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Adding my own personal touch to the outfit I hang the matching bracelets Dani, Eleanor and I had bought from a store before coming down here. I pulled on the shoes walking back into the room and into the bathroom only to find Zayn in there admiring himself.

                “Oh my god! What is that thing in the mirror?” I teased poking his ribs through the blue t-shirt he wore.

                ‘That my dear is one very sexy guy” Zayn answered with a signature smirk.

                “Ok bebes you think that!” I giggled.      

His brown eyes rolled at me. I rolled mine right back at him booty bumping him from the mirror and taking his place. Zayn grabbed my waist putting me behind him and he stepped in front of me. Well I looked good enough. Running the brush through my hair once more I left the bathroom not before punching Zayn’s shoulder lightly and playfully. Niall and Harry sat on the couch watching some Australian talk show. The blonde woman on the screen laughed and nodded reading over the questions.

                “We are going on that show in a couple of days so we wanted to watch it” Niall explained flicking the telly off and stretching his limbs.

I smiled at him giving him a hug. Once the gang was ready we all left the room. Harry and Zayn exchanged glances as if talking in a band language. Harry nodded and they both took hold of my hands as we entered the lobby. Niall closed in behind us making sure to hold onto Zayn’s free hand. Haz and Zayn squished besides me and Zayn smiled apologetically at me.

                “Sorry love we can’t take any risks to lose you” He whispered against my ear then kissing my temple.

Harry gave the doors a shove and the waves of screams hit me like a freight train. I cringed inwardly and felt the boys hands tighten on mine. Security made paths for us holding back fans. I walked with my head down looking away from the fans as the boys shot award winning smiles at the camera and girls. Niall was muttering to himself behind us and laughed at something. I turned, to see Niall looking at posters girls held up a couple with funny sayings on them. I also joined in Niall’s laughing. Niall said something to me and we both were breathless with laughter. Harry pulled me into the limo and Niall and I were still in stitches both our faces bright red with lack of air.

                “OK, OK! That was a good one” I laughed patting Niall’s knee.

Niall wiped away a tear and nodded “Tanks I will be here all year long”

The restraunt was crowded with fans and police standing out front. I grabbed the boy’s hands and Niall latched onto Zayn’s hand. AW! ZIALL MOMENT! :D I giggled at myself in my head thinking of the bromances fans had come up with. But I still think Niam is the cutest. I mean Liam’s shyness and Niall’s cuteness is just unbearable, they could take over the world with Niam they really could!

Danielle, Liam, Louis and Eleanor were already sitting at a back table chatting happily and Louis pulling some stupid face across the table at Danielle causing her to fall over on Liam in laughter. Eleanor spotted us and jumped up embracing me in a hug. I smiled and hugged her back her brown hair tickling my face. Danielle followed Eleanor over a sway in her hips. I knew the game she was playing. Behind her Liam was staring at her wide eyed and smiling dreamily. He is so in love with her.

Danielle stopped right in front of me a scowl on her face. I raised an eyebrow at her.

                “MADISON!” Danielle yelled breaking out into a smile and hugging me tightly.

I hugged her back. We all took our seats at the table Harry sitting next to me his hand resting on my knee drawing light patterns onto it.

                “So Madison I have great news for you” Liam smiled reading something off his phone “Ryan has been put away and back in America also for eight years!”

I jumped out of my chair throwing my arms in the air. The spur of the moment I kissed everybody on the cheek celebrating.

                “GUYS! He can’t terrorize me anymore! YES!” I screamed jumping around.

Harry stood up kissing me and pulling me back to the booth “No more love, now let’s sit because we are getting some pretty weird looks”

I glanced around the restraunt and saw people staring at me like I was crazy. I smiled apologetically and entwined mine and Harry’s hand under the table. Harry grinned down at me like a child getting sweets. The waiter came around taking our orders. Once he left I turned to Niall who was on my right.

                “Did you notice how he clicked his tongue after a pause?” I whispered in Niall’s ear.

Niall’s face lit up and he smiled at me leaning into my ear “I thought I only noticed it!”

We shared a good laugh and a few looks for the others but we shook our heads. The waiter returned and passed out the phone. I turned away from the guy biting the inside of my cheeks to keep from laughing. Niall was already on the ground laughing not being able to contain himself. I cracked. My laughter burst through the air and my face turned tomato. Zayn came up with an excuse for us two and the waiter nodded and walked off.

                “What is with you two?” Louis asked curiously.

I looked over at Niall and clicked my tongue which sent him into hysterics. I giggled and face palmed myself. The waiter returned and Niall sat up trying to keep a straight face as the guy handed out our food. Harry and I decided to split a plate of steak tips and mashed potatoes. Haz picked up a piece of steak on the fork and pushed it against my closed lips letting some of the juices trail on them.

                “Open up!” Haz cheered gleefully.

I opened my mouth and he popped the juicy piece of steak into my mouth then he picked up a piece for himself popping it in his mouth as well. Louis let out a loud ‘aw!’ causing us all to laugh. Lou went on about how cute me and Haz were until Eleanor shoved a carrot in his mouth that shut him up. Niall was already on his second plate of pasta eating away happily. This boy eats like three times his weight. Liam and Danielle were chatting while eating their food. And Louis and Zayn were throwing bits of bread at each other while Eleanor sat there scolding them. They only laughed and continued on with their games.

                “So when do the concert start up again?”

Liam looked up from his plate of fish and chips “We start the day after tomorrow, last day off tomorrow what are our plans?”

                “I’m taking the girls to the fair down the road I think Niall and Zayn are joining. How about you two?” Louis asked nodding to Liam and Harry.

                “I’m going with you lot to the fair, Harry?” Liam answered biting a chip.

                “I have somewhere I need to be” Harry mumbled a grin on his face.

Louis raised his eyebrows at Harry and wiggled them. They had an inside thing going on here…. Dinner was finished and it was about 7 so we all agreed to head down to the beach right down the road from our hotels. Harry clamped onto my hand pulling me through the crowd his green eyes flickering back to me every few seconds. The crowd outside the hotel had grown twice its size since an hour ago and the number of police in the area had grown also. Harry hurried us inside to our room. I kissed his soft lips before skipping off into the bedroom to put on my bathing suit. Searching through my suitcases I found my neon green bikini and pulled it on. Harry came out of the bathroom in just his swim trunks again showing off those beautiful abs. 

Hey Directioners! sorry i dropped off the face of the earth lately I was in New York for the week with my friends. it was a blast and guess what?! We passed Madison Square and the boys were on a poster! of course me being me i screamed a drew attention to myself then some random ran over and screamed with me before yelling "Live Hardcore to be Hardcore"!! SO if that girl so happens to read this i absolutly love you! LOVE YOU! WEll boys are in Texas along with Olly Murs! <3 BYe everybody!

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