"Maybe 20 in a populated place"

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Our time in Holmes Chapel was well spent sitting around with Harry for the most days just relaxing and taking breaks, being with his family, going out to eat, of course texting the lads about how much I love and miss them while they are away, seeing old friends, most things were just laid back catching up on old  times. Sadly enough it was time for our departure for Australia. Zayn, Louis, Liam were driving to London Airport to meet up with the rest of our crew. Niall had arrived yesterday and was already at Harry’s house ready to leave with us. Granuteed he had eaten half of Anne’s kitchen by then but he was still complaining he was hungry.

                “Bye Anne we will be back soon for a visit” I assured her with a hug before turning to Gemma “Gems! See you soon!”

They waved us off as we climbed in Harry’s Rover checking everything before making sure we had everything. The girls were picking me up at the airport to head back and then the three of us fly down to Australia by ourselves so I tagged along with Harry to say goodbye to everyone before we didn’t see them for two days. Arriving at the airport I noticed Harry had been unusually quiet for the ride not speaking at all. Niall was sleeping in the back seat stretched out on the back seats his blonde hair messy and drool coming from the side of his mouth.

                “Hey Haz you ok?” I questioned climbing out of the car as Harry held the door open for me a distant look in his eyes. The green orbs snapped down to my face as he smiled but I could tell it was a forced smile.

                “I really don’t want to leave you for two days” He whined pulling at my hands as we leaned against the Rover.

I giggled. He is too cute.

                “Aw Haz you are adorable. Babe it won’t be long I will call you every night I promise and when I get down there we can have an us day, we haven’t done that in a while”

                “But-But” Harry stuttered looking sadly down at me with his stunning green eyes “I won’t be able to do this everyday”

He gently laid his lips against mine pinning me against the car side. I could feel him smiling against me lips as he hands drifted down to my waist pulling me closer to him. He pulled on my bottom lip before pulling back and leaning his forehead against mine.

                “No you won’t… can we sit on the roof of the car?”

Harry gave me the weirdest look for changing the topic. I doubled over laughed and climbed on the roof of his Rover looking out of the parking lot.

                “Let’s see if we can find Zayn he texted me saying he was pulling in now” Harry said “first one to find him gets ice cream when e meet up in Australia.”

An idea popped into my head and I stood up on the roof of the car “VASHAPPENIN’? I screamed.

From amongst the madness of the cars there was a reply “THAT’S MY LINE!”      

Niall climbed out of the car yawning and mentioning he was heading inside for some food because he was hungry. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and Harry a man hug before running off with his bags.

I laughed and slid off the car taking Harry’s hand in mine. We ran through the cars yelling “Vas Happenin?” at the tops of our lungs.

                “VAS HAPPENIN?” Zayn yelled again.

                “Harry let me get on your shoulders, might be easier to find him” I suggested.

Harry bent down and I sat on his shoulders. He shakily got to his feet and we continued our search.

                “Hey! I see his hair Harry! ZAYN” I screamed waving at the Bradford boy across the parking lot.

His brown eyes snapped up and immediately started running for us. It took him about five minutes weaving in and out of cars with his luggage to get to us. I was still perched up on Harry’s shoulder when he arrived. The two band mates embraced in a manly hug… *cough cough* not *cough cough*.  Harry planted a wet sloppy kiss on Zayn’s cheek and Zayn returned the favor. I patted Zayn’s hair from above catching his attention.

                “Hey there” He smiled having Harry switch me over to the older boy’s shoulder. Soon I was perched on top of Zayn’s shoulder. I gingerly kissed his cheek.

                “Missed you Zayny” I giggled patting the top of his head “Now Eleanor said they are pulling in… but only as fast as Louis will go. So how fast does Louis drive?”

                “Maybe around 20 in a populated area” Harry mumbled.

I groaned and looked around for a car moving slowly. There it was creeping slowly through the crowds of cars.

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