Trouble with security

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Dedicated to this wonderful girl because hse has commented on almost every chapter and she makes me believe that people actually like my story! So thank you!~Sarah

“Madison wake up!” Brett shook me shoulder waking me out of my deep sleep.

I fluttered my eyes open and saw a very excited Brett standing in front of me a smile on his face from ear to ear.

                “What time is it?”

                “8! But Jaycee woke up now the doctors are having her fill out papers and then she can go home!” He practically squealed in excitement sounding like a five year old.

                “That’s fantastic! Come on lets go wait with her!” I grabbed Brett’s hands and pulled him out to the lobby where my best friend was sitting at the counter handing the lady paper work. Jaycee turned around to face us with a big smile on her face. Only a few scratches covered her face a few on her forehead and on her arm. Other than that she was fine.

Brett ran over Jaycee and swept her up in a hug his face looked like a kid on Christmas morning.

                “Come on love birds I need to go! My boys are waiting for me!” I giggled as I walked past them. “Nice to have you back Jaycee” I winked at her and ran over to Brett’s truck.

They drove me home which wasn’t far from the hospital. Being home was the hotel/ tour bus! But this week being the hotel.

                “Tanks for driving me! And Jaycee no more driving ok sweetheart?” She giggled and flipped me the bird “Love you!” I said to the both of them before skipping happily into the hotel.

Ok, it is good to know that the Jaycee-could-possibly-die problem was out of the way. Now, the signing and paparazzi to deal with. Luckily the signing doesn’t sound so bad, but the paparazzi on the other hand.

The lift opened on the boys floor. I stepped out and went down the Louis’s where most of the noise was already accruing. Yes, surprisingly at 8 in the morning five teenage boys (maybe four if Zayn is still asleep) are up and making noise.

I knocked on the door waiting for them to answer.

                “You are entering a war zone!” Liam yelled from inside.

                “Open up please!” I called back.

There was a soft click and the door opened slightly. I stepped inside and turned my back to close the door. When I turned back around Zayn was standing over me holding a Nerf gun in one hand and a larger Nerf gun in the other.

                “Hold this!” He shoved the small gun at me then grabbed my waist pushing me out in front of him.

                “Well good morning to you guys to!” I sighed and let Zayn move and guide me around.

                “Get down!” Zayn hissed in my ear.

I ducked down behind the couch and heard the shuffle of feet.

                “DDDDIIIIEEE!” Harry yelled as he dove over the couch tumbling over the couch and landing behind Zayn and I. Zayn quickly spun and dragged me in front of him using me as a shield. He slowly stood up holding me against his chest.

                “Shoot and you kill the girl” Zayn said in a Spanish accent making ridiculous faces.

                “Let her go!” Harry held the gun at arms length pointing at Zayn’s chest which is my neck/ chest.

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