Pools with Baby Lux

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                “So this is the hotel. You can go out but don’t get lost, call me if you do and only two to a room. I cant trust the five of you in one, sorry.” Paul said pointing to the boys as we rode to lift up to the top floor of the hotel in Texas.

It was extremely hot here but I knew it would be like this, but for the boys they find this paradise because it was warm for a change not cold London.

                “Baby and I will share a room!” Harry yelled taking my hand when the lift doors open at took the third door on the left hand side. Louis and Niall got the one on the right to the left and Liam and Zayn on our left. Paul was across the hall and their stylist next door to Paul.

                “Baby Lux!” Louis yelled as a tall brown haired woman stepped out of the lift carrying a blonde haired baby girl in her arms. The baby reached out her chubby arms clenching and unclenching her tiny fists for Louis to pick her up. Louis picked the baby up in his arms carrying her over to Harry.

Harry immediately took the baby in his arms placing a kiss on her cheek.

                “Meet my god daughter Lux!” Harry announced.

                “Aw! She is adorable! Hey there little princess” I cooed.

                “Caroline, can we bring her to the pool downstairs?” Niall asked.

Their stylist nodded her head handing the boys a baby swimsuit from the baby bag on her shoulder. Niall handed it over to Harry who ran inside to change the baby. I smiled and followed him in. I put on my light purple bikini and waited for Harry to get on his swimsuit. He left baby Lux with me while he got changed. She was the cutest little thing blue eyes and blonde hair always a grin on her face and giggling madly when Harry came in.

The pool was empty besides us goof balls swimming around. Zayn refused to swim in the deep end because he didn’t know how to swim. Harry was pulling Lux around the pool in her floatie and playing with her. I was swimming laps around the pool with Liam determined to beat him.

                “You’re going down Payne.” I said as I came up for breath.

I was on the schools swim team was I lived in California so I could do this all day but then Liam was fit really fit and he probably could too.

                “You too Clark” He replied as we swam another lap. It was a long rectangular pool big sized though.

Liam quit after 36 laps around the pool but I kept swimming.

                “How can you keep going?” Niall asked as I floated past him I was doing to back stroke so I watch the boys.

                “I was on the swim team in middle school through high school. This is all we did all practice. My highest was 68 laps.”

                “Geez! That’s a lot!” Niall breathed running his hand through his wet hair.

                “That’s how my girl says sexy” Harry winked at me from across the pool.

I blushed and ducked under water pushing off from the ground and heading over to the opposite side of the pool towards Liam and Zayn. They were sitting on the steps relaxing.

                “Come in the water.” I said splashing them a bit as I sat down in the shallow water.

                “My legs still hurt from swimming those laps!” Liam whined and I nodded turning to Zayn.

                “I cant swim”

                “Here I will teach you! Niall take Zayn for a minute.” I got out of the pool and grabbed an large floatie kick board that they use in swim lessons. I swam back over to Zayn and Niall. Zayn was holding onto the edge looking at me worriedly. I handed him the float and taught him how to kick and paddle. Soon he was kicking and paddling around the pool with the float under his stomach keeping him out. It was a very successful day I would say! Cause I taught Zayn to swim! Yeah!

                “Alright I’m going back upstairs come up when you are done. Don’t let Zayn drown and don’t hurt Lux.” I instructed before leaving the pool area.

Outside the window fans were lined up pressing against it hoping to get a glimpse of the lads. I smiled and waved as I walked past them. Flashes lit up the hall as I went past to the lift. I laughed as I entered the lift clicking the button to the top floor.

I quickly stripped off my bikini jumping into the shower for a scrub. I rinsed the chlorine out of my hair with the strawberry shampoo. Flicking the shower off  I wrapped a light blue towel around my body and skipped out the door softly humming to myself.

                “Nice to see you” Harry chuckled surprising me.

I blushed deep red and pulled the towel tighter.

                “Embarrassed love? Come on get dressed it’s almost nine and the lads want a movie night before the concert and club tomorrow night sounds like fun?”

I nodded and pulled on a pair of white shorts and a blue t-shirt. I grabbed Harry’s hand and pulled him over to Niall’s room where they decided we would host movie night. Tonight’s movie picked was Finding Nemo. I think the boys gave up scary movies for now after I watched the last one with them.

By the end Niall was crying over the movie.

                “Niall baby? What’s wrong?” I patted his shoulder. All five of us were sitting on Niall and Louis bed watching the movie.

                “I always cry during this movie I don’t know why” He choked a tear escaping his eyes.

I giggled and wiped away the tear.

                “Only a movie Nialler. Alrighty lads I’m going to bed see you all in the morning and behave yourselves.” I gave the boys each a kiss on the top of the head before hugging Harry and gave him a quick peck goodnight. He was going to hang with the boys and spend some time with them.

Sorry guys this is a really bad chapter! It is more a filler than chapter so yeahh! Thanks for reading!




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