Fruit cups with cherries for Harry

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“Howdy Liam!” I smiled at him as I watched over his shoulder watching him rewrite his signature over and over again on posters CDs, books, basically anything that could be written on.

                “You sound like Woody” Liam chuckled without taking his eyes off the papers.

I patted his head and moved on to Harry who was sitting down at the end of the table with Zayn. I sat in-between their chairs.

                “Hello!” I chirped.

They both looked down at me with a smile. Zayn waved before returning back to the table where the girls were shoving papers at the boys to sign. Harry smiled at me and gave a quick wink only big enough for me to see before turning back around.

After a half hour the boys were finally done with the signing and their mini concert. From there we had go straight to the soundcheck. The arena we were playing wasn’t too far from the mall so it wasn’t too bad of a ride.

                “Ok! Boys position!” Mike’s voice boomed over the sound system in the arena. The boys kissed the top of my head before running out on stage.

Louis ran and slid on his stomach like a penguin across stage. He is stupid they just waxed the stage! I stifled a laugh as I watched Louis go sliding across the stage into the platforms the drums were set up on. I broke out into a fit of laughter as he laid there. Soon the boys joined in on stage their laughs echoing around the arena from the microphones.

                “You my friend are a bloody genius!” Mark laughed over the system from up in the booth. “Boys, bad news no “I want” tonight we don’t have a pianist.”

The boys groaned and Louis fell to the floor again in fake tears.                

From backstage James came running out “Madison can play piano!” He yelled then ran back.

I groaned and buried my head in my arms. There was cheering then I was lifted off the ground. I picked my head up and saw Zayn carrying me over to the grand piano that was on stage. He put me down on the black bench in front of the piano and ran around with the other boys.

                “Let’s hear what you got Madison!” Mike said over the system.

I looked down at the black and white keys positioning my fingers carefully on the keys. What song? I pondered for a minute before a song popped in my head. “The river flows in you” By Yiruma. It is a Japanese song composed by Yiruma. My dad brought me to see one of his performances when   I was 13. He had to be the greatest performer I had ever heard. His fingers moved so freely over the keys.

I took a deep breath and started letting my fingers flow over the keys. The sound from the piano filling my ears. Each note painting a picture in my mind. This was why I loved the piano, it was always in key and the sound was so calming.

I held out the last note and took my fingers off the keys and opened my eyes. The stage that previously only had five teenage boys sitting on it was now filled with everyone in the arena I swear. They were all starring at me with the jaws open wide. I blushed and looked down dragging my fingers over the keys once more without hitting any to make noise. It was perfect silence in the arena for the longest time until Louis broke the silence.

                “That was…. AMAZING!” He screamed the last part and tackled me in a hug sending me to the ground. Lou stood up with me still in his arms. The other boys soon joined us tackling me in a group hug.

                “Lads let Madison go before you break her. Madison, will you play that tonight for us as opening to the opening act? And then play piano for us?” Mick asked.

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