Last Chapter

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  • Dedicated to All My Wonderful Readers

Life In One Direction chpt 45 (Last Chapter!!!!)

“The girls are up to something” Liam muttered from my left. I leaned over his shoulder looking down at his phone. Louis asked how he knew “Danielle said they had a surprise for all five of us, Madi do you something?” to tell the truth yes, yes I do!

“No clue Li” I lied leaning on Harry’s shoulder. Boots cat carrier sat in my lap as the kitten sat in Niall’s lap playing with the drawstrings on his hoodie.

“She’s lying” Harry stated. “You play with your fingers when you lie”

“Really I know nothing” I said.

“LIAR!” Louis screeched.

After about thirty minutes of debating if I knew something they finally gave up realizing that they weren’t getting an answer. My phone buzzed softly in my pocket.

TO: Madison

From: Allison

Your dress got sent back to me! oh well, pick it up sometime before the wedding so I know it fits (:


TO: Allison

Sorry was in Australia (: but alrighty will do! Love you!

“HOME SWEET HOME!” Zayn yelled stepping out of the car drawing the attention of the crowd of fans out front. Zayn let out a scream and pushed his way through nicely as he could. Louis climbed out after. then Liam and Niall finally Harry and I got to get out. I smiled and waved to the girls as Haz signed a few things for the fans. His arm snaked its way around my waist gluing me to his side as I leaned into his tall body. Finally we squeezed out way through the crowd. Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn had already gone up to the apartment leaving Hazza and I to catch the next lift.

“Haz, I’m going to miss you..” I said quietly as we entered the lift. Harry wrapped his arms around me in a hug pulling me tightly to his chest.

“It will be over before you know it” He whispered in my ear swaying back and forth. “Did you hear Zayn got a girlfriend”

“Really? Is it that Perrie girl he was telling me about?” I asked excitedly. Harry nodded flipping his curls out of his eyes.

The doors opened with a soft ding and we walked into Eleanor’s flat. A loud commotion was going on inside as Harry opened the door.

“Ladies first” He smiled.

“Doesn’t that mean you should go first?” I joked.

“I was trying to be nice” Harry whined stomping his foot. I laughed pecking his lips quickly and darted into the flat “That was not a kiss! I demand a redo!” He yelled after me running in after me.

“Harry!” Louis yelled excitedly “Look at who’s here!” Two little girls shot past Louis legs and tackled Harry. “Madison these are my little sisters Daisy and Phoebe and the other two Fizzy and Lottie are in the kitchen. Oh Hazza your mummy is in the kitchen waiting for you”

“MUMMY!” Harry said running into the kitchen with the twins still attached to his legs. Louis grabbed my wrist and pulled me in the kitchen.

Danielle and Eleanor were the first to get to me giving me hugs and chatting about my new job quickly. Niall was over by a short blonde haired lady and a tall brown haired boy.

“You must be Madison!” The blonde lady smiled hugging me. I hugged her back “I’m Niall’s mum Maura and my oldest Son Greg”

Ew went around meeting their families. Zayn’s mum and three sisters. Liam’s Mum, Dad (They all called him Daddy Payne) and his sisters Ruth and Nicola. Louis’ quite large family his Mum Jay, Lottie, Fizzy and the twins Phoebe and Daisy. And of course Anne and Harry’s step dad Robin who I haven’t seen since we moved.

“Is that who I think it is?” Robin asked looking down at me.

“Hi Daddy!” I laughed hugging the older man. He chuckled. Harry’s family was like a second family to me so I called Robin dad and he did the same with my mum and dad.

“Harry take care of her, hurt her and I make sure you never sing again boy” Robin chuckled.

***Later at the Airport***

“Bye boys” Danielle, Eleanor and I chorused together bringing them in for a group hug. Dan, El and I were squished in the middle of the five teenage boys around us. Once we pulled back I latched onto Harry.

“I’ll call you every night princess ok?” He said in my ear kissing down my jaw until he reached my lips pecking them three times “I’m going to miss you a lot love”

“Me too Haz” I said back kissing him again “Be safe, don’t get mauled by fans and try to stay out of trouble.” I paused for a minute before laughing “Who am I kidding your Harry Styles you always get into trouble!”

“yes, yes I do! But it won’t be any fun without you to get into trouble with”

I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder.

“BOYS!” Liam yelled “Olly’s here we have to go now”

Harry and I pulled apart.

“Go on! You have America to see boy” I laughed kissing him.

“I love you” Harry mouthed walking backwards onto the plane.

“I love you too” I mouthed back before the doors shut on him cutting him and I off.

Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket.

From: HazzaBear

To: Madison

I miss you already ): love you can’t wait to see you in three months xxx (:


So thank you to every single one of you who read my story! I never expected it to get this many reads! Like it's awesome! 

There will be a Sequel! 

And i have a new story i'm working on it right now as you read this final chapter! 

It's going to be called 'Wrong, but So Right' it is a Zayn Malik story. it came to me the other day!

it should be up say.... Sunday? We'll say Sunday! If i don't post it on Sunday message me so i post it because I procrastionate..... a lot.... like A LOT!


August 24, 2012

Life in One Direction (Harry Styles Love story!)Where stories live. Discover now