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Harry’s P.O.V

                “Harry! Harry! Get up!” Madison yelled jumping up mad down on the bed before sitting herself down on my stomach. I groaned and wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her so she was laying flat down on my body. “No, bad Harry you need to get up!”

I chuckled and rolled over taking her with me.

                “Harry! I don’t have a shirt on please let me go” Madison whined pulling at my arms.

I held on tighter and kissed her neck softly working my way up to her lips. She giggled softly and tried rolling out of my arms.

                “Harry Edward Styles! Get your fat butt up now!”

I nuzzled my head in her back softly kissing up and down it.

                “Harry time to get up” She said again twisting in my arms so she fell from my grasp. She shuffled to the dresser and pulled out the Batman shirt Liam gave her and threw it on then came back over to me standing on the bed. The bed started bouncing as she jumped up and down yelling time to get up.

                “OK! I’m up!” I said stumbling out of bed.

Madison smiled happily and skipped out of the room and into the kitchen. Today is Brit’s day and Simon wanted us to go to his office early to talk with him really quick. I groaned and followed Madison out. She was already bouncing around the room belting out lyrics to What Makes You Beautiful. Louis quickly joined her and the pair we running all around singing their heads off. Zayn was slumped in the kitchen chairs talking to Niall who was inhaling his toast. Eleanor and Danielle had left to get some shopping done and Liam was sitting on the couch watching Toy Story 2. I fell to the couch next to Liam and watched the movie.

                “THAT’S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!” Madison yelled as they came running down the stairs Louis carrying Madison on his back and the two now moving onto Gotta Be You.  I rolled my eyes and zoned back in on the movie.

                “HARRY AND LOUUUU!”  Louis screeched pouncing on my lap messing up my curls.

I playfully swatted him away and flipped my curls from my eyes. Madison came and sat down on my lap her eyes wide. She’s hyper.

                “Heyyy Harry! Can I have more tea, like the kind Niall made me?” She asked quickly.

I side glanced at Niall “Niall how many sugars did you put in Madison’s tea?”

                “I don’t know eight nine?” he guessed.

                “NIALL! You can’t give her that much sugar she gets hyper”

Niall only laughed and shook his head.

                “SO MUCH ENERGY!” Madison screamed.

Zayn scowled “Shut up!”

Madison stop looking at Zayn then got off me walking straight into our room slamming the door shut behind her. Everybody slowly turned to Zayn even Liam who actually paused his movie for this. Zayn sat at the table rubbing his temples and glaring at the hardwood table.

                “Mate, you just cant yell at her like that” Liam said softly.

Zayn looked up from the table “Sorry, I’m stressed.”

I sighed and followed Madison to the room. The door was locked but Madison was laughing madly behind the door and mumbled something.


Life in One Direction (Harry Styles Love story!)Where stories live. Discover now