Encounters with..HIM

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Zayn you can’t bury people in the sand” I scolded as I trotted over to the two boys. They grinned down at me and kissed my cheek.

On the ground Harry was sound asleep under a pile of sand. Zayn was standing back admiring his handy work with a grin on his face from ear to ear. I quickly took a picture of my boyfriend and his pile of sand and uploaded it to Twitter.

Madi33: @Harry_Styles Styles likes to take naps on beaches… not a clever idea with Zayn around with a shovel in reach! #Sandybuns!

I tweeted and quickly #SandyBuns! Was trending all over twitter. I smiled and put my phone away.

A camera man quickly followed the lads over filming the scene that was in front of me.

                “Harry decided to lie down on the beach and take a quick power nap, Zayn brought it upon himself to bury him in the sand. He has a sinister mind.” Louis started his arm draped around Liam’s arm.

                Liam quickly snapped his finger and pulled a face at the camera “He’ll bury you in sand!”

I giggled and pulled Dylan against my legs laughing along with me as we both watched the boys adding sand to the Harry mound.  The boys kept filming watching as Zayn shoveled more sand onto Harry.

                “OI! What are you doing to me?” Harry screamed as he slowly woke up and tried to move.

By this point I was laughing so hard my sides were aching. Dylan was resting on Louis’s back playing with his hair as he stood next to Liam a few meters back from Zayn and Niall.

                “Nothing sandy” Niall laughed clutching onto Zayn’s shoulder to keep himself from toppling over.

Harry grunted and stood up from the pile of sand. “GAH! It is in my trousers!” He yelled making a bee line for the water.

                “Don’t do that Harry! We need the trousers for tomorrow!” Liam yelled after him, but it was too late for Harry trousers. (A/N: Trousers are pants but in English language! :D) Harry pulling at the waist line of his trousers doing a funny little jig shaking wet sand from his pants.

                “ZAYN!” Harry hollered emerging from the water and running full speed at Zayn. Zayn shrieked and braced for Harry to hit.

Curly tackled Zayn to the ground straddling his waist and glaring down at him. Harry quickly moved his hands to Zayn’s hair and ruffled it messing up his quiff. 

                “MY HAIR!!!” Zayn yelled shoving Harry off his chest and running to the trailer.

                “Zayn! Put on swim trunks! We are leaving” I called to Zayn as he ran past me. He nodded and hastily made his way into the trailer mumbling something about Harry.”You lads too, unless you are swimming in trousers… is Paul here?”

                “Yeah he left to go find your family and clear the beach when he saw you come over.” Liam said as the rest of the boys went past me.

I stared at Liam in awe “C-clear the b-beach?”

He scoffed at me “We are One Direction. We do things in style hunny.” He laughed and closed the trailer door leaving me and Dylan outside waiting for them.

                “WOUIE!” Dylan whined plopping herself down in the white sand. I laughed and picked her up in my arms.

                “Louis will be back in a minute” She nodded and snuggled her head into the crook of my neck, her blonde hair tickling my face.

Life in One Direction (Harry Styles Love story!)Where stories live. Discover now