Give me it!

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 Sorry for the late upload! DON'T HATE ME! I had to rewrite this so many times it wasnt funny! Anyways!!! The OLYMPICS! DAMN HAVE YOU SEEN TOM DALEY??!?! *

This Chapter is dedicated to teh beautiful tiffyj1d! Because she was the first to comment {Cue clapping!} Next trivia question at bottom!
*Le Dead!* He is beautiful, just so beautiful...

Leave your opionons and comments, thoughts, anything. 




Also! Vore for our boys at the VMA i think it was? oh well Nialler posted a link on his twitter! Follow me on Twitter at @Phenomeniall5 do it! or else i send my army of rabid spoons at you!

                “WAKE UP! Simon needs to talk to us, plus its almost noon!” Somebody yelled jumping on our bed. Harry groaned and tightened his arm around my waist pulling me closer to his bare chest. “Really Simon is waiting to talk to us” They repeated. I fluttered my eyes open to meet a pair of warm brown ones and a puppy face, Liam.

                “Morning Liam” I said sleepily “I’ll get Harold up, be out in like five” Liam nodded and walked out of the room leaving me and Harry once again. “Hazza love you gotta get up, come on Simon needs to talk to us” I told him kissing his jaw line.

Once again he groaned and buried his head into my neck eye lashes flickering against my skin “But babe, I don’t want to get up”

                “You have to Simon needs to talk to us” I laughed kissing him again.

                “No, I just want to lay here with my love” He said again his voice deep and crackly from morning voice.

                “Haz! You really really need to get up, if I make pancakes will you get up?” I asked giving him another kiss on the corner of his lips.

He opened his eyes green piercing into me “Chocolate chip?”

                “I don’t have any chocolate” I lied knowing I had a stash of it in the bottom of my bag.

                “LIAR!” Harry screeched laughing “Niall and I found it, bottom of your bag love nice try!” He replied cheerfully jumping out of bed strutting out of the room shaking his bum at me. I laughed and followed him out putting my hair into a messy bun and smoothing out my tank top. The boys were already sitting down on the couch with Liam’s laptop set out in front of them with their manager’s face on the screen. I smiled sleepily and slid onto the couch inbetween Harry and Nialler. Leaning my head on Niall’s shoulder Simon flipped through a couple papers before stopping at a sheet and looked back into the camera.

                “Good morning to everybody! First things first, about Madison” Simon said looking towards my direction on camera. My eyes widen.

                “Whatever Paul said I did I didn’t do it” I babbled bringing my knees to my chest and hugging them.

Simon laughed and shook his head still laughing then straightened up clearing his throat “No, it’s good news. A model company, more specifically the company Ms. Calder works for saw a copy of you with the boys and wanted to know if you would be interested in working with them. Eleanor has already offered to share a flat with you and was happy to hear, she also says hello to Louis. So Madison what do you think?”

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