine for now.

              Okay, my name is Madison Clark. I’m originally from Cheshire but moved to California when I was 11, now I’m 17, but moved to London three months ago. Basically I’m just a normal teenage girl who is living in the world on her own, applying for any college that looked decent for the arts, basically anywhere. I have brown hair which is naturally curly and my mother’s sparkling blue eyes, normal height and weight nothing special about me really, honesntly, nothing.

                 I counted the steps to the coffee shop out of boredom, my boots slapping against the ice covered sidewalks, making sure not to slip and fall. 539, 540, 541. Smack, I hit the door of the coffee shop someone threw open, a small cry of surprise slipping out of my lips before I tumbled to the floor.

                My eyelids grew heavier, my eyelids seeming to weigh a hundred pounds and I found myself fighting to hold them open. 


Harry’s P.O.V

I caught the girl before she tumbled to the hard concrete, cursing lowly as I stood there shooked for a moment. Her brown curls falling to her shoulders and I saw a glimpse of her blue eyes before the fell shut. Cradling the girl to my chest, holding my coffee in my hand I started off to the hote, careful not to be seen by any fans or paparazzi. The walk to the hotel the boys and I were sharing isn't too long, maybe 2 minutes top from the coffee shop, lucky enough for me.

Shifting around the girl in my arm, her body limp, I used my free hand to knock on the door. The door swung open and Louis stood there, eyeing the girl in my arms “What did you do Harry?" He sighed, looking down at her with his eyebrows furrowed.

“I hit her,” I started, quickly being interuptted by Zaymn's loud groan coming from behind Louis' shorter body.

“You can’t hit girls, Harry!” He swiped the girl from my arms, easily lifting her and carrying her to the couch. She was easy to carry, tiny compared to all of us, well she was around Louis' height, thought shorter than the rest. Zayn brought her to the couch quickly, laying her down on the leather and stepping back as Liam walked forwards, pressing an ice pack to the bruise on the edge of her head.

                “I didn’t hit her with my hand you idiot! I hit her with the door to the coffee shop.” I clarified, crossing my arms tightly over my chest and glaring a bit at Zayn. "I wouldn't hit anyone." 

                “Even better!” Liam laughed, putting the frozens on her forehead. “Well not much we can do now but to wait for her to wake up.”

                “You probably won’t have to wait very long for that.” A soft voice said, slightly high pitched and very very light. The girl sat up, rubbing her forehead, her blue eyes jumping from the five of us who were smiling and standing before her.

                “Welcome back, beautiful!” Louis grinned, leaning forwwards to crush her in a tight hug, which was awkwardly returned by the girl a clear confusion plastered on her face.

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